fake prince

Chapter 462 One word is called Gong

Chapter 462

When Qi Hongxin heard about it, he nodded, "That's fine."

Under the guidance of Su Ziji, they turned to the hall. Just in time for the busiest time of picking treasury and depositing money, they were divided into ten desks, and staff from multiple yamen were assigned to work.

"Shi Yunwei." A clerk at a table called the roster, and the names of those who called money outside would be recorded.

Listening to the shout, a middle-aged man agreed to step forward.

Qi Hongxin took a look and saw that the middle-aged man was wearing a sauce-colored gown, half-new and not old. He didn't look like a country gentleman. He hesitated for a while, and then heard Su Ziji whisper: "This is the man brought by Shi Yunwei."

Qi Hongxin immediately understood that it was impossible for the squires to bring hundreds of taels of silver by themselves, they must have brought their entourage or housekeeper. Seeing the middle-aged man yelling, a young man went over with a box and put it on the table. superior.

As soon as the little official opened it, there were pieces of silver cakes inside.

Probably because he got used to it, there were people around the clerk who specially checked the fineness of the silver, and someone else weighed it, and soon shouted: "The fineness is ninety-eight, and it weighs three hundred and one taels of money."

The little official said, recorded it in the book, and shouted: "Miao Shaolan!"

"The villain is here!" Another long follower followed up, and saw that every time he shouted, someone came to the registration table with white silver coins. To register it, another small official will write one to five notes according to the amount of the bank, crumpled into paper balls, and stuffed them into the box.

And the handfuls of silver were put into wooden boxes and arranged. Qi Hongxin watched one, two, three... almost lost count of how many wooden boxes were quickly filled, sealed, and weighed heavily. Lift into the back.

This is the place where taxes were paid in the past, and the corridor at the back is connected to the bank.

Instead of going to the bank, Qi Hongxin felt his heart beat faster and his breathing suddenly became difficult as he watched the wooden boxes full of silver being carried away one by one.

Especially when the legs were sore from standing, more than 1000 people finally paid all the money. The petty official went outside and shouted several times, but no one came in. The official was rubbing his neck and looked up. Standing in the corner, the two adults, the prefect and the prefect, both dressed in casual clothes, hurried forward to salute.

"This money... in total, how much is in the account?" Qi Hongxin asked dryly when he heard his voice.

The official didn't know how nervous the magistrate in front of him was. He only saw the cold expression of the decisive magistrate, and his heart skipped a beat. He was afraid that he might have done something wrong, so he hurriedly replied: "Master magistrate!" , A total of 27 silver coins have been entered into the account!"

27 million taels?

27 taels!

27 million taels! !

Although it has long been expected, thousands of gentry pay 100 taels each, which means more than 20 taels. If you draw twice, you will get 30 taels, and if you draw three times, you will get [-] taels.

But when he heard this number, Qi Hongxin suddenly felt dizzy, the strength that had been supporting him all the time, as soon as the answer came to his ears and his heart, it immediately loosened, making him unable to stand still, and he was about to collapse on the ground.

Clutching his chest, Qi Hongxin even felt that he was going to be out of breath.

27 taels!

He never dreamed that he could get such a large sum of money just by selling the 37 small mines that were confiscated!

Including the cash confiscated not long ago, the inventory has exceeded 30 taels!

Before the water control yamen, he had to promise when he was urging money that he would be able to pay back the 17 taels of silver he owed before the end of the year.

This means that at least half of the shortfall can be repaid this year. Although the remaining 20 taels is still a lot, compared with the previous 70 taels, the pressure has been greatly reduced.

"Your Majesty!" The boss who reported the accounts was taken aback.

Su Ziji hastily stopped him from shouting: "Your Excellency is just excited for a while, let someone serve you some tea."

"Yes!" Fortunately, Mr. Fu Cheng was here, and Zhu Bo was very happy, so he hurriedly served tea.

Su Ziji and his own soldiers who were secretly protecting Qi Hongxin helped him to sit on a chair not far away.

At this time someone served tea, Qi Hongxin drank two sips of tea, his beating heart slowly returned to normal, and the dizziness caused by the coexistence of surprise and fright also eased.

Qi Hongxin couldn't help looking at Su Ziji, he couldn't understand more than that, this matter was led by Su Ziji alone, with such ability...

"My lord, please approve the lottery." Before Qi Hongxin could think about it, Su Ziji respectfully asked for instructions again.

The previous payment of money has been completed, so people can't just wait like this.

Thousands of paper balls were stuffed into a large box, first mixed together, then taken out, stirred in public, and the box was placed in the open, so that those who paid for it could rest assured.

Qi Hongxin could only stop his thoughts, and said to Master Bo who was waiting for his order: "You have done a good job in this matter, prepare to get those people to draw lots, make sure to maintain order and not cause chaos."

"Don't worry, my lord, I have already invited the county captain to send a hundred soldiers to maintain order." Su Ziji said with a smile.

This is quite well prepared, Qi Hongxin thought.

But he still has a little bit of thought for the next lottery draw.

Although all the money has been put into the warehouse, it is impossible for him to let people spit out the money no matter whether there is a commotion outside or not, but if the commotion is too much and causes a civil uprising, this is not what Qi Hongxin wants to see.

"The lottery is drawn, and when the name is called, go to the stage to draw the lottery." A high platform was temporarily built in the square, and the owner went out and stood on the high platform to announce that the lottery could be drawn.

Just like before, Qi Hongxin and Su Ziji were still standing in the corner, watching the lottery process.

"Cheng Fulai, Hongping County, Shun'an Prefecture, touch the lottery once!"

"Wan Youdong, Qinghe County, Shun'an Prefecture, touch the lottery three times!"

"Zheng Feng, Baili County, Jianghua Prefecture, touch the lottery twice!"


One by one, they came up after being called by their names, and stretched their hands in through the round hole on the top of the box. Since they couldn't see with their eyes, they could only touch with their hands. They found out the one they wanted among thousands of paper balls. See luck.

Anyway, everyone who went up had solemn expressions, holding their breath and concentrating, as if they were doing some kind of sacred thing.

Dally for as long as you can.

It wasn't until a small official urged him that he would hesitate to pull out his hand, often with a ball of paper in his hand.

"I didn't win!" Then another person who touched the lottery opened the paper ball, and there was only "100 taels" and an unfamiliar name inside. He sighed and walked down with a little frustration.

Although those who didn't get the mining rights feel a little bit sorry for the one or two hundred taels of silver that was spent in vain, but think about it, this lottery has been said from the beginning, and it is a bet on one's own luck.

If you can't touch it, you can't touch it. Anyway, if you can really touch it, there are only 37 people. Most of them are like themselves, so they should donate their money to the government. These people comfort themselves in their hearts.

This is already the No.11 person who came up to touch the lottery, and no one has been able to touch the mining rights so far.

There was some commotion in the crowd below, not because they regretted it, but gradually doubted whether they could get the mining rights.

(End of this chapter)

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