fake prince

Chapter 443 You are Juren

Chapter 443 You are Juren

"Yes, accept"

"[The Way of Politics] has been learned, +1500, and found the original sporadic knowledge and insights of the host, whether to merge?"


"[The Way of Politics] merged, gained comprehension, +2758, level 4, 1258/4000"

In an instant, all kinds of knowledge flowed in, and Su Ziji could feel that these knowledge were considered old in his original system, but once translated into concepts he could understand, a lot of knowledge glowed with youth, and it was like enlightenment in his mind It unfolds clearly and expands a new knowledge system...

"It turns out that's the case. Of course, there are new and old knowledge, and there is progress."

"But the difference between ancient and modern times is mainly in productivity, not in the backwardness of management knowledge."

"Switching the theory of adulterous priests into the theory of the future is just changing the name without changing the medicine. It's just changing the nouns into mainstream ideas, and the essence is still the same."

Su Ziji was receiving the information when he suddenly interrupted the interaction between the two. He hurried to Qi Hongxin earlier, glanced at Su Ziji in surprise, and reported anxiously: "The rioters have arrived, and there are thousands of people here. People, the Water God Temple has been surrounded, or else you should evacuate from the back door quickly! Seeing that they are aggressive, and some are holding weapons, I am afraid that they will not be able to achieve their goals this time, so they will not let it go!"

Qi Hongxin woke up from a trance, only to realize that he had almost entered a nightmare just now, and what he said was not like himself at all. Fortunately, he didn't say what he shouldn't have said, but just introduced the prostitute.

Taking a deep breath, Qi Hongxin gradually changed his complexion, regained his majesty and indifference. Hearing this, he stood up and said coldly: "Evacuate? I am the prefect of Shun'an Prefecture. If such a situation can force you Wouldn’t it be ridiculous for me to run away? Just right! I would like to see what a juren who has been favored by the emperor and leads a group of foolish men and women to make troubles looks like!”

As he said that, he turned around directly and walked towards the outside with big strides.

"My lord, you really can't just go out and take risks like this. There are still people coming here... Duan Xiuwen, the leader, asked to change the Water Temple into the Locust God Temple. Why don't we comfort you first? You still..." Li Zheng was afraid of Qi Hongxin, the magistrate, had an accident here, and followed him out of the main hall, persuading him as he walked.

Qi Hongxin stopped suddenly, but it was not because he was moved by his words, but because a school captain stepped on the wet mud and saluted Qi Hongxin: "The next official pays homage to the magistrate. It's already dispersed, the county lieutenant hastily ordered troops, let me catch up first and obey orders."

When the soldiers finally arrived, Qi Hongxin felt relieved and asked, "How many of you are there?"

"The 100 people are all strong and strong in the army."

"100 people are enough." Qi Hongxin grinned grinningly, turned his head and looked at the side hall where the door had already been opened, because there were soldiers pouring into the courtyard, holding torches, although it was night it was very bright, he could see clearly When we arrived at the ugly and ferocious locust statue in the side hall.

Although it is not accurate to judge whether a god is good or not and whether it is a wild god based on beauty or ugliness, the locust god has never been canonized by the previous dynasty or this dynasty, and the image of the more harmful pest is shaped into a god. How do you think of it? Not pleasing to the eye.

Qi Hongxin sneered: "Water temple is certainly crossing the border, but locusts are wild gods, dare to ask for temple?"

"Didn't that paragraph of Xiuwen want to change the water temple into the locust temple? Then let him come to see me!"

"This..." Rizheng hesitated for a moment.

"Tell him, if you can convince me, then he will grant his request. If you can't..." Qi Hongxin's eyes, which became darker and brighter due to his thinness, flashed a murderous look.

Li Zheng hurriedly responded, went out and calmed down the people who were shouting, and told Duan Xiuwen Qi Hongxin's request.

Duan Xiuwen is a young man who looks less than 30 years old. To be able to pass the Juren examination in his 20s is already amazing for ordinary scholars.

His appearance is a bit thin, and he has a gentle and refined taste. In addition to his fame, even if he can't get a Jinshi, it is not difficult to be a country gentleman and marry a daughter of an official family.

From Li Zheng's point of view, the only shortcoming of this person is probably that he is stupid in reading, and he didn't want to study hard to get into the Jinshi exam, or live his own life, but got involved in this kind of thing.

But at this juncture, with his upright status, he might try to persuade him, but he would be unable to persuade him. He was thinking here, or Duan Xiuwen might be able to be persuaded to change his mind when he met the magistrate.

After hearing what Li Zheng conveyed, Duan Xiuwen sneered: "Okay! If that's the case, then on behalf of the folks, I'll pay a visit to the prefect of Qi! I've heard that the prefect of Qi is a good official who cares for the people. I believe that as long as The magistrate knows that this is the wish of our people, and will definitely help to achieve it!"

As he said that, he walked out of the crowd with a victorious look.

At this time, Qi Hongxin, accompanied by soldiers holding torches and a captain in armor, came out of the water temple, stood on the steps, and watched the young man walking towards him.

At this time, Duan Xiuwen also saw a black and thin man in official uniform, and a dozen heavily armed soldiers. He knew that this was the new prefect, Mr. Qi. He came here again for the Locust Shrine. With the support of the people and the blessing of the gods, there is no need to be afraid of a magistrate.

Since the new magistrate came here overnight and saw their formation of thousands of people, he must have been frightened, but if he didn't want civil unrest in his jurisdiction, he would agree to his request.

From the point of view of this passage, I am neither rebelling against nor attacking the government, and my request is very reasonable, and it is not embarrassing at all. What is difficult?

With such thoughts in mind, Duan Xiuwen bowed his hands to Qi Hongxin neither humble nor overbearing: "Student Duan Xiuwen, I have met the magistrate."

"Duan Xiuwen?" Qi Hongxin looked coldly, looked at him a lot, and asked, "Are you Juren?"

Duan Xiuwen replied: "That's right, the student is the Juren who passed the previous exam."

"Since you are a juren, you should know that it is a serious crime to take the lead in causing trouble and intimidating the government. Could it be that you have studied hard for more than ten years in order to be convicted of this incident today?"

However, Duan Xiuwen was dissatisfied, and argued: "Your Excellency's words are wrong! Duan Xiuwen studied hard in order to one day be able to gain fame, be the master of the people, benefit one side, and be a good official!"

"But now the government is culling the locusts and making the people suffer for the sake of fame. They don't know that if you kill the locusts, you will offend the locust god. You adults who are officials don't have to farm the fields on weekdays. Naturally, you have nothing to fear, but The common people have offended the Locust God, and there will be no harvest every year, which will kill them!"

"My lord, please take back your order and promise the students and the people behind the students that Shun'an Mansion will no longer kill locusts! What's more, you must order to change the water temple to the locust god temple and allow the people to worship the locust god! As long as you agree to this Two conditions, we will break up immediately, and will not embarrass the government!"

(End of this chapter)

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