fake prince

Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Junshi Qian saw the sound of killing outside, and time was running out. He had been at the helm for a long time, so he knew the situation like the palm of his hand. He walked all the way, and soon came to a warehouse, and an iron gate outside was locked.

Junshi Qian opened the door, and everyone was stunned when they went in. They saw boxes inside. When they opened it, they were filled with gold and silver. Not far away was an arsenal with crossbows and iron armor.

With a piece of gold in his hand, Junshi Qian showed a little smile. After hearing Peng's sound, he was immediately surrounded by the hall master who rushed to Longxing Hall one step later.

"Wu Feng, what do you mean?!" Qian Junshi was frightened and angry, and asked many people who were much more than himself.

Wu Feng smiled coldly: "Mr. Qian, you should ask me this question. The things in the treasury are owned by the guild leader. If the guild leader is not around, it is ours."

"Everyone is preparing for war, but you reach out for money?"

"Mr. Qian, when the leader of the gang was not dead, you, an old boy who had repeatedly failed the rankings, had the nerve to put him on top of me, Wu Feng. Now let you see who is the dragon and the tiger. The hero of the gang! Kill!"

Following Wu Feng's order, someone rushed up immediately, and Junjun Qian shouted: "Reverse, rebel, when the leader is here, I will be above you."

"Now you are the next offender, come on, come on."

At this time, listening to the call, Wu Feng had a sneer on his face. Looking at Wu Feng's expression, Junshi Qian suddenly realized something. Looking around, he saw that everyone following him was silent, and his heart sank even further. .

Junshi Qian was stunned, then suddenly yelled, turned around and ran towards the door.

A man drew his knife fiercely, and slashed at Qian Junshi's head. Qian Junshi was shocked, and he could barely avoid the vital point, and cut off his right arm with one blow.

"Ah..." Blood flowed profusely, Qian Junshi screamed loudly, but the desire of life still made him flee to the door desperately, only a few steps, a knife pierced through the back, and pierced through the front.

Junshi Qian lay on his back at the door, his eyes wide open, as if he was dying.

"In the armor, we fought with the officers and soldiers." Wu Feng gritted his teeth and said.

Outside, the inspector and the county lieutenant stood and waited. As soon as Jiang Wei raised his head, there was a commotion inside, but waited and waited, but no one came down.

"If you refuse to surrender, give me an order to kill in! No one will be left behind!" The county lieutenant said coldly as the muscles on his face twitched.

"Yes!" said the inspector.

"Boom" the gate of the main rudder of the Dragon and Tiger Gang was knocked open, and the officers and soldiers outside stepped forward in unison.

Just pushed in, and heard someone inside shouting: "Let go!"

The arrows in "Puff" were fierce and poisonous, and they were extremely accurate. Suddenly, seven or eight officers and soldiers screamed. Even the inspector in front was almost injured. An arrow missed, and another one flew past the ear, making a small gash in the face.

Not only that, just hearing a shout from inside, five or six armor-piercing people rushed out, slashing and killing.

"At least ten pairs of crossbows and five pairs of iron armor." The county captain immediately changed his color. Zheng Jiwei system, the control of knives (swords) is not too great, but one set of armor is kept privately, and the sentence is exiled; three sets or more are kept privately. Hanging; possession of three crossbows in private, exile; possession of ten or more crossbows in private, death by hanging.

Unless it was a reward from the emperor or an inheritance left by the ancestors, the possession of armor was quite treasonous. Yan Yiliu, a famous general in the former dynasty, was awarded the title of Marquis for his meritorious service, but he was condemned to death for hiding eleven pairs of armor.

It can be seen that the imperial court attached great importance to armor and crossbows.

Seeing the crossbow and armor, the eyes of the two officials turned red.

"The Dragon and Tiger Gang really want to rebel."

"Fortunately, Mr. Qi took precautions and dispatched soldiers from the armored county."

"Come on, come on!"

With an order, the officers and soldiers in leather armor, with the shield bearers as the first, second and third rows, pushed forward in unison with the sound of footsteps. Sure enough, arrows and crossbow arrows were shot from inside, hitting the shield, making a clanging sound, and directly hit the shield. splashed to the ground.

After all, people from Jianghu, even if they have bows and crossbows in their hands, when using them, they are far inferior to the well-trained officers and soldiers.

The county lieutenant issued an order: "Shoot!"

A rain of arrows will fall crazily, regardless of the men, women and children inside.

They have all rebelled, so what is the difference?

"Puff puff puff", even if you are wearing armor and shooting at close range, you will still be hit by arrows, but the penetration is not deep. Those who did not wear armor screamed repeatedly. This time alone, more than a dozen lives were directly harvested. Gang members Seeing this, he was shocked and hurriedly retreated.

They retreated, the officers and soldiers advanced, and layers of shields covered the officers and soldiers behind the shields tightly. It was only at this time that the people of the Dragon and Tiger Gang really felt that no matter how high a martial art is, it is difficult to defeat thousands of troops. .

The officers and soldiers in front of them are not at the level of thousands of troops, which has left these martial arts people with no choice but to keep retreating and look for opportunities to kill them.

"Kill!" Wu Feng shouted to help the crowd to charge forward, charging from the side with lightness kung fu, trying to open the gap.

"Collective shooting!" More than a dozen crossbow arrows shot directly behind the shield, shooting him into a hedgehog. Even with armor, he couldn't resist, and his body fell to the ground with a plop.

"Brothers, let's fight with them!" Xie Mengguang, the leader of the Tiger Hall saw him, raised his arms, and led the crowd to charge up. Because of his skill, he reached the shield players, and with a grinning slash, he chopped down the two shield players.

But the next moment, several spears pierced through Xie Mengguang's chest and lower abdomen, and as a mouthful of blood spurted out, Xie Mengguang fell out.

The three hall masters who were in charge of the main rudder were all dead. Compared with the killing of the gang leader Jiang Wei, the gang members in the main rudder were panicked. It seemed that the courage just now disappeared without a trace. no trace.

"Why should I work so hard?" Many people felt timid and retreated desperately. For a while, people crowded and stepped on people, screaming from time to time.

Pu Yongtan

Twenty miles away from Hongping County is a pier built along a big river. Here, the Jianghe Gang and the Xinyi Gang occupying a pier and the waterway are both gangs that deal with water.

On the pier, there are many large and small shops, and dozens of cargo ships are parked by the river. The owner of the ship is not on the ship or in the shop, but in all likelihood, he is in the crowded casino not far away.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, ouch, it's actually big!" Seeing that it turned out to be big, a short and fat man slapped his thigh immediately.

The young man who gambled with him laughed loudly: "I just said, you old man will definitely lose! You still don't believe it! How about it, are you convinced now?"

"Submit! Submit!" The short and fat man cupped his hands at the man, flattering him and said, "However, it's an honor to be able to lose to Master Saijiang Longfang!"

Seeing this, Fang Ruozhu, who is not low in the gang, was in a good mood, and was about to ask what's the matter, at this moment, there was a loud "boom", and the locked door was knocked open .

A large number of officers and soldiers poured in, and the crossbow arrows aimed at everyone present one by one, shouting: "Disarm and don't kill, all kneel down, kneel down!"

Even Fang Ruozhu, because he didn't have time to get the weapon, was directly pointed at by someone with a crossbow arrow, and was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I have a relationship with Magistrate Sang..."

Before he finished speaking, the iron ruler hit it hard, and with a "poof", the teeth flew out with blood.

Before Master Fang Ruo fell into a coma, he only heard a scolding: "How dare you talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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