fake prince

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

These thousands of people gradually quieted down, and immediately knelt down with a shout.

"Anyone who holds weapons and instigates riots will be taken down." Qi Hongxin smiled grimly: "There is no need for interrogation, and they will all be executed on the spot."

Strange to say, once the mood became cold, even though the soldiers took dozens of them out and executed them in front of everyone, their heads fell to the ground, and the blood formed a stream, but these people were frightened. Even more trembling, even if they were caught and beheaded, they were extremely obedient, just like chickens and ducks.

The situation has subsided.

"A real hero!" Su Ziji, who was watching this scene in the corner, couldn't help but sigh.

Regardless of whether they have any enmity or not, just seeing how Qi Hongxin quickly resolved an incident that might have caused a riot in the entire mansion, Su Ziji sighed in admiration, and turned to Cen Rubai: "You can find out the situation in the mansion through the people in the rivers and lakes." Yet?"

Cen Rubai was also dazzled by the sight, and his face turned pale again. After listening to the question, he came back to his senses: "The news has been sent, saying that it will be soon, and in just a few days, we will be able to find out the situation."

Su Ziji nodded: "That's good."

Time was too late.

Then his eyes fell on the man with a straight back although he was dark and thin again, and he couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.

"This Qi Hongxin is a good official, but it's a pity..."

Qi Hongxin didn't implicate the rest of the people anymore. After all, the culprit had already been punished. After listening to the captain's report after counting the corpses, 53 people were killed, his expression remained unchanged.

"Although these 53 people are guilty, their families are allowed to collect their bodies."

"Also, although the chief culprit has been punished, the rest of the culprits must be investigated. Immediately send the people present to hard labor, but first explain to them that half a year of hard labor, don't let anyone take advantage of the opportunity to instigate trouble."

"Yes!" The captain immediately conveyed the order.

But this kind of so-called benevolence can't change the view of Qi Hongxin among the people present. The notoriety of "butcher" magistrate must spread from today, and it will stop the crying of children in the whole Shun'an Prefecture.

The officials who rushed over couldn't bear to see the bloodshed at the scene. Some covered their faces, and some could hold on, but their faces were pale, as if they might vomit at any time.

Qi Hongxin glanced at them, and found that the people he glanced at, even the officials who had discussed matters, or even the servants he brought to Shun'an Mansion, did not dare to look directly at them, and immediately looked away.

Sighing secretly, seeing a riot being suppressed, Qi Hongxin knew that he still had a tough battle to fight.

"Leave the affairs of the mansion to you, and if someone makes trouble, it will still be handled according to the method this time. I will take care of how many people die!"

After instructing the lieutenant and the others, he ordered the horses to be brought in, and got on the horses directly.

"Order ten county soldiers, and follow me to the governor's mansion!" After speaking, he took the lead once, and the ten riders galloped out, and then ran out. Suddenly, Qi Hongxin seemed to have lost something, as if he had forgotten something.

"Yes, there is also the young man in the temple. I forgot to ask for his name further."

"Forget it, it's important now. If something happens, not only must it be reported to the superior quickly, but more importantly, it's money for disaster relief."

And watching Qi Hongxin go away, Su Ziji lowered his gaze.

"Watch and emulate Qi Hongxin to quell civil unrest, +500, [The Way of Government] Level 4, 1758/4000"

This level is actually not high, but because it was Qi Hongxin's enlightenment, a lot of knowledge came from Qi Hongxin, and Su Ziji gradually understood it.

"If the backbone is killed, it will be difficult for the civil unrest to recur."

"Although the chief culprit is punished, if the others are spared, it is in fact connivance. Neither lightly condoned nor severely oppressed, it is relatively appropriate to punish them with hard labor."

"And the disaster relief is in need of manpower, and now there is an extra disaster relief camp with thousands of people."

"These old officials really have their own way."

"It's just that the method is too cruel, and I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble."

provincial capital

Qi Hongxin led ten soldiers from the county, rode horses all night, galloped to the provincial capital, finally entered the city gate in the early morning, and arrived at the governor's mansion in a moment.

When I reached the governor's gate, I saw four vermilion watermelon lanterns hanging in front of the eaves, and four personal soldiers guarded the gate.

Qi Hongxin turned over and fell, looked at the guards at the gate, and ordered them to give famous assassins.

The personal soldiers did not dare to be disrespectful when they saw the famous assassin, and hurriedly saluted but smiled: "Our lord governor, we approved the papers in the middle of the night yesterday, and we have only slept for less than two hours, sir, wait a moment, and I will go to you when you wake up." Informed!"

Qi Hongxin said in a deep voice: "I'm the same age as him, I have something important, you can just say it like this, otherwise, I'll beat the drum and wake him up!"

When the soldiers heard this, they couldn't help being surprised, where did the two hundred and five come from?

Still a magistrate?

Seeing that Qi Hongxin was really about to step forward, he could only say repeatedly: "Young man, go and report."

After speaking, he went in and reported.

The Governor was discussing matters yesterday, and he played the bird card again when he returned to the Yamen. He did not have much time to fall asleep with his concubine in his arms, and was suddenly woken up. It was definitely not a good feeling. He frowned, feeling unhappy.

The Governor's surname is Zhao. In fact, Governor Zhao is similar to Qi Hongxin in terms of age. He was released outside and became the county magistrate of a place.

Over the years, both of them have gray hair on their temples. Qi Hongxin has been in the prefect position for more than ten years, but Governor Zhao seems to have a good fortune. After becoming the county magistrate, He was promoted step by step, and now he is the governor of a province and a big official in Xinjiang.

Qi Hongxin came to Shun'an Mansion to work, and he had met Governor Zhao, but although the two are Jinshi of the same discipline, it is said that they can have some relationship, but the reality is that not only the two have no friendship, Governor Zhao also has some feelings for Qi Hongxin. view.

Qi Hongxin was born in the East Palace, and after most of the princelings were punished, it would be impossible for Qi Hongxin to be promoted to the center even if he did not end up being convicted of confiscating his home.

Even if he was sent by the official department to do things back then, he did not do anything that could be incriminated during the period, but it is impossible for a person who is a prince to be trusted by the emperor again.

Getting close to him, especially Jinshi of the same discipline, is not good for promotion.

Not to mention, those who were loyal to the crown prince either died in those years, or resigned from office, and fled to other places. This shows that Qi Hongxin, who continues to circle in the officialdom and once signed to survive, is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. up.

Although Governor Zhao also knew that he had fallen into that situation back then, in order to survive and save his family from suffering, he might have made the same choice, but this thought only passed by occasionally. For this Qi Hongxin, he It is to maintain a lukewarm attitude, unwilling to have a deep friendship with it.

"What's the matter with Qi Hongxin? I just have something to report, so it must be at this time? Is there anything that can't be done until the office is opened for another hour?"

(End of this chapter)

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