fake prince

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Shun'an Prefecture Granary

There are granaries in the northeastern part of the city, with bricks on the roof, 12 waterways built on all sides, and parapet walls for maintenance. There are not only warehouses on the ground, but also grain kilns.

The grain kiln has a diameter of 10 meters and a depth of 10 meters. The bottom of the cellar is rammed and dried with fire, and straw mats and planks are laid to store grain.

There are inscribed bricks that record the location of the warehouse, the source of coarse grain, the year and month of entering the cellar, and the position and name of the millet official.

Now, the crowd formed a queue, and people kept bringing a stone of locusts, also known as a stone of grain, out. Although it passed through the night, in the early morning, there was still a constant flow of people.

"This method is very effective, but it consumes too much food, and the replacement locusts are useless. If this continues, I am afraid that the problem of locusts will be solved, and the deficit will become more serious."

When Su Ziji was standing on the steps, looking at the lively scene of locusts exchanging rice not far away, someone came up and said.

Zeng Nianzhen put his hand on the hilt of the sword with a single stroke, while Su Ziji glanced at it, shook his head lightly, and saluted Liu Zhan who came over: "Master Liu, we meet again, it's just that what you said was wrong, please come down." Officer come here."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture.

Liu Zhan looked around, there were residential houses nearby, and he didn't know where Su Ziji was going to take him.

Of course, an expert like him is naturally not afraid of going anywhere, so he raised his vigilance, followed Su Ziji and the quacks at first glance, walked a hundred meters one after the other, and arrived at an open space with a wooden fence. It can be seen clearly that this open space is a field that has been eaten up, and the fence is still newly built.

An old man greeted him, seeing that it was Su Ziji, he saluted with a humble expression: "My lord!"

"Go and do your work, I'll bring this lord in to have a look." Su Ziji said.

He led Liu Zhan inside and explained: "This is a field I leased, and pigs, chickens and ducks are raised in it."

What does this have to do with what I just said?

Liu Zhan frowned slightly, and didn't ask immediately, but wanted to see what kind of medicine Su Ziji was selling in this gourd!

As we got closer, we realized that there were a lot of chickens and ducks. It was just because the chickens and ducks had returned to the shed at night, but the pigs in the pigsty were still very active. Liu Zhan seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes stayed a little longer .

Su Ziji chuckled: "Sir, how are these domestic animals doing?"

"Not bad." Liu Zhan said.

Su Ziji didn't seem to notice the impatience. He looked at the sky, asked the rooster to crow, and ordered to the old man who rushed over and a group of temporarily hired farmers: "The shed is open."

With an order, the temporary chicken and duck sheds were opened, and in a moment, batches of chickens and ducks poured out, and the fence around them was actually a large pasture, running and pecking on it.

"Feed!" Another whole truckload of feed was dumped on the ground. As if they had heard the order, the chickens and ducks jumped on them and pecked desperately.

"There are groups of ducks, chickens and pigs here, and the daily feed is a lot of expenses, but because of the locusts, these are no longer a problem. Please look at it, my lord."

He motioned Liu Zhan to look at what the chickens and ducks were eating. Liu Zhan frowned and took a closer look, and found that the main body of what the chickens and ducks were pecking at was not the chopped vegetables he thought before, but small locusts. corpse.

This immediately made Liu Zhan stunned, but he was not stupid, and he reacted after a while: "So, the pigsty is also..."

"Just as adults think, locusts can be harvested and fed to chickens and ducks. If they can't eat them, they can be dried, ground into powder, mixed in bran and fed to pigs. Pigs love to eat them too."

"This is even better than feeding vegetable leaves, leftovers, chickens, ducks, and pigs, or they can grow faster." Su Ziji said with a smile.

Some people say that locusts are rich in nutrition, why don't people eat them?

Locusts must be fried to be delicious. How can there be so much oil now? This is the same as not eating minced meat.

There is no such problem with chicken, duck and pig.

"Of course, this bucket of locusts is definitely not worth a bucket of rice, but at least it can be used as waste to make up for the loss."

"Besides, don't worry too much, my lord. The so-called exchange of locusts for buckets of rice is based on weight, not volume. Even if the locusts in this mansion are counted in tens of millions, they are actually only worth a hundred thousand shi."

"Although it's not a lot, it's still affordable."

"It's more helpful to the common people, and the provincial government's relief to the victims is not a loss." Su Ziji smiled: "By the way, these chickens, ducks and pigs are also owned by the government, not my private property."

Feeding locusts in this way is justified, and no one can say that it is wrong.

"This Ziju still has such a method. From this point of view, it is not wasted at all, and it is impeccable, without any flaws!"

After thinking this through, Liu Zhan looked at Su Ziji with straight eyes.

Panlong Lake·Shuifu Dragon Palace

The pale golden sky was rippling like water waves, and there was a glimmer of light shining down on the towering pavilions. Just looking carefully, there are still ruins everywhere, and there are very few active water monsters.

The Dragon Palace, which had been revived last time, appeared in Haiyan, but it has been dilapidated again during this period of time.

Not only was the palace damaged a lot due to the sudden thunder, but also a lot of water temples were destroyed. Although the power source of Dragon Palace is not only incense, it is also a big part.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals were also a little weak, some were patrolling, and some were leaning on a corner in a daze.

Some of their colleagues died on the day of Tianlei, and the remaining injuries were recovered when the dragon girl's recognized aura descended.

If it weren't for this, so many water temples have been destroyed, and the recent drought has caused the water in the lake to drop, it may be difficult for them to maintain their human form.

Even so, it was barely holding on.

"The drought won't last too long, just hang in there, and it will be fine when it rains." Belle came out and walked around, comforting the water demon.

After returning to the palace, he walked along the long corridor to one of the side halls. The candlelight here was obviously dimmed, and the little dragon who was coiling up, sleeping soundly on a couch inlaid with gemstones made Belle worry a little more.

Ever since the aura of Dragon Palace dropped, the young dragon has been slacking off. Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with the body, and even seems to have gained a lot of weight, but it is related to the survival of the Dragon Palace, so Bei Nu had to disturb the young dragon's rest.

"Ji Jun."

In fact, she didn't need to call her lightly, the young dragon had already woken up when she smelled her coming in, but it was just lazy and didn't want to move. Now seeing her approaching, it flicked its tail and called out coquettishly: "Aunt Bei ?”

Bei Nu was so called that her heart softened a bit, and she still had to harden her heart, saying: "Ji Jun, the situation in the Dragon Palace is getting worse now, if this drought continues, in order to prevent the spiritual energy from descending again, the Dragon Palace may have to be temporarily closed again." gone."

Hearing her talk about this matter, the young dragon just patted the couch with the tip of its tail, no worries on his face, and comforted her in turn: "Don't worry, Aunt Bei, my teacher will help me solve this matter, there will definitely be no troubles." question!"

Bei Nu just choked, although Bei Nu admired Long Nu's human teacher and didn't feel bad, but how can a human being solve this kind of thing?

This is really a child's speech. Sure enough, is the dragon girl too young?

(End of this chapter)

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