fake prince

Chapter 444 Beheading on the spot

Chapter 444 Beheading on the spot

After Duan Xiuwen finished speaking, dozens of people behind him shouted and shouted: "Change the Water Temple to the Locust God Temple! Change the Water Temple to the Locust God Temple!"

During the call, Qi Hongxin didn't move, but his face became more gloomy.

"Duan Xiuwen, since you are a juren, you should know the laws of the court and know the harm of prostitution. It is understandable that the foolish men and women behind you are used by others to threaten the government to compromise. As a juren, don't you really know that today If the official agrees to change the Water Temple to the Locust God Temple, what kind of harm will it be?"

"Not to mention, you are still holding weapons, and your behavior is close to treason." Qi Hongxin persuaded in a deep voice, looking at the few people holding steel forks: "I cherish talents, I don't want you to be a young man, If you are guilty of this kind of thing, Duan Xiuwen, if you turn around now, I will let you go..."

This is courtesy first, but it is obvious that Duan Xiuwen has made up his mind, and even feels that the magistrate's persuasion is nothing but a soft strategy.

He said with a half-smile: "My lord, the student has made up his mind, so you don't need to persuade him any more! As for being guilty of this matter... My lord, instead of worrying about the student and me, you should think about it. If this matter becomes serious, Can you, the magistrate, get away with it?"

Qi Hongxin looked at it with dark eyes, and he was not afraid of this passage, so he looked back.

Qi Hongxin knew that it was impossible for this person to change his mind.

Looking at the restless crowd outside, and the people who gradually lost their timidity due to Duan Xiuwen's imposing manner and shouted louder and louder, Qi Hongxin shook his head.

Then he yelled at the school lieutenant: "Pass down the order of the officer, and capture all the troublemakers. If there is any resistance, shoot to kill!"

"My lord!" Those who followed, as well as the officials in Fucheng, heard Qi Hongxin suddenly ordered the captain to suppress it, and their eyelids twitched immediately.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

He hurriedly said to the captain: "Wait a minute! Don't act rashly!"

Seeing this, Duan Xiuwen immediately took several steps back and was directly protected by the crowd behind him.

Qi Hongxin stood on the steps, listening to the official's urgent persuasion: "My lord, if you want to suppress, you will kill people, but with so many people, this, this will take a lot of people to be suppressed! Kill people in times of peace. , killing too many, even if it is justifiable, it will hinder the official voice of your lord! You must not issue such an order!"

However, Qi Hongxin pointed at the people who were being ordered to retreat by a group of county soldiers with the tip of their knives, but they were still aggressive, and even yelled loudly because of the large number of people, and said: "Do you know? Even the people, people There are too many, especially when the government finds that the government dare not suppress them, they will also become wolves. They must be suppressed in one fell swoop while there are not many people, and they will become sheep again... If there are more people gathered, thousands or even tens of thousands It’s too late to suppress it any more.”

When encountering this kind of thing, if you can scare these people from the beginning and make them feel timid and retreat, as long as there is no more trouble in the future, the matter will calm down.

Otherwise, let their arrogance rise high at the beginning and taste the sweetness, they will only grow like weeds with the wind, and it will be difficult to suppress them.

Qi Hongxin didn't care whether the officials around him could hear what he said, and ordered the captain again: "Take it down for me. Anyone who stirs up the crowd, holds a weapon, and refuses to kneel down and beg for mercy will be killed. What responsibility do you have?" , I will bear it!"

After saying this, I felt a sweetness in my throat.

This is an old problem for him, especially in the last one or two months, he can obviously feel that he has been exhausted, and he has coughed up blood more than once, but in this situation, he can't cough up blood, otherwise, this The deterrence will drop immediately.

Thinking of this, Qi Hongxin swallowed the mouthful of blood forcefully.

Because it was night, under the light of the fire, although his face was a bit ugly, no one could see it.

Besides, the officials who persuaded Qi Hongxin just now, after hearing what Qi Hongxin said later, realized in their hearts: "This new magistrate is obviously broken. Also, because of his background, no matter how good this prefect is, It is also impossible to be promoted again, since it will never be possible to be promoted, why should we be afraid that some officials will have time?"

"Yes, my lord!" At this time, the captain got the order and rushed forward with his people.

In fact, no one was killed at the beginning, but there were some people who tried to resist, but the so-called weapons that these people who came over were actually hoes, shoulder poles or kitchen knives, and the elite county soldiers who could immediately go to the battlefield to kill the enemy In comparison, it's like a child fighting an adult, not at the same level of strength at all.

A man tried to stab it with an iron fork, and then he stabbed it out. A soldier stopped holding his hand immediately, and only heard a "poof", the long knife fell down, and there was a scream. He fell to the ground.

"Killed, the government killed." The originally aggressive people suddenly fell into chaos.

But Duan Xiuwen, who had already retreated into the crowd, saw the chaos of the crowd and shouted: "Don't be afraid and don't run away, we are not for the God of Locusts, but for our descendants not to be harmed..."

As soon as he said this, a few people's eyes flashed red, and they raised their arms and shouted: "Don't be afraid and don't run, we're fighting the dog officer..."

Seeing that the situation was about to deteriorate further, Qi Hongxin's eyes flashed coldly: "Take that Duan Xiuwen down immediately."

"Yes!" The captain promised, and with a wave of his hand, five or six soldiers rushed straight at him, and the crowd dispersed immediately. Duan Xiuwen wanted to escape, but the captain grabbed him and pulled him towards the steps.

"I'm a juren, you can't treat me like this..." Duan Xiuwen, who was being dragged away, screamed: "I have a reputation, I can be killed but not humiliated."

"You also know that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated?" Qi Hongxin stepped forward, sneered, seeing several people in the crowd raise their arms: "Fight with the dog officer, fight with the dog officer."

There was no longer any hesitation: "You know, you led the crowd to rebel, not to mention raising people, even if you are a regular official, I also have the right to execute on the spot."

"Come here, behead him immediately, as a warning to others."

"My lord, you can't, you can't!" Finally, an official couldn't bear it any longer, and stepped forward to stop him, only to hear a "slap", a heavy slap across the face, and the black hat was swept off.

Qi Hongxin roared: "The current situation is like this, if you still dare to stop, you must be an accomplice of the rebels, and I will immediately dismiss you from your post."

He said to the captain again: "Is the execution still in progress?"

"No, no..." Seeing the sudden turn of the situation, Duan Xiuwen was shocked, tears and piss ran, and wanted to crawl away, but was chopped off by the captain with a smirk, and three blood spurted out. There was more than a foot, the head fell to the ground, and Gulu went far away.

This time, those people who were still resisting were stunned.

This, this is Master Juren!

For ordinary people, being able to pass the exam is a person who is a star of Wenqu, who can see officials and not return, and who can chat with county magistrates. , just because he didn't serve as an official and raised people to make trouble, he was more detached.

It is precisely because the leader is Juren that these people have a feeling that they will succeed this time, but who would have imagined that a dignified Juren would be chopped down so casually?

Even Master Juren was hacked, if they make trouble again, where will there be any good fruit to eat?

No matter how incited by more than a dozen people with red eyes, the situation gradually cooled down, only to hear the soldiers and government servants yelling: "Kneel down, kneel down!"

(End of this chapter)

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