fake prince

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

"Ji Jun, it's not just this problem."

"Our Dragon Palace's aura has declined, but the aura in the nearby waters and even the land has increased. I suspect that our Dragon Palace's aura is leaking..."

"These things can't be relied on by people, you have to work hard."

Bei Nu said worriedly, but she just got to this point, when suddenly, there was a "bang", and there was a heavy object falling outside the palace.

Bei Nu looked around vigilantly, but a gust of wind passed by her, and the young dragon, who had been lazily coiled on the bed and unwilling to move, flew out with lightning speed!

As soon as he came out of the palace, he saw that it wasn't his guess that was wrong, it was the teacher who really brought down the delicious food. The young dragon that flew out of the palace immediately cheered and rushed towards it.

The corpses of the monsters were all separated from the head, and the dragon girl didn't mind at all. Its small body swelled several times at once, and the dragon's mouth opened, just like jelly jelly, eating cleanly and neatly. No gore.

When Bei Nu came out, there was only the corpse of the last monster left, and everything else went into Long Nu's stomach.

Under Bei Nu's complex eyes, Long Nu swallowed the last monster, and looked up a little dissatisfied, waiting for the new food to fall.

It was only when he found that there was no more food left that he sighed, and the young dragon, who had already gained a lot of weight, flew back a little disgruntled.

"Huh?" At this moment, although there were no more monsters, a white mist descended, like mist and clouds, and shrouded around the young dragon. The whole young dragon took a deep breath, stretched like drinking nectar, With a body, let out a crisp dragon cry.

And with this dragon chant, the atmosphere in the Spirit Dragon Palace was instantly lifted, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who barely maintained their human shapes also felt the change.

The same is true for Belle, she knows that this is not the benefit of eating a few monsters, there must be a reason.

"But the incense has recovered?" Bei Nu asked hurriedly.

The young dragon shook his head: "No, it's a sacrifice!"

It thought for a while, stretched out a paw, and emphasized: "January!"

Bei Nu immediately understood, and felt relieved, there are sacrifices on the ground, can it be worth a month's work?

That's enough!

She didn't believe that in another month, there would still be no rain. As long as it rained and the lake was filled, the aura would naturally recover.

This is much better than Bei Nu's calculations. It's not like she didn't feel that there is a lot of malice spying on Panlong Lake, waiting for the Dragon Palace to be revealed after the lake's water falls again due to the lack of spiritual energy.

Although this is revealed, ordinary people still cannot see it, but monsters, Taoist priests, ghosts and gods can see it, which is very dangerous.

Now that there is a one-month extension, it is tantamount to helping Dragon Palace, and I am afraid that it will also disappoint the expectations of malicious people.

"Sigh, back then, when all rivers flowed back, even the coastal areas were under control, the source of the Dragon Palace's aura was never a problem, but now, with only the Panlong Lake and the Water Temple as the source, it seems difficult everywhere."

"Could it be that Mr. Ji Jun did the work of solving the lack this time?"

What happened to the monster corpse and the cloud that suddenly appeared, Bei Nu still couldn't figure it out, thinking that Ji Jun's Panlong mentality was taught by human beings, is there really something strange about this person that can bring life to the Dragon Palace?

Su Ziji, who was being guessed by Bei Nu, was not at all calm and elegant at this time, because he had been busy all this time, his mind was relaxed, and he felt tired even with his physical strength.

Moreover, this exhaustion was probably suppressed all the time before, but it suddenly broke out at this moment, making him extremely tired.

I just returned to my residence in Shun'an Mansion. This is a two-entry courtyard rented by Cen Rubai. There are a few temporary helpers living in front of it. Come over, Su Ziji lives in three main rooms, which are bedroom, living room and study room, and the two rows of side rooms are for Cen Rubai and Zeng Nianzhen to live in respectively.

The ox cart came back and stopped in the front yard. Seeing that Su Ziji looked tired after getting off the car, Cen Rubai hurriedly persuaded him: "My lord, you have been busy for the past few days. Seeing that the locust plague is resolved and the three major gangs are also encircled and suppressed, make up for the deficit." Most of the time, the situation has been completely controlled by you, and you should rest for a while. Zeng Nianzhen and I can help you watch over other small matters. If there is a serious matter, we will come to report to you, so you can rest assured to sleep .”

This attitude has become more eager.

Su Ziji's ability to turn clouds and rain is really admirable.

It is said that a good person chooses a tree to live in. Although Cen Rubai is a scholar, but just seeing that he has made friends with many people from the rivers and lakes, it is known that his personality is quite wild.

Cen Rubai witnessed Su Ziji's series of actions when he came to Shun'an Mansion, and followed them to do things together. Naturally, his mentality changed, and he didn't even realize it.

On the contrary, Zeng Nianzhen was keenly aware of the changes in his friends, but he didn't like to talk too much, and he usually said a few words, but he couldn't get used to it or didn't understand it, but this time, Zeng Nianzhen understood the changes very well, and he couldn't help but use Fresh eyes re-examined the young watcher adults.

"Then there will be Mr. Laucen and Mr. Zeng." Su Ziji nodded.

But when he walked into the main room and before he entered the bedroom, he heard a small noise behind him. Without turning his head, Su Ziji knew that it must be the two foxes, and he didn't care. He felt that he really needed to sleep well. become.

Two foxes sneaked behind, chirping in a low voice, and translated it, but they were talking about something very related to Su Ziji in front.




Don't believe it!


If not, see how I deal with you!


I don't know who was the one whose face was swollen when I slapped it last time!


It's you who are obviously swollen!

If the two foxes, one big and one small, hadn't been concerned about the good things that might appear in a while, they might be about to wrestle into a ball again immediately.

After returning to the fox form and maintaining it for a long time, the animal side will be displayed to the greatest extent. If they were all in human form at the moment, I am afraid they would not indulge themselves in such a frolicking appearance.

But such a form naturally has its advantages, that is, it can be kept by Su Ziji's side, and it can eat good food!


When the two foxes were making noise, a burst of fragrance suddenly overflowed from the gap in the bedroom. The two foxes stopped immediately and turned their heads to the bedroom.

The next moment, the big fox closed the courtyard door very quickly, and when he looked back, he exploded in anger.

I saw the little fox didn't wait for her at all, and rushed forward, and gently pushed open the door that was not locked inside with his paws. Sure enough, at a glance, although there was no moon, there seemed to be a faint shadow in the room. In the moonlight, among the thousands of golden threads, golden olives hang down and run through.

Without thinking, the little fox rushed towards the golden olive closest to it.

(End of this chapter)

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