fake prince

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Su Ziji no longer looked at the unwilling corpse, but he knew when the pair of little beggars hid. At that time, Xun Sichen was talking, probably agitated, but he didn't notice that the two children without martial arts approached him.

Seeing that the faces of the pair of little beggars were covered in blood and they did not dare to move, Su Ziji paused, walked up to him in a few steps, lowered himself, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and wiped his face clean.

Seeing that the siblings did not scream even though their bodies trembled slightly, Su Ziji nodded: "You guys follow me from now on."

As soon as he said that, the sound of killing outside gradually subsided. When Su Ziji got up, he heard a shrill voice shouting: "In the peaceful and prosperous age, the world is bright and bright, someone dares to assassinate the imperial court official! I have to go back and report to the imperial envoy to let him investigate the matter." Matter! To everyone, to Mr. Su an explanation!"

When it comes to the latter, the vibrato has already been brought on, and it is not clear whether it is resentment or fear.

When Su Ziji confronted Xun Sichen just now, Cen Rubai, who was also at the screen, was very sensible and hid in the corner, not to cause trouble for Su Ziji.

Compared to Su Ziji, who looks like a weak scholar on the surface, but is actually a strong boss, Cen Rubai is a really weak scholar with the same appearance and appearance.

If he was by Su Ziji's side, he wasn't helping, but actually holding him back.

At this time, he walked over slowly, took a look at Xun Sichen who was lying on the ground, and said to Su Ziji, "I know that you will be able to deal with this person."

Su Ziji smiled, and pointed at the two children: "If they are willing to follow me, they can go on the road with me. What happened just now may scare them."

Cen Rubai saw that although the brother and sister were afraid, they were able to control themselves, which was much better than the frightened adults outside.

Just nodded: "It looks really good."

Ask them their names.

While Su Ziji was walking out, he saw Zhang Sui yelling and trembling as he was about to go back overnight, so he stopped immediately, pointed to the two armored soldiers, and said, "The way back may not be peaceful. Let the two go back with you."

While speaking, Su Ziji went to Zhang Sui's side, and patted Zhang Sui's uninjured shoulder: "This time, you will be surprised. Bandage the wound first, and it's not too late to leave."

Zhang Sui met Su Ziji's eyes, and for some reason, he seemed to have been seen through, and smiled guilty: "That's right, ouch!"

Then he screamed again in pain.

Su Ziji was also a little speechless at his appearance, and ordered the armor soldiers to apply the golden sore medicine that they carried with them to Zhang Sui, and then washed the wound and bandaged it.

Even so, Zhang Sui immediately proposed to go back again.

"Be careful all the way." Su Ziji didn't stop him this time, and watched the two armored soldiers escort Zhang Sui into an ox cart, and went back along the way he came. He gradually lost sight under the night, so he looked away.

"This man is scared." Cen Rubai came to Su Ziji's side at this moment, and sneered, "Why does he want to go back and report to the imperial envoy so that he can investigate the matter, but he clearly doesn't want to accompany the young master to go forward, for fear of encountering danger again .”

This was his own intention, otherwise Su Ziji smiled and said, "This is human nature, and being able to report back to the imperial envoy is considered a prick. The imperial envoy is a member of the king of Shu. Once he learned about this, he would be fine." It is impossible not to take the opportunity to take eye drops. Although we did not die, we also injured a few, and this is still under the condition of preparation."

"If we're not prepared, at this moment, there are only ten people who have joined us inside and out. I'm afraid we've already changed places with those corpses on the ground."

"Because I have to continue on my way, there is no way to immediately retaliate against the people behind the scenes. With the help of the imperial envoy, it is considered a relief."

"Then what should we do with these dead bodies?" Cen Rubai looked around: "There must always be one or two people left here, so that people from Mingde Mansion will come after dawn."

"No need." Su Ziji shook his head: "Zhang Sui went back to report to the imperial envoy, and sent two people to follow him. The imperial envoy got the news and would not ignore it. The corpses here are left for them to finish. Let's continue on our way."

"As for the boss and guys here, if they are still here, give them some silver taels and let them go to other places first. If they are not here..."

Cen Rubai answered: "Then they may also be members of King Qi, and they have already ambushed here, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that there is an inn in this wild place."

"Of course, it may be that we were scared away."

Cen Rubai caught a glimpse of the two siblings not far away who were carefully looking at them: "You can ask those two little beggars about this."

After a while, some armored soldiers who went to search the backyard came back and reported that the boss and the staff who had prepared the guest room for them had disappeared, and they didn't know whether they were scared away or they were in the same gang as the assassin, so they fled. up.

Su Ziji ordered people to gather the dead bodies into the lobby. Although he didn't intend to just deal with people like this, it would be too time-consuming, but he could do it by gathering the dead bodies together so as not to scare the passers-by.

At this time, Cen Rubai, who had gone to make some pretense and probing, had returned.

"My lord, that said to the little beggar that this inn has been here for more than two years. The brothers and sisters are children from the village in front of them. Because their family members left one after another and there was a disaster, they wandered here and there, passing by from time to time. people begging for some food to get by."

"As they said, I blamed the store owner and the others." Cen Rubai said.

"Then leave some silver in the backyard. If they come back, they will be able to see that it is compensation for destroying some tables, chairs and dishes." Su Ziji ordered.

After a brief tidying up, the team started up under the night.

It's not that they don't want to rest, but that this place has just encountered an ambush, and no one knows if there will be a second wave of assassins.

Even if Su Ziji learned some information from the fox, he didn't want to take any risks with such a small number of people.

"By the way, where are my two foxes?" On the way, Su Ziji scanned around subconsciously, but he didn't see the fox who got off the boat a step earlier than him.

When he was in the hotel before, he didn't see any foxes. Su Ziji wasn't afraid of them getting lost. What he was worried about was whether they would run into Taoist people because of their wandering outside the capital.

"My lord, there are not enough manpower at the moment. Why don't we do this? I also have contacts with some people from Jianghu. Why don't I send them a letter in advance and ask them to help you check the situation in Shun'an Mansion?"

In the night, riding in a bullock cart with Su Ziji, Cen Rubai was silent for a while, and offered to say that he was deeply impressed by the rebellion and fighting just now, whether it was calculation or martial arts.

Especially killing Xun Sichen, it was obviously a pity, but he didn't hesitate, and he didn't implicate the beggars and shopkeepers. This kind of sense of propriety is actually very rare.

"Or another wise master who is not inferior to Mr. Lin Guo."

Su Ziji glanced at it, didn't say much, and responded with a smile: "Then please trouble Mr. Cen."

(End of this chapter)

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