fake prince

Chapter 467 Lei Fa's Doubts

Chapter 467 Lei Fa's Doubts

Su Ziji was a little surprised.

Originally, he was just trying it out, but with a click, the demon corpse suddenly changed, faded to transparent, and looked like it was about to disappear.

"Success." Su Ziji suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he had a new idea. He was quick and grabbed the nearest demon corpse.

Sure enough, everything else disappeared in the next moment.

"They all disappeared?" Even Zeng Nianzhen had seen monsters before, and even killed more than one monster with his own hands. This was the first time he had seen such a scene, and he couldn't help opening his eyes slightly.

Seeing that he was curious, Su Ziji simply threw the body to Zeng Nianzhen: "Take it first, and transport it back with a bullock cart. Let's go to the next target."

Su Ziji got into the bullock cart, staring at the monster corpses piled up in the corner in a daze.

Because the corpse of the monster was brought into the car, the two foxes, one big and one small, had to squeeze together to be able to sit down. They both chirped and seemed unhappy.

Su Ziji was distracted by their noise, but he didn't comfort them. Instead, he stared at them for a while, and just before the two foxes were about to explode, he asked, "I heard that the foxes have cultivated?" , most likely know illusion, you two should be able to do it too? Can you turn this monster into a giant locust?"

The two foxes, one big and one small, looked at each other and chirped, as if they were discussing this matter, and after a while they gestured to Su Ziji.

Seeing that Su Ziji didn't understand it for a while, he was busy digging through the books, flipping through them, and finally made Su Ziji understand what they meant.

"It can change, but it can only last for a stick of incense?"

I understand, according to the time calculation method of this era, half an hour is an hour, and a stick of incense generally refers to half an hour.

In other words, this illusion lasts at most half an hour.


"Do you still want ten chickens for extra meals?" Su Ziji smiled when he saw the subsequent request again: "It's not difficult. If this can be done, I can get twenty chickens too!"


make a deal!

Shun'an Prefecture · Baiyun Taoist Temple

Baiyun Mountain at the east foot of the city is only six or seven miles away from the city. There is a small mountain with a spring gushing down.

Liu Zhan was talking to the Taoist priest at this time, and the Taoist sighed: "The field of sorrow in Kaiyuan Temple is actually a field donated by believers to the Buddhist temple.

"The fields of thinking for parents, the fields of respect for Buddhist monks, and the fields of sorrow for the poor may have good intentions, but monks don't cultivate them themselves, and rent them to tenants in disguise. The land property has changed from 170 acres to [-] acres. mu."

"This is really worrying."

It is said to be worrying, but it is not worrying about the country, but worrying about Taoism.

Liu Zhan didn't take it seriously, and smiled: "I have also read the Buddhist scriptures, which is different from outsiders. It is indeed exquisite, but as long as there is no power to manifest the holiness, there is no problem. It is just a false way."

"Everything is fake, only the power is real. If we just want to gain followers, we can recruit some of our curse water."

Just as he was speaking, Liu Zhan's body shook suddenly, and he could hear thunder rolling faintly in the distance, as if there were lightning flashes, but it stopped for a moment, and then changed his mouth: "Can you hear the thunder?"

"Thunder, real man, it's clear now, where is the thunder coming from?"

"It's not real thunder, but someone used the Jianggong Zhenzhuan pill method?" Liu Zhan frowned in that direction because of doubts in his heart.

Seeing the change in his expression, the Taoist priest asked, "Really, what happened?"

"It seems that this kind of Taoism has been used by someone. I'll go and have a look." After Liu Zhan finished speaking, the figure flickered and disappeared.

The Jianggong Zhenzhuan Dan method is the core secret method of the sect, and only the master and disciples of the master can learn it. How did it spread to the outside world?

This year's head disciple, I haven't determined yet, it is impossible to be the head disciple.


When Liu Zhan went out, he showed his token, took a horse, went out of the city and followed the direction he identified, and seemed to have a secret method, and soon arrived at the courtyard where the monster was hiding.

"There's a demonic aura!" Sure enough, he could smell the demonic aura and blood that hadn't dissipated completely, but obviously he came too late, the person who seemed to have used his own method had already left for a long time.

"The Jianggong Zhenzhuan Dan method of our school is not actually a real thunder, but those who fall into it feel that they have seen it, and they have even been hit by the thunder."

"This kind of secret method to draw the spirit of heaven and earth, there is no other sect."

"Although the corpse is gone, and I can't feel the traces of casting spells, my feeling is definitely not wrong. It is not a novice who can cause such power by suddenly appearing in the local area, and can use the core Taoism of the sect. What?" Liu Zhan thought to himself, and a shadow emerged.

Although it is impossible for any sect's unique knowledge not to be completely leaked, it depends on the degree of secrecy. For ordinary beginners, there are many people who learn it. Of course, it is easy to leak, but the core is only one, two, and three secret methods, which is very strange.

"Could it be Luo Jing?" Some people have struggles. In terms of inheritance, of course, some people who were originally destined to be head disciples lost their positions, were killed, or defected, which may be leaked.

"Moreover, there should be more than one. He himself, or the people around him, are very powerful and are people who use swords." Just looking at the monster blood on the ground, it can be seen that the dead monsters are not only used by Taoism, but also by Taoism. Weapons kill.

Although Su Ziji's face flashed in his mind when he came running, but he had dealt with Su Ziji before, and the two had been in closer contact, and he never felt the traces of practicing Taoism on his body. Liu Zhan believed in his eyesight.

But except for this person whom he especially remembered, Liu Zhan really didn't catch anyone else, so naturally he couldn't find him.

Returning to the Taoist temple with a trace of gloom, before entering the house, I saw a Taoist priest hurried in from the outside. When he saw him, his eyes lit up and he ran over.


"Why, what's the new news?" Liu Zhan asked.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist reported: "Really, it's about Dragon Girl!"

"When the disciple came back just now, he found a group of people talking about it as they walked, saying that there was news that the dragon girl took pity on the world, personally killed the locust god, and placed the body of the locust god more than ten miles outside the city of Shun'an Prefecture. In the temple..."

"Dragon Girl Temple? Heh!" Liu Zhan sneered when he heard this.

In the original water temple, the people did not know which water god was worshiped, but later it was called the Locust God Temple, and now it is called the Dragon Girl Temple. Pushing hands, he will screw his head off!

Also, would he not know if there is a so-called locust god?

There have never been such monsters in this world. If there were, they would have become the main targets of the Daoist sect because of their endless life. Why do we need a dragon girl to do it?

When he came back to his senses, the Taoist in front of him stopped because of his sneer, Liu Zhan frowned: "Go on!"

The Taoist hurriedly continued to say: "As soon as the rumors came out, many people would go to the water temple to watch it. My disciple estimated that at least the number would not be less than a thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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