fake prince

Chapter 452 Dragon Tiger Gang

Chapter 452 Dragon Tiger Gang

"It's okay." Qi Hongxin nodded quickly, and reminded: "But the money for selling mines must be handed over to the treasury, and there must be no loss of one or two."

"Master Su has meritorious service for this matter, and I will definitely give credit to him. Moreover, Master Su has a bright future, so don't be fooled and delayed by the villain."

"The lower officials don't dare to be greedy for ink." Su Ziji knew it as soon as he heard it, and smiled: "Master Qi, please look at me, the result will definitely surprise you, Sir."

"Then I'll just wait and see." Qi Hongxin smiled as he settled the matter on his mind.

But because the three major gangs need to be encircled and suppressed before they can get the private mine and then get the money, Qi Hongxin set off immediately after the two discussed this matter.

Su Ziji left immediately, and when he left the government office, he saw that the servant who had sent the order to the barracks flew on his horse and headed out of the city.

But Qi Hongxin was a few steps behind, fully dressed, came out from the inside, took the horse he was riding when he was in a hurry, and led a few people towards the gallop.

"Hurry up, this man is really fast and resolute." Su Ziji looked away and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Shun'an Prefecture · Chengxi

There is a small Taoist temple, located in a corner of the downtown area, neither the fairy spirit of the Taoist temple in the mountains, nor the grandeur of the Taoist temple in the capital. , this leisure also disappeared.

All Taoist priests who are useful are sent out to inquire about the news, and the temple master stays in the temple, but because this real person is a disciple of the Taoist sect, all he can do is serve tea and water and serve carefully.

"Monastery Master, is Master Liu resting?" At this time, a Taoist came in hurriedly, just in time to see the Temple Master sitting outside under a tree with his eyes closed, and asked in a low voice.

"Why, but there is information from the monster?" the temple master asked.

"Indeed, the situation is a little urgent." The Taoist replied.

While they were talking, a Taoist boy came out from a room not far away, and said to the Taoist: "Senior brother Chen, the real person please go in and answer."

This is to hear their conversation!

Even if the Taoist has seen the astonishing methods of the real people in the sect, because he has no aptitude for cultivation and can only be an ordinary Taoist with some martial arts, when he sees him again, he will still be envious.

And Liu Zhan, who is considered one of the best real people in the inner sect, is already comparable to a half-immortal in his eyes.

Usually, he never thought that one day, relying on his ability to scout for information, he could get close to this half-immortal.

"You mean, apart from this mansion, there are people instigating riots in other prefectures?" Liu Zhan asked after hearing the news, walking around the room a few times.

Chen Daoren replied respectfully: "Yes, once the locust god said that it has risen in the whole province now, except for this mansion, because of Qi Zhifu's decision to kill and attack, it directly pinched the buds, and there was no riot. There are chaos elsewhere."

"Some people incited the people to protest against the government's culling of locusts. They wanted to destroy the water temple and replace it with a locust god. Most of the government was deadlocked, but there were already a few under pressure, and the magistrates were weak and incompetent, and they agreed."

"Although no monster came forward directly, the driving force behind this must be a monster."

After carefully listening to the information, Liu Zhan ordered the Taoist to retreat.

Xiao Daotong asked, "Senpai, what should we do in this situation?"

"Hmph, it's just a dog biting a dog!" Liu Zhan sneered.

He also said: "We have to deal with demon gods like Dragon Girl who have been canonized by the previous dynasty. The so-called locust god is absolutely unacceptable."

"However, we are not the ones who are most anxious right now. Let's just sit and watch, and when the Water Mansion and the monsters get into trouble, we will catch them all!"

Just as he was speaking, another Taoist hurriedly begged to see him.

After ordering him to come in, he reported to Liu Zhan the movement of the magistrate's yamen.

"What? Qi Hongxin went to the camp of the county soldiers? Want to gather troops to encircle and suppress the three local gangs in Shun'an Prefecture?"

Since Cen Rubai's friends in the world can investigate this matter, Liu Zhan naturally has sources of information to know about it.

It was all concise information, not detailed. It wasn't until the dispatched people sent the information from the county soldiers camp that Liu Zhan knew that there were still monsters hiding in the three major gangs.

"Qi Hongxin is really a sharp knife that is easy to break but sharp enough." Liu Zhan himself has a strong personality and is the type to do what he says. Finally, I couldn't help feeling: "This operation is as fierce as a tiger."

"Really, can our people follow?" Xiao Daotong asked.

Liu Zhan thought for a while, and ordered: "It has nothing to do with us when it comes to gold mines, so you don't need to get involved, but there are monsters in the gang, so you can't just ignore them and let people follow them. Anyone who sees monsters, kill them all. Don’t worry about it, just bring a spell and you can be led to the cave.”

"Yaoshi Yaodan, register it in the register, and bring it back."

"Yes!" Xiao Daotong's face remained unchanged, but he just responded.

Hongping County

It is located in the east of Shun'an Mansion, backed by a mountain range, covering a large area, and there are many villages living by the mountains. The people living in those villages, in the eyes of the people in Pingyuan County, belong to the people of the mountains.

But here in the county seat of Hongping County, there is not much rusticity in the mountains as outsiders think, but it is full of flowers, and there are all kinds of new gadgets that may not be available in the county at the first time.

The reason is that Hongping County is not only close to a river, not very far from the wharf, but also has several land routes leading directly to the outside world.

In this era when it takes a lot of money to build a road, more roads means prosperous business routes.

Because of this, a local gang, the Dragon and Tiger Gang, also grew up here.

Born out of bandits, the gang rose up during the war and gradually became a large scale. When the Zheng Dynasty was established, they slaughtered and hacked, and most of them died and fled into the mountains.

In the year of Chengshou, I don't know what kind of power I got, and gradually resurged, becoming a local snake that even the local county magistrate is scrupulous about.

Don't say that the yamen servants are usually used to restrain their words and deeds. Within Hongping County, the yamen servants will just ignore the team with the logo of the Dragon and Tiger Gang.

The current leader of the Dragon Tiger Gang, whose name is Jiang Wei, is nicknamed Gui Jianchou by people in the Jianghu. He is already the seventh leader of this gang.

It is said that before he was a teenager, he was an ordinary gangster in Hongping County, but by chance, when he was 15 years old, he worshiped a Jianghu man as his teacher, and later made friends with Jianghu people, and gradually became more powerful in martial arts.

After joining the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he quickly emerged and became the leader of the gang after seizing power.

Most of the first six members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang did not end well, either they were besieged by the government, or hacked to death by the enemy, or they would be seized by their subordinates when they were old.

So when it came to the seventh term, he was willing to work hard when he was helping the crowd, and enjoyed the glory and wealth of the leader, so he regretted his life. Not only did he never show up except for big things, but he also had other reliance to ensure his safety, so to speak. , if he is allowed to go on like this, I am afraid that he can really set the record of the first six and live to be 70 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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