fake prince

Chapter 461 One word is called Gong

Chapter 461

Su Ziji took Qi Hongxin into the bullock cart that had been prepared long ago. The two of them had nothing to say on the road. When Su Ziji said, "My lord, we have arrived", Qi Hongxin opened his eyes and recovered from his exhaustion. Woke up.

"It's here?" He lifted the curtain and looked out. When he saw it, he was startled.

Originally thought that Su Ziji was taking him to a private room in a restaurant, or a temporary residence, or a yamen, but in the end he was brought to the largest square in Fucheng.

And the entire square is densely packed with people at the moment, roughly counting, there are at least thousands of people.

Qi Hongxin felt no fatigue immediately, opened his eyes wide, and went to see who these people were, for fear that something might be wrong again, and he would be kept in the dark.

And seeing this surprised Qi Hongxin even more.

"These people... aren't they the owners of several restaurants in Fucheng? There are also a few who seem to be the owners of silk and satin villages?" Because these people who were recognized were all when Qi Hongxin first arrived in Shun'an Mansion. Qi Hongxin has a very good memory of those who have been to the reception banquet, and he has only seen it once, and he already remembers it.That's why I was so surprised when I saw it at this moment.

Besides those who knew each other, those who didn't know were also dressed in silk and satin. At first glance, they were not ordinary people, at least they were landlords and businessmen.

"Master Su, what's going on?" Qi Hongxin was stunned for a moment, then turned around hastily, and asked.

Su Ziji smiled: "Master Qi, these landlords and merchants are all here to participate in the lottery."

"Drawing lots?"

"Exactly. The small mine held by the lower official will be sold in the form of lottery in public, and the mining rights will be sold for ten years, and everyone who participates in the lottery will have to pay 100 taels of silver for one draw..."

"Everyone pays 100 taels?" Qi Hongxin gasped, and he immediately understood what Su Ziji meant.

If there are thousands of people present, and everyone pays 100 taels to participate in the lottery, it will be almost 10 taels of silver!

The principal of the mining rights is only 3 taels.

This Su Ziji, how did his head grow?

At this moment, Qi Hongxin couldn't help but have such doubts.

"My lord, why don't you come closer and watch the draw?" Su Ziji gave Qi Hongxin some time to calm down, and suggested again.

"Go and see!" Qi Hongxin is naturally willing, and he is also curious about whether this method of drawing lots is feasible, and whether these people in the square are just watching the fun, and whether they are willing to really spend real money To get a chance to draw lots.

When they walked to the front, they happened to see the official in charge, who was asking the yamen servant to check the box first, and turned the opening towards these people present, so that they could see that it was indeed an empty box, and there was nothing wrong with it. Organs are tricky.

Later, more than [-] senior scholars and senior judges were invited to come forward.

This is not only to create momentum for this lottery, but also to improve the standard. At the same time, these people are famous and famous people, and they have lived a happy life. In order to protect their reputation, it is impossible to cheat on this kind of thing.

This is still to tell the people present that this lottery is credible, winning or losing depends entirely on luck, and there is no possibility of artificial fraud.

Sure enough, after seeing these thirty or so people, he was still a little hesitant at first, but at this moment, his heart fell back into his stomach, and his heart began to look forward to it.

After all, they only know more than 100 small mines, and they need to use [-] taels of silver to buy the right to draw lots. Everyone draws lots, but how to draw is a problem.

Many of them thought about it, and couldn't figure out how to smoke it.

In fact, when Su Ziji first thought of this matter, he was thinking of using a real lottery to draw.But in order to be more fair, changed his mind and used a new method.

At this moment, more than [-] old scholars and veterans demonstrated the method that Su Ziji thought of later.

I saw that each of them wrote a mine name on a piece of paper with a pen, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it into a box on the spot.

The box with the lid closed only has a hole in the lid that you can put your hand in, and everyone who stuffed the note in, immediately let go of it after pulling out their hand, and opened their palms to signal to the people present. People look at it before retreating.

After more than [-] people stuffed the notes one by one, it was the turn of those present to hand over the money.

Qi Hongxin held his breath and looked around worriedly. He was not conspicuous in casual clothes, because everyone's eyes fell on the big box enthusiastically.

But even so, as the official's voice fell, the scene was silent in an instant.

"Is no one willing to be the first bird to stand up?" Qi Hongxin understood immediately, but the next moment, a voice rang out from the crowd: "I will offer 300 taels!"

300 two?

With this sound, many people showed puzzled expressions, didn't they say that only 100 taels are needed?

But when a clerk wrote three 100-liang characters on the spot, filled in the name of the buyer, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it into a box on the spot, the people at the scene were not stupid, and they immediately understood.

It was so!

In addition to the mine names of more than 100 small mines, all contributors will get an extra paper ball every [-] two sessions. This paper ball actually represents a chance to draw lots.

If there are a thousand people, and each person pays the price once, in addition to more than thirty paper balls with the name of the mine in the box, there will be a thousand paper balls of a hundred taels of silver that are useless if they are drawn.

Although it is useless, each paper ball has silver and name, and the forgery will be exposed immediately.

This was so fair to the extreme that everyone present was immediately convinced.

Moreover, through the "early bird" paying 300 taels, it can also be seen that this lottery is not limited to one draw by the government, but can also pay more money and have more chances to draw lots!

Thinking of this, excitement flashed across the faces of the people present, and they all began to bid, some offered 100 taels, some offered 200 taels, some offered 300 taels, and even a rich man wanted to offer 3000 taels. It made the place quiet for a moment.

Some people looked at him with unkind eyes, what is this plan to do all the small mines by himself?

"Everyone, one person can offer up to 500 taels, five chances to draw the lottery." Immediately, a boss shouted, telling the people present that a person can only offer a maximum of 500 taels, and no more is allowed.

Su Ziji saw that the first bidder of 300 taels just now nodded slightly towards him, and also smiled.

"Is that entrusting?" Qi Hongxin asked in a very low voice when he saw it with sharp eyes.

Su Ziji replied: "Yes."

Then I couldn't hear Qi Hongxin's reply, and when I looked around, I saw Qi Hongxin who was about to say something, but now turned his gaze to the hall behind.

The money was called, and the money was handed over in the hall. Even the squires did not have the guts to call out the money and refused to hand over the money. At this time, they all handed over the money.

Seeing this, Su Ziji felt that Qi Hongxin valued money more, so he could only say, "Master Qi, let's go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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