fake prince

Chapter 468 Long Live the Dragon Lady

Chapter 468 Long Live the Dragon Lady


The Taoist hurriedly said, "No more! Because I was in a hurry to report to you, my disciple came back first when he heard the news."

"I see, back off."

After waving his hand to order him to retreat, Liu Zhan stood where he was, thinking about the things that happened in the past few days, but no matter how they were connected, it was still as if there was a mess of mahjong hidden in the truth, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Hateful, it's really a mess." Liu Zhan is not a person who likes to let things out of his control, especially when it involves the belief of the Dragon Girl. Once this is done, it will directly affect the situation of the Dragon Palace. It is impossible not to take a look at the interests of Daomen.

When Liu Zhan arrived at the Water Temple, he realized that the Taoist who reported to him not only did not exaggerate, but even said less.

There were more than one or two thousand people present, and all the roads nearby were blocked, and even the nearby roofs and trees were full of people. There were not five thousand, but three thousand.

Liu Zhan did not squeeze to the front from the crowd, but imitated those who stood up high, and climbed up a tree a few times, stood on a higher branch, and looked down.

That's all there is to see.

I saw a lot of firewood piled up on the open space in front of the water temple. There was a huge locust, which was one meter wide and three to four meters long. Its body and wings were lifelike, and it looked like a real locust magnified countless times. was placed on top of the pile of firewood.

Because the stand was high enough, some people who couldn't squeeze in front of them raised their heads on tiptoe and saw it.

"Mother, what a big locust!"

"So this is the Locust God?!"

"Bah! What kind of locust god! We have lost all our crops, and we are worthy of being called a god? Didn't you see that he was killed by the dragon girl? That's a demon! Little locust demon!"

"Yes! It's the locust demon!"

The people who were startled and screamed heatedly discussed about the dragon girl killing the locust monster. The scene was crowded with people, and many people from behind tried to squeeze forward, so that they could have a closer look at what the monster looked like.

Because several county soldiers stopped and maintained order, thinking that 53 people had died here before, seeing these several county soldiers, the people immediately panicked.

The crowd is like wheat waves when the wind blows, front and back, left and right, while being crowded, they still maintain a strange order.

"Could it be that I'm so ignorant that there really are locust monsters in this world?" Only Liu Zhan fell into a kind of self-doubt when he saw the huge locust.

In order to see clearly, he had to jump a few times, dodge down from the tree, step on people's heads, and reach the front of the crowd. Because of his fast enough speed, he fell and hid in the crowd in front of him, even though someone was covering his head Shouting "Who stepped on me", did not cause any disturbance.

And Liu Zhan also stepped forward as he wished, and saw the true face of the huge locust demon at close range.

"Isn't this a wolf demon?"

As he got closer, illusions didn't work on Taoist real people like Liu Zhan. He frowned, and found that the firewood was not a locust monster, but a headless wolf monster.

And this illusion, he also noticed, seems to come from Qingqiu's school.

Just at this time, following a commotion, a familiar figure came out from the water temple, it was Su Ziji.

"Such a coincidence, such cooperation, could it be that Su Ziji has something to do with the people who use Leifa, and even has something to do with the Qingqiu faction?"

Liu Zhan's face darkened, and he became suspicious immediately, but he looked at the young man carefully, but as before, no matter how he looked at it, he felt suspicious except that the so-called locust god was a wolf demon and was transformed by Qingqiu's illusion. Nothing could be more normal.

"It's not surprising that the official spirit has been gathered. It is the appearance of the sixth rank, and the noble spirit is strong. I am afraid that the future is bright, and even I can't see through it."

"But I really practice Taoism, I shouldn't be unaware, unless his cultivation base is far higher than mine."

"Su Ziji's background is clean and traceable, and his age cannot be faked. He really practiced Taoism a long time ago, so why was he tricked into borrowing money by a small county gang more than a year ago? He almost got his ancestral grave taken away?"

Liu Zhan was suspicious of Su Ziji, so he sent someone to go to the county where Su Ziji had lived to collect information carefully. Whether it was from the neighbors or from the same window that was not far or near in the past, the information was similar.

No matter how you look at it, you can only see that this is a scholar with talent, backbone and enterprising spirit, not a master of Taoism who has devoted himself to cultivation.

As for beginners, as long as they have learned their own Taoism, it is impossible to leave no traces. Liu Zhan has his own investigation, but Su Ziji really has no traces.

Not a master, nor a novice, could it be that the faint thunder has nothing to do with Su Ziji?

He didn't know that someone was staring at him carefully in the crowd. Even if he knew, Su Ziji wouldn't care. If it was so easy to see the clue, he would have died long ago.

At this time, he was dressed in a sixth-rank official uniform, standing tall and tall, standing in front of the crowd, first raised his hand, and pressed down, signaling the noisy crowd to quiet down.

"Fellow folks, you have all seen that the Dragon Lady has killed the Locust God. This is an indisputable fact!"

"From now on, it is impossible for the locust god to retaliate against you. Moreover, locusts are pests. Everyone can kill them. The crops you planted with hard work before were harmed by them. Since they are innocent and bloody people, Shouldn't they be rewarded with something? So that the bad breath in my chest will come out?"

"Besides, since the government promised to collect the locusts, it will never break its word. This official guarantees that a bucket of locusts will be exchanged for a bucket of rice with my own sixth-grade black gauze hat. This matter is definitely not a joke!"

"Folks can rest assured to catch! Don't miss the opportunity and don't come again. When others catch them all, you will fall behind, and you will have less money for rice. It will be too late for regret!"

After saying these encouraging words, Su Ziji said to the yamen servant: "Light it up!"

These yamen servants had already held torches, and when they heard this, they immediately threw the torches wrapped in oil on the dry wood.

And on this pile of dry firewood, Ben also sprinkled a lot of oil and combustion aids, and a few torches were thrown on it, and the fire quickly broke out.

Whether it is a locust or a wolf carcass, there is fat when it burns, and under the wrap of the fire, it will soon permeate a smell of meat. Somewhat unpleasant taste.

There was no sound at the scene, only the crackling sound of burning could be heard.

The people who saw this scene held their breath and opened their eyes wide. The locust god who once made them fear was really dead. If he doesn't move, it shows that he is completely dead.

Under such circumstances, no matter how unpleasant the smell was, the joy brought by the sudden release was enough to make them cheer.

"Long Live the Dragon Lady"

"Long Live the Dragon Lady"

Following one or two people shouting suddenly, the people all knelt down, kowtowed towards the water temple, and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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