fake prince

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Although I thought so, I was afraid that there was something urgent, so I could only get up in a hurry, changed into my official uniform, and went to see him.

As soon as we met, I saw the sweat on the face of this former colleague, and the official robe was also a little wrinkled. Looking at it like this, he seemed to have rushed here overnight, and Governor Zhao felt a little bit in his heart.

"Prefect Qi, you asked to see me so early, but you have something important to do?"

"My lord governor, I do have something important to report to you." Qi Hongxin lowered his head and said.

"There is a person in Shun'an Prefecture who took the lead in making troubles and gathered thousands of people to force the government to change the Water God Temple into the Locust God Temple. The locusts are not allowed to be culled, otherwise there will be riots."

As soon as he said this, Governor Zhao sank, and civil uprisings were the most taboo.

"The official's persuasion was fruitless, and he gave orders to suppress and behead 53 members of the chief criminal and his followers..."

"Wait, how many people are you talking about?" Governor Zhao, who was listening with his eyes closed, widened his eyes, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears.

Qi Hongxin lowered his eyes, and said again: "The lower officials ordered to suppress, beheaded and killed 53 of the chief culprits."

"53 people!" Governor Zhao couldn't help walking back and forth a few times before looking at him, his face full of helplessness: "Prefect Qi, Qi Tongnian, don't you think there are a lot of people killed?"

"That's all during the war. In this peaceful and prosperous age, 53 people were killed because of the locusts. Isn't that too much? If this, if it spreads, what happened? If the court finds out, I, the governor, will also get rid of it It doesn't matter!"

"Please rest assured, my lord, I have apologized to the imperial court." Qi Hongxin said immediately.

Needless to say, the meaning behind it is very clear. It means that this matter was done by him alone, and Governor Zhao will never be implicated.

The matter has come to this point, people have been killed, and it is useless to entangle this matter any more. Governor Zhao took a deep look at Qi Hongxin, feeling helpless.

Qi Hongxin was able to take responsibility, which made him feel a little better. In fact, he was in Qi Hongxin's position. When he encountered this incident, he might act in the same way.

After all, he is a person who can reach the official position of Governor, and is in charge of the affairs of a province. How could Governor Zhao not know that this is actually the most appropriate way to handle this matter?

If you don't suppress this evil wind and let it sweep, then not only Shun'an Prefecture, but the entire province will be reprimanded.

It's just that there were too many murders, so even if Qi Hongxin was successful in calming the chaos, his merits and demerits would probably be equaled.

After thinking about it, Governor Zhao also knew that Qi Hongxin still had some skills, so he immediately changed his face: "However, you don't have to worry too much. Although you ordered the killing of 53 people, after all, the suppression is strong. The cause and effect of this matter are clear. , the imperial court will know that it is not too much to do so."

"Don't worry, the imperial court will definitely reward this matter, and nothing will happen."

Qi Hongxin coughed, but there was no joy on his face, as if whether the outcome of this matter was good or bad, it was not important to this person.

Many people always feel that they are neither humble nor overbearing, that their emotions and anger are neither good nor bad. In fact, it is a misunderstanding. Governor Zhao originally had a little sympathy for this person, but when he saw this appearance, he subconsciously developed a trace of disgust.

After all, even if they knew what happened back then, Qi Hongxin's actions were justifiable, but over the years, those who knew about what happened back then have become accustomed to faintly rejecting Qi Hongxin.

Governor Zhao was no exception. Seeing that the matter was over, he felt that the matter was probably over, and advised: "It's just that there is no need to ride over to report to me overnight. Since the matter is under pressure, it will be a few hours late It doesn't matter. I see that you look haggard, you must be tired, go back and rest first, if you have anything to do, you can write an official document and send it to me."

This is the eviction order.

Qi Hongxin didn't follow the trend to leave, but suddenly knelt down to Governor Zhao with a plop.

Although this grand gift is not excessive due to the difference in rank, but usually no one would give such a big gift to Shangguan for no reason.

Governor Zhao's heart skipped a beat again, his brows were wrinkled, but he had to force a smile, and went to help him: "Prefect Qi, you, what's wrong with you?"

Qi Hongxin looked miserable, and begged: "My lord, you understand that the Shun'an Mansion is in short supply. Now is the critical time to exterminate the locusts, but there is no money or food. How to exterminate the locusts? I am the owner of the Shun'an Mansion. Common people, I salute you, and beg you to transfer money to save Shun'an Mansion!"

Governor Zhao made a fuss, but he didn't bring up Qi Hongxin. This is simply playing tricks. Could it be that if he didn't agree to transfer the money, he wouldn't be able to get up?

Why didn't he see before that Qi Hongxin's face was so thick?

"Both of you, why don't you help up the prefect of Qi?" Governor Zhao immediately winked at the door servant when he couldn't help himself up.

Immediately, two people came in, one on the left and the other on the right, and they almost forcibly dragged Qi Hongxin to his feet.

Governor Zhao's expression is not very good at the moment: "Prefect Qi, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's because there is no extra money in the treasury!"

"You are also a magistrate. Of course you know that even if you have money, it has its own uses and cannot be embezzled easily."

Qi Hongxin begged again: "My lord governor, is there more, or less? Although the water control yamen promised to pay back the money, but I want to go to the door, they can't give it! My lord governor, I really have no choice but to be an official." , and please accommodate me, the next official is willing to pledge!"

If someone else begs like this, maybe Governor Zhao can take pity on him.

But no matter how pitiful Qi Hongxin looked, Governor Zhao hardened his heart when he thought that this person was involved with the crown prince and would betray the Lord in order to survive at a critical moment.

If this matter gets out, wouldn't it be a trap for yourself?

Whether it's being involved with the crown prince or betraying the master, it doesn't sound good, it's all foul-smelling.

Thinking of this, Governor Zhao changed his color, and scolded: "Prefect Qi, I originally studied in the same year, and I tried to persuade you with kind words, I don't want you to be stubborn."

"Privately borrowing the treasury is a crime, and it is forbidden by the emperor's decree. You are a member of several magistrates, how can you not know? Even if you are not afraid, I am afraid of being accused! There is no need to talk about this matter anymore! Come here! Send Qi Zhifu go out!"

Despite his last pretense, he couldn't ask for money, Qi Hongxin looked ashamed, and was half helped and half dragged out.

After being "sent" out of the governor's mansion, Qi Hongxin stared at the slammed door when he turned around, and tears suddenly flowed down the corners of his eyes.

"It's all my fault, but I didn't want to implicate the people of the whole county!" Afterwards, without even holding a horse, he staggered down the street in a daze, and staggered away towards the distance.

"My lord!" The county soldiers who followed and waited outside were a little at a loss when they saw this scene, but in this situation, because they didn't know what was going on, they didn't dare to ask, so they could only lead the horse. Carefully follow behind.

Someone followed behind, saw this scene, turned around, and ran back.

(End of this chapter)

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