fake prince

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

When Qi Zhou heard this, he asked a few more questions, and knew that her husband was trying to make ends meet again.

Even if he knew that what the other party said was reasonable, but he couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart, so he could easily get in and couldn't get out.

Over the years, she followed the old man to and fro in various counties, and she has long been used to a bad temper.

But when it’s time to persuade, I still have to persuade.

Not only to make the old man not feel so uncomfortable, but more importantly, because of temporary prejudice, the people's livelihood was delayed. When the disaster happened, the old man in her family might take all the responsibility on himself, just like the death of the prince. , torture yourself.

So, he poured another little sake for Qi Hongxin, but he refused to fill it up this time, obviously he didn't want to drink too much.

Her voice was soft and she analyzed: "Su Ziji is the champion of the new department, Juncheng, no matter what, he has a bright future in the future, why should he be angry with ghosts and gods?"

"You also said that this person is quite experienced in his work, and he is not a wasteful and corrupt person."

"This water conservancy construction plan, I think it is very reasonable, and it doesn't need too many people and expenses. It only needs some earth and rocks."

"You objected in this way only because ghosts and gods said that it was not to your liking, but when it comes to important matters related to people's livelihood, no matter whether it is real or not, there is no need to get angry and just veto it."

"When the real rainstorm comes, don't you regret it?"

"As for the issue of Su Ziji becoming prime minister in the future, that is a matter for the court and the emperor to consider."

"My concubine doesn't understand the truth, but since Su Ziji took office, he has solved the big problems for you. You can't just treat yourself like a stern man just because you give him a favor."

"I was also called jealous by outsiders."

Qi Hongxin knew what she was thinking, facing the night wind, looking at the sky wistfully, just nodded, and kept drinking and not talking.

Yes, when the rain really came and there was a flood, Qi Hongxin asked himself that he might regret it.

But it is even more impossible to agree. It is precisely because Su Ziji has a bright future and the possibility of becoming a cabinet minister in the future, so he can't help but go astray.

Ordinary people go astray, at most they lose their lives and ruin their families.

But if the general goes astray, it will easily ruin the century-old trend and affect the country and society.

Going to bed at night, thinking about this matter, Qi Hongxin tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

"Could it be that I actually have selfishness, that's why I object like this?"

Thinking of the change in his attitude towards Su Ziji, Qi Hongxin's body froze, and after a while he turned over again, lay flat on the couch, looked at the bed curtain, and asked himself: "Could it be... is it true what the old wife said?" , Is it because I'm jealous?"

"Because Su Ziji is young, he is only under 20 years old. In the future, he can go straight to the sky. He can do things drastically, and has enough time and energy to do things."

"It's not like me. The sun is setting and the time is running out. I have no future at all, and I have a lot of restrictions on what I want to do... Could this be the reason why I'm jealous of Su Ziji?"

"No, maybe, but I expect more from him."

Qi Hongxin tossed and turned, thinking wildly, and he didn't know how long it had passed. At this time, the night was dark, and the breeze blew the trees, the grass, and the people's shadows. Only then did Qi Hongxin think, an elegant and handsome man with sculpted eyebrows and phoenix eyes came in and smiled. He said: "You have fallen into a deep sleep, let's go, let's go to greet the prince."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Qi Hongxin got off the bed, took off his shoes, went out and asked, "Zheng Jinyao, you were ordered by the crown prince to leave Beijing, why are you back?"

Zheng Jinyao smiled: "I finished my errands long ago, I came back to pay my respects to the crown prince, but you haven't been here for a long time."

Qi Hongxin smiled: "I'm just a second-class biography, but you are a flower, with you here, why do you need me to serve?"

As he said, he went to the East Palace, but saw the vegetation withered, and said: "Is it autumn now? Why are they withered like this? What is the gardener doing?"

"It's okay, didn't you send some flowers?" Zheng Jinyao pointed to a place and Qi Hongxin saw that there was a garden full of flowers.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw that most of his colleagues in the Eastern Palace were there, only the Crown Prince Youwei led Shang Youming, Huang Liangping, Qian Zhidong and others to hide by the side of the withered tree, and did not come forward. Qi Hongxin felt a little strange in a trance , entered a palace room, the light was not bright, there was a young man in a crown suit, sitting with a pen and writing.

Seemingly seeing him coming, she suddenly raised her head: "Qi Qing is here."

"Prince...Your Highness!" Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar face as if dug out from memory, Qi Hongxin stared blankly for a moment, then fell to his knees with a plop, tears streaming down his face.

He seems to have forgotten a lot of things. He only remembers that he has trekked from a very far away place, and it seems that he has passed through thousands of mountains and rivers. The person in front of him is the old master that he has never forgotten. Just looking at it makes him want to cry .

"Why are you still crying? Get up quickly." The prince smiled warmly, and even got up to help him: "Why are you confused? Just tell Gu."

Qi Hongxin hurriedly got up, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't control it, so he heard himself say: "His Royal Highness, I'm so panicked, I'm so troubled!"

"Don't talk about other things. Recently, I am really in a dilemma. I don't know whether to build water conservancy or curb the ghosts and gods. Press this matter down."

"I agree, I'm afraid it will encourage the evil wind, but I deliberately oppose it in order to suppress it, and I'm afraid that it will still suffer for the people."

After Qi Hongxin finished speaking, he just sighed.

Hearing his confusion, the prince couldn't help laughing: "If there are no ghosts and gods, how can Qi Qing see Gu?"

"Boom" A small part of the memory that I forgot suddenly flooded out, yes, the prince in front of me is no longer there!

No wonder he wanted to cry when he saw the prince. No wonder he felt like he had traveled a long way to get here. It turned out that the emperor and his subjects had not seen each other for 18 years.

The prince is still young, but he is already old, showing his old state...

Qi Hongxin suddenly opened his eyes, and found that he was still lying flat on the bed, beside his sleeping wife, and he himself touched his face subconsciously after waking up.

Before he knew it, tears were streaming down his face.

"Is this a dream? Or is His Royal Highness using a dream to remind me?"

As the prince said in his dream, if there are no ghosts and gods, how can we see His Royal Highness again!

After having this dream, how can Qi Hongxin sleep again?Although he was still a little tired, he was no longer sleepy. He got up carefully, pulled on his shoes, went outside, looked at the sky, and found that it was still early in the morning. After taking a deep breath, he walked to the study next door, clicked candles.

As the bright lights gradually stabilized, his mood also calmed down a little.

The quiet atmosphere made him think a lot, but it was much faster to calm down. He rubbed his ink, thinking about what happened during the day yesterday, and thinking about the scene in his dream just now. After going back and forth several times, he sighed, He took out the paper and wrote down the notebook carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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