fake prince

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

At this time, I only heard a cold snort: "Idiot!"

A Taoist who jumped over the eaves smashed down a huge head. The huge head hit the ground immediately, and rolled away, revealing its true face in front of everyone.

It was actually the head of a huge gray wolf!

"Monster, monster!" Cheng Bancheng was terrified by what happened today, but when he saw the huge wolf's head, he sat down on the ground, screamed, and dodged backwards with his hands and feet.

County magistrate Huang is not much better than Cheng Bancheng, if not for the fact that the wolf demon is dead, he would have backed away in fright.

"There are monsters in the Dragon and Tiger Gang!"

"No wonder the former county magistrate didn't dare to touch the Dragon and Tiger Gang. After I took office, I found it strange, so I was cautious."

"At first, I thought it was a powerful person, but after checking it was not true, and I suspected that it was a powerful local snake with many collusions. I didn't expect to have collusion with monsters!"

The magistrate Huang, who was terrified, hurriedly raised his head to look for the Taoist who could kill the wolf demon, but after a while, the figure of the Taoist was no longer visible, and he didn't know whether he left or hid.

"This must be an expert invited by the prefect of Qi. As expected of the prefect of Qi, he even knew about the monsters in advance, and there is still a way to solve it!" County Magistrate Huang admired Qi Hongxin very much.

"The rest of the gang, without the monsters and the gang leader, must be a mess. Those who go to encircle and suppress will be able to go well. From then on, Hongping County will be free from gang troubles, which is really refreshing!"

The above thought was fleeting, but in reality, County Magistrate Huang only trembled slightly, and proudly said to the ashen-faced Jiang Wei, "Jiang Wei, your last support is gone, and today is your day of death!"

"What are you still doing in a daze? Shoot the arrow!"

"Kill!" Seeing the archer aiming, Jiang Wei's eyes turned red suddenly, and he howled, drawing his knife out of its sheath.

"Shoot!" Without the slightest bit of martial arts, the magistrate Huang also ordered.

"Pfft" More than a dozen arrows were shot, Jiang Wei is worthy of being the one who can win the throne of the previous gang leader. Although he was a teacher in his teens, he is talented. By the age of 30, he has already ranked among the second-rate in the arena The above is considered a master.

A single arrow couldn't bring him much danger, but when dozens of arrows were fired at once, even if he used a weapon to block it immediately, he could only block two or three arrows, and the rest pierced into the body with a puff.

"Kill..." Jiang Wei still charged forward fearlessly, Magistrate Huang couldn't help but change color, and retreated, but Jiang Wei rushed forward seven or eight steps, fell forward, and fell heavily.

"My lord, Jiang Wei is dead." Someone went over, checked, and reported to County Magistrate Huang.

In fact, even if you don't check it, you can see that dozens of arrows have been shot on your body, and even one in your chest. Even a Daoist Daoist can't survive.

The confidant's serious trouble was eradicated, and the county magistrate Huang breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Chop off the head and send it to inspector Zhang immediately!"

With the inspection of the inspection department to cooperate with this encirclement and suppression of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang was punished, and the heads were sent over, which should disturb the morale of the gang members inside.

Head of the Dragon Tiger Gang

The courtyard wall is very high, the courtyard gate is strong, and there are several courtyards.

"Mr. Qian, the officers and soldiers blocked both the front and rear doors, and set up heavy crossbows. It seems that they are determined to oppose us. The gang leader is not in the gang now. What should we do? Have we fought them?" Someone asked. Said anxiously.

The main rudder has many defenses, but these are only useful when there is no encirclement and suppression by a large number of officers and soldiers. If the officers and soldiers encircle and suppress, relying on this defense alone will not be able to resist for too long.

The Junshi Qian who was asked was a confidant of the gang leader Jiang Wei, but he was not a master of martial arts, but a literati known as the little Zhuge.

People are like their surnames, and they mainly manage money in the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Because they don't know martial arts, they can only rely on Jiang Wei's favor to gain a foothold in the gang. Instead, they are more and more trusted by Jiang Wei. Under the current situation, being a senior member of the gang, naturally It needs to be deployed, and I have given orders to the brothers in the gang.

He was stroking his beard and frowning at the moment: "Brothers first order people to prepare to meet the enemy, and I will go to meet the people outside for a while!"

Outside, the officers and soldiers were all on guard, hundreds of crossbow arrows aimed at the gate, a man wearing an inspector's uniform was talking with the local county captain, suddenly saw a horse galloping from a distance, someone rolled off the horse, and trotted to the front, He handed over a wooden box with both hands.

"My lords! The leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, Jiang Wei, has the head here!"

"Okay!" Leading people to assist the inspection of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he raised his hand to open the wooden box, and when he saw a ferocious human head lying in it, he immediately beamed with joy.

"Jiang Wei is dead, and the people inside have no leader. Send someone forward and tell them to come out and surrender immediately! Otherwise, they will be killed!"

I was about to send someone to call out, but I heard some movement inside first, a person with a loud voice shouted inside: "Hey, who are you! Do you know where this is? This is the chief rudder of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Even the county magistrate Huang wants to sell our gang leader's face, you people, do you want to be an enemy of our Dragon and Tiger Gang? If there is any misunderstanding, let's talk it out quickly, so that the sword will not have eyes!"

"The Dragon and Tiger Gang is so arrogant!" The inspector sneered, "It's clear that a catastrophe is imminent, but they can still be so confident and threaten me to wait for... someone!"


"Immediately pick up Jiang Wei's head with a bamboo pole, and show it to the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang inside, so that they don't know that their leader has already gone down to explore the way."


As the head was raised high, there were shouts from the officers and soldiers outside.

When they heard that their gang leader Jiang Wei had been executed, the gang members who didn't believe it at all at first saw the head raised high outside the wall and turned pale with shock.

"Master!" Following the help of Tiger Hall's master Xie Mengguang, after being shocked, he immediately asked: "What should we do now?"

Xie Mengguang's eyes turned red, he clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth: "Okay! The government is trying to encircle and suppress our Dragon and Tiger Gang! His grandma's! When the Zheng Dynasty was not founded, our Dragon and Tiger Gang was already there. This area has become the king and hegemony, how can it be the turn of the lackeys of the government to bark here!"

"Pass on my order, all the brothers in the Tiger Hall, follow me and rush out!"

"Since the government is not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. Once you rush out, immediately kill the county government. First kill the dog county magistrate to avenge our gang leader!"

"Revenge, revenge!" Everyone in the Tiger Hall shouted.

And Junshi Qian heard the shouting outside and saw Jiang Wei's head, and his heart suddenly became cold.

The people who followed him were also pale, and they heard someone not far away shouting to avenge the leader of the gang, so they hurriedly asked: "Military Master, they are all planning to avenge the leader of the gang, what should we do?"

"Wait, wait first!" Qian Junshi is not a Jianghu person who wants to avenge someone at the first moment of his head. Although he has entered the Jianghu, he should be more cautious.

"Follow me to Kuku immediately, first go get the gold...weapon!"

(End of this chapter)

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