fake prince

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

Qi Hongxin whispered to Su Ziji beside him, "Is there no trust in the lottery?"

Su Ziji also said in a low voice: "This matter is in accordance with the process, there is no mechanism, and there is no way to use entrustment to arouse emotions. However, no matter sooner or later, someone will always touch the mining rights. Please don't worry, my lord."

After all, the people in front quickly took away the mining rights, and the people behind had no chance, which is the trouble.

The mining rights are all obtained in the middle and late stages of lottery. It doesn’t matter if the last person has no chance. After all, it has been declared in advance. If you sign up early, you have a better chance. Of course no one else is to blame.

Everything has a first come, first served, this is a matter of course.

Qi Hongxin nodded, but his eyes were tightly locked on another person who came up to touch the lottery.

Because the first eleven failed to draw lots, even Qi Hongxin lowered his expectations a little bit. He didn't feel that the other party had a great chance from the first one, as he did at the beginning.

The person who touched the lottery probably also had such a complicated mood. Instead, he didn't hesitate like those people before. He just put his hand in, mixed it, touched a ball of paper at random, and took it out.

Sure enough, the first paper ball only had "100 taels" and a name.

After the little official read it and recited it, all the people present sighed again.

The man handed over 200 taels, and then he drew out a second ball of paper.

Compared to the first time, his mentality was more stable, and he almost lost hope.

When unfolding, the mind was very peaceful, but as the paper ball unfolded, his eyes fell, this burly man who looked like a farmer rather than a rich man suddenly changed his face, and couldn't help but get closer to the paper ball. In front of him, he seemed to want to take a closer look to see if his eyes were wrong.

And this abnormal behavior immediately surprised the onlookers, and they immediately went into an uproar.

Seeing this, the little official at the side hurried over, took the ball of paper from the man's hand, and looked at it carefully.

Immediately, the little official beamed and said, "Congratulations to Zhuang Mulin, Hegou County, Jianghua Prefecture, for being drawn to the Xiyinshan Coal Mine in Qinghe County, Shun'an Prefecture!"


He had already guessed because of the difference in the man's expression, but at this moment, the little official confirmed it, and directly pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

Finally someone has really touched the mining rights!

For 200 taels, you can get a coal mine, even if it is a small mine, ten years of mining rights can be regarded as a huge profit, a real fortune!

Qi Hongxin, who lost his first lottery draw, fell into deep thought and didn't pay any more attention. He was taken aback by the lively noise, and then he seemed to realize something, and turned his eyes to the high platform of lottery drawer.

Seeing the black-faced man whom he thought would be disappointed before, he was smiling at the moment. He just signed the contract and took the contract from the official. It was not possible for the people present to see clearly what was written in the contract, but it caused another burst of noise.

"How come people from other counties have touched it, wouldn't it be tricky?" Immediately, some people started discussing it in private.

"Zhuang Mulin, Hegou County, Jianghua Prefecture, his name seems familiar."

"It's my in-laws, what's the trouble?" Someone hurriedly stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations to my in-laws, you got the mining rights, but we have to worry about how to mine."

The people present were all squires from counties and counties, and they had many marriages with each other. They immediately shouted out the details of the winners, which extinguished the suspicion of many people.

What's more, the voice of the little official said: "Don't make a noise—Chang Chengji, Qinghe County, Shun'an Prefecture, touched the lottery three times!"

Chang Chengji immediately went up nervously.

Seeing everyone scrambling, although the order of the lottery was originally called according to the order of payment, every time someone came up, the people in the audience became more and more nervous, for fear that the mining rights would be lost before they came up. People drained.

In this lively scene, even the people who didn't touch it didn't think of causing trouble at all, but when they returned to the crowd, they continued to stare at the people on the stage curiously.

Qi Hongxin had no doubt that the government allowed another batch of qualifications to be drawn by lottery. Those who had not obtained mining rights before would definitely rush to pay the money immediately and re-enter the queue waiting for lottery.

Such a model, such a method, such a method, let alone never seen it, Qi Hongxin has been an official for so many years, and he has never even heard of it.

His mind was buzzing, and when he came back to his senses, the lottery was completed at an extremely fast speed. All the 37 mines had owners, and those who didn't find them were disappointed, but they didn't want to make trouble.

Even the last small group of people who lost their chance before it was their turn just lamented that they were too slow and hesitant when paying the money, and missed the opportunity. Second mining rights.

This result was much better than what Qi Hongxin expected before.

In the future, Shun'an Mansion will have other businesses and continue to use this lottery method. It is estimated that not only these 1000 people will come, but more people may come.

The most important thing is that the result is much stronger than the normal mode.

These private mines, ten-year mining rights, even if the price was raised, they could only be sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver, but now there is an extra 20 taels for no reason, which greatly makes up for the deficit. What an astonishing ability to make money !

As long as Qi Hongxin thinks about it, this matter may bring great benefits in the short term and long term. When he looks at Su Ziji, he can't help but stare.

He organized his words, and asked dryly: "Master Su, can you tell me how you came up with this method?"

Su Ziji laughed. Can he say that this is not a coincidence at all, but a subject of "how corrupt officials can make up for the shortfall in real situations and get out of it", and that academics are almost omnipotent?

But you can't say that to Qi Hongxin, you'd be stupid.

At this time, he just said modestly: "My lord, since I came to Shun'an Mansion, I heard that there is a huge deficit. On the one hand, I inspect the situation in the mansion, and on the other hand, I think about it day and night, so I can't sleep at night."

"Speaking of reality, it is not the responsibility of the lower officials to take over the deficit, but it is also a hot hand to take over the deficit. Ji Hongyi, the former magistrate of the county, was also a serious scholar in Chengshou for 13 years. Due to bad luck, he took over. The most important thing is a big deficit county, but after three years, instead of being promoted, it was even downgraded by one level."

"Among the officials, it's only natural for them to be demoted to a higher level if they mess up their errands. It's just that the lower officials are still a little unconvinced and always want to solve it."

"The usual solution is to increase income and reduce expenditure. This is too long, and I'm afraid I won't be able to wait."

"Or the people were searched, and the previous magistrate raised taxes because of this and caused a civil uprising, but the lower officials didn't dare to do so. They suffered from lack of talent and learning, and they couldn't solve it in the end."

Qi Hongxin nodded without saying a word. For 2000 years, no one in all dynasties can solve this problem. How can the young man in front of him, He De, solve it?

(End of this chapter)

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