fake prince

Chapter 453 Wolf God Save Me

Chapter 453 Wolf God Save Me

On this day, Jiang Wei was listening to an opera at the main rudder of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, and he was specially called by the troupe here to sing along on the earthen platform in the courtyard. While shaking his head slightly, he beat the time with his hands, and hummed along with his mouth from time to time.

Beside him, there were two concubines, one was beating his shoulder and the other was beating his leg.

At this moment, suddenly a group of gangsters walked quickly from outside, and when they came to Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei just opened his eyes: "Cheng Bancheng, have you figured it out?"

"Master, this is obvious, isn't it? Our Dragon and Tiger Gang are famous, and you are a big shot that even the county magistrate dare not offend. Cheng Bancheng is just a businessman with some shops at home, how dare he disobey the leader?" Flattery.

Jiang Wei nodded with satisfaction: "Forget that he knows current affairs!"

"In order to make amends, Cheng Bancheng specially set up a table of good wine and food on the second floor of the welcoming restaurant. I want to invite you to come over and discuss the mine this year. The small one has already sent someone to check it out. The big restaurant Not accepting foreign customers today, it should be for you that I specially booked a restaurant."

When Jiang Wei raised his hand suddenly, all the opera singers on the stage stopped immediately, and even the two concubines carefully withdrew their hands and took a step back.

Jiang Wei stretched his neck and got up slowly: "Since he is so sincere, he can let the brother stop doing it first, and the price is satisfactory, and his shops can let him continue to open!"

Then he squeezed the faces of the two concubines, and smiled: "You two are waiting at home, the leader of the gang will come back when he goes, and when he comes back, I will bring you fashionable hairpins."

Seeing him happy, the two concubines responded with a look of affection and righteousness.

But in fact, these two women were the ones he snatched a woman from a good family from the street because he was happy to see her lust. After a lot of torture in order to survive, those who wanted to die were all dead. If they wanted to survive, they could only endure Come on, don't cause trouble for your family.

After Jiang Wei changed into a black outfit, he took a bay red horse brought by his subordinates, got on the horse, and headed towards the welcoming restaurant.

Those who noticed this scene from a distance hurried back to report.

The law of the Zheng Dynasty stipulated that ordinary people and even officials and officials were not allowed to ride horses when traveling, and could only use cattle instead. However, the Dragon and Tiger Gang was used to being unscrupulous in Hongping County, so naturally they would not care about this law. Riding a bay red horse all the way, even if the people on the road had never seen Jiang Wei or knew the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, they could immediately guess his identity and avoid him one after another.

This was avoided like a monster, Jiang Wei was not only not annoyed, but rather complacent.

When he was a teenager, he was still a little gangster who was looked down upon in the city, but now, in his early 30s, he is already a big shot that even the county magistrate would shy away from!

"It's not that I was born a few years later, what's the matter with the emperor? A hero like me can actually go to the throne!"

While thinking this way, a welcoming restaurant appeared in front of him.

The food in this place is not bad. Although Jiang Wei's favorite cook has long been half-hired and half-forced into his gang to cook for himself, it's still an interesting thing to come out for a meal once in a while. Son.

"I heard that the county magistrate Huang has a daughter who just turned 16 years old, but it's a pity that she didn't follow her to the post. Otherwise, I can barely call him father-in-law." Jiang Wei, who has never officially married a wife, is still dreaming at this time .

Just thinking about it, I was startled suddenly, and said, "Stop it, stop it."

The brothers who followed couldn't order and forbid them, so they stopped in a panic and asked, "Guangzhu, what's wrong?"

Before Jiang Wei had time to say anything, a person turned out in front of him, and three drums sounded. In front of the restaurant in front of him, county soldiers with spears were lined up.

"Okay, this is no good wine, no good banquet!" After Jiang Wei was stunned, he immediately understood, a sinister smile appeared on his face that was usually a bit fierce when he was not angry, and he roared He said: "Cheng Bancheng, you old man dare to cooperate with the government to trip me up!"

"When I get away, I will definitely destroy your Cheng family!"

He then threatened these county soldiers who were facing him: "Do you know who I am? I am Jiang Wei, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang! People call him a ghost! The person you are facing is the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, don't say kill him!" Forget me, even if you kill me, my brothers will not spare you! One counts as one, and you all have to die! Sensible, get out of the way for me!"

Just as he was threatening angrily, he saw a person wearing a seventh-rank official uniform come out of a restaurant not far away, and the magistrate Huang, who had come here half a year ago to take up his post, looked at him with a sneer.

"Jiang Wei, you're just a gang leader with a knife almost up to your neck, why are you still telling such jokes?"

"It's you!" Jiang Wei twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw that the person who came out turned out to be County Magistrate Huang, who had never dared to face him directly, with an obvious look of disdain.

"Why, this is a helper invited. Are you afraid that I will take over your county office? You are just a shrinking turtle. I am afraid that you will fail?"

This is extremely arrogant.

Because County Magistrate Huang was dispatched from abroad, the past six months have been spent in tranquility to sort out the context of the county. In addition, Jiang Wei still has a lot of people who support him, so he put it on hold for the time being.

County magistrate Huang is an official, so he has had relevant training. Although he has martial arts skills, no one can escape the arrow rain. Seeing that Jiang Wei's death is imminent, he is still so arrogant, and a trace of hostility flashed across his face. .

Glancing at Cheng Bancheng, who followed him out, trembling with fright, County Magistrate Huang said, "I thought you were a husband in the wilderness, but I didn't expect you to be a real idiot. You don't even know about the county magistrate who ruined his house!"

As he said that, he just raised his hand: "Fire the arrow!"

Following an order, more than ten arrows were shot down with only a sound of "buzz".

"Ah..." As soon as the arrow rained, there was a scream from the opposite side. Five or six so-called tyrants in the world rushed a few steps before they heard a continuous sound of puffing and fell over.

"Shoot again!" The archer accepts three consecutive shots, that is to say, three consecutive shots in a short period of time, no amount of arms can bear it.

At this time, Pupupu shrouded again, and this time he was on guard, the tyrants screamed wildly, dodged one after another, drew their knives and arrows, panicked in their hearts, lost their footsteps, accidentally stepped on the ground, slid down, and fell on the ground. land.

More fell to the ground, screaming, and some were unlucky and shot to the point, killing them on the spot.

Even Jiang Wei, the first time he got behind his horse, was hit by several arrows, and the horse's blood splashed all over his face. With a glance, most of the dozen or so majestic brothers he brought with him were already dead.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" Jiang Wei originally despised the government very much, and felt that the county magistrate and the emperor were nothing, and he was not as good as himself, but at this moment he was frightened, seeing the third round aimed at him, Jiang Wei's pupils slammed Shrinking, suddenly raised his head and shouted.

"God Wolf, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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