fake prince

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Su Ziji is not a new scholar with no experience. When he went to the southwest, he even competed with eunuchs, imperial envoys, and marshals. It can be said that these top figures representing the three court forces have all been admitted to Su Ziji. One lesson made Su Ziji adapt to working with the officialdom ahead of time.

After a while, he found that although Qi Hongxin looked polite to him, there was a trace of contempt in his eyes, which was obviously contemptuous.

"Or because I met me twice, I thought I was afraid of locust plagues and shortfalls, so I was reluctant to report."

Su Ziji thought of this, and said directly: "Lord Qi, when I come to see you this time, besides announcing the decree and coming to the government office to report, there is also an important matter to discuss with you."

"Master Su is referring to the extermination of locusts?" Qi Hongxin took a sip from his teacup, put it down, and asked calmly.

Obviously, I don't believe that Su Ziji can have important things to say to himself.

Su Ziji didn't mind, and took out the rolled paper from his sleeve.

Seeing his actions, Qi Hongxin reluctantly became a little more interested, staring at Su Ziji as he rolled out a roll of yellow paper and handed it to him: "Master Qi, please look."

what is this?

Qi Hongxin, who was just curious at first, took the hand and took a look, then raised his head suddenly, just like a cat seeing a mouse, his eyes locked on Su Ziji sharply, and asked, "Master Su, what is this?"

In ancient times, this kind of mine map was a secret, if the person in front of him was not a new Jinshi, acting as a government official, he would have taken it immediately.

"Master Qi, you should have seen it, this is the mine map in Shun'an Mansion!" Su Ziji explained seriously: "It is marked with black ink, which is the mine area registered with the government, and the red pen mark with..."

"Is it a private mine?" Qi Hongxin answered.

"Exactly! These are private mines." Su Ziji nodded.

It turned out to be a private mine?

After Qi Hongxin came to Shun'an Mansion, due to the shortfall, he had the idea of ​​mining, and he deliberately looked at the distribution map of all the mines managed by the government. Thinking that the private mine has been hidden so much.

His complexion gradually became ugly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"It's not convenient here, go over there! You and I will explain this mine map carefully!" They are sitting now, the table is not big, and there are various things, for fear that this precious mine map will be soaked by tea, and This is obviously a confidential matter, Qi Hongxin hurriedly called Su Ziji to the study.

Su Ziji followed Shan Ruliu in, and it took about a stick of incense time to explain clearly to Qi Hongxin the markings on this mine map and the table of influence.

Hearing that there were actually gold mines among these black mines, Qi Hongxin was furious, and then he was pleasantly surprised.

After thinking about his previous guess about Su Ziji, his old face turned red.

"Master Su, it's me who treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!" He stood up and bowed to Su Ziji.

"Master Qi, why did you say that? The officials are terrified!" Su Ziji hastily helped him up, "Since you and I are new to Shun'an Mansion, facing the current predicament in the mansion, what we should think about is how to find Bring money to nip the locust plague in the bud, not to mention the other details, not to mention that the lower officials have never felt it, even if there is, it is just a trivial matter, and it is not important before the people's livelihood."

"Master Su is worthy of being the number one scholar in the new discipline. He really has a clear mind. He is much better than those who only know how to make a dick every day and just dawdle." Fortunately, Qi Hongxin was happy, and he also paid attention to his words. Otherwise, in front of Su Ziji, he would say that other people are poor people.

It's no wonder that he is mean. Compared with Su Ziji, the newly arrived agent of the county, everyone else is compared to the dust.

A new magistrate like him who has been stared at before he even arrives, it will be very difficult for him to investigate things secretly.

But other officials, especially the county magistrates where the mining areas are located, have they really been unaware and unaware of the black mines under their jurisdiction?

I really don't know it, and it's not an injustice to scold him for a wine bag and a rice bag.

"Hey, I'm ashamed of you, Mr. Su, you haven't been here for a long time, but you have found out the news clearly. If you weren't here, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark by them!"

When Qi Hongxin thought that there were so many black mines hidden in Shun'an Mansion, he showed a murderous look.

Su Ziji sighed: "Although we have found out the situation, it is very difficult to take back these private mines. It is not small for the gentry to intervene based on the intelligence of the officials."

"Even for the three major gangs, there are people supporting them, not spontaneously."

"Furthermore, the three major gangs are local snakes. They have many people and powerful forces. They have been in business for many years, and there may be higher support behind them. It is not easy to deal with them in one fell swoop."

Qi Hongxin listened for a while, he was not stupid, he naturally thought of this, but in order to get money to cure the locusts, he didn't even need to be ashamed, and he had ordered the killing of 53 people before, and he had already realized it. He looked up and laughed.

After laughing, he said to Su Ziji: "Before you took office, someone told you that you will not offend the rich."

"Not to mention the current dynasty, but the former dynasty. The government has the responsibility to split up the rich houses. The ten-acre card is hung in the county, the hundred-area card is hung in the province, and the thousand-area card is hung in the household department."

"It is said to the public that the government confers a plaque to show honor. If the plaque is actually hung, the ten-acre plaque will be returned. The hundreds of hectares will disappear within a few years."

"Even the prime minister of the palace is only ten thousand mu (one hundred hectares), how can the people have a thousand hectares?"

"Or someone told you in private that the gentry are monolithic, and offending one will offend all of them."

Qi Hongxin's expression was full of contempt: "I want you to know that even officials who have been favored by the emperor for a long time are not monolithic, let alone gentry?"

"The county magistrate who broke the family and the assassin who killed the family. How can I compromise with these people? I will immediately call in troops to wipe out these so-called three big gangs in one fell swoop."

"I already have a map of the mine. I want to know where it is entrenched. It's just a group of Jianghu people. How difficult is it to wipe them all out? Master Su, just wait and see that I take back the private mine!"

Seeing Qi Hongxin's murderous intent, even in front of himself, Su Ziji couldn't help but be speechless, thinking: "It seems that Qi Hongxin has killed 53 people, and he has completely let go."

"However, this is also good. Qi Hongxin intends to take the county soldiers to encircle and suppress, so he doesn't have to worry about it, and he doesn't have to be such a villain, and he doesn't have to make Zeng Nianzhen spend too much effort on it."

"I could just be doing something else."

Thinking of this, Su Ziji said to Qi Hongxin: "Since this is the case, I would like to congratulate my lord on your success. However, your lord is always in charge of everything. When it is recovered, please leave the handling of these private mines to the next official."

Hearing this, Qi Hongxin became suspicious again.

The sale of minerals is naturally lucrative, but Qi Hongxin misunderstood Su Ziji before, and now it is difficult to refuse. Hearing Su Ziji's initiative to invite Ying, it may not be inappropriate to entrust this matter to Su Ziji.

As a county magistrate, it is within the scope of his duties to do this, and Su Ziji came later than himself, so there is no need to worry about being too involved with the local forces. The most important point is that the mine map and forces are secretly visited by Su Ziji To figure it out, you have to pay attention to reciprocity.

(End of this chapter)

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