fake prince

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

"I'm old. I used to think that others were stubborn, but I didn't expect myself to become an ugly person."

"Is this the prince's reminder from a dream, or am I thinking about it every day and dreaming at night?"

"Whether it is the prince's dream or not, Su Ziji acts according to the theory of ghosts and gods. This is not good. If you don't talk about the door, it is the introduction of Sanskrit. Who doesn't have little spirits and benefits, but it is not the way of life. The sage discards it. I have to go into detail about this.”

Qi Hongxin wandered alone under the lonely candle, muttering, he is Qi Hongxin after all, he was stunned by the Prince's dream, and immediately recovered his own judgment.

"I'm not greedy for Su Ziji's contribution, but when Mo Lin grows old, I will make myself look down on him."

After polishing, scrapping the draft and rewriting it three times, it is considered satisfactory.

At the end of the memorial, I heard the cock crowing three times, but I still didn't feel sleepy. I wrote: I have served for 20 years, and I have nothing to repay the king and father. Please beg for all the bones, so that the ministers can return to their hometowns.

Begging for bones is a euphemism for officials in this era to ask for resignation, which means asking for the bones to be buried in their hometown and return to their hometown to spend their old age in peace.

Repeated several times, after finishing the last stroke, when I looked up again, the paper on the window was already illuminated by the morning light.

With the sound of pushing the door gently, Mrs. Qi Zhou came in from the outside, holding a tray in his hand with a stack of freshly made hot cakes, a bowl of sticky hot porridge, and a small plate of refreshing pickles, all of which were delicious. It was done by Qi Zhou himself.

Qi Hongxin hurriedly put the memorial on the table into the box, waiting to go back and seal it, so that someone could send it to the capital, and other pens, inks, papers and inkstones were temporarily put aside, and he got up to take the food delivered to him.

"Let's eat. Seeing you get up early in the morning, I'm afraid you're already hungry." Qi Zhou said.

Qi Hongxin looked at his wife apologetically, as he was getting old, so was his wife.

Once the memorial is delivered, there is a high possibility that His Majesty will directly approve him to return to his hometown and will not keep him.

Although he was thinking just now that maybe he was afraid that he would regret doing this in the future, but seeing his wife follow him without complaint or regret, wandering and wasting half his life, he felt that what he did was right.

I have already failed the trust of the prince, and I spent half my life to repay it. There are still days left, and it is time to go back to my hometown and live a leisurely life with my old wife for a few days.

As for other court affairs and national affairs, if there is no self, there will be rising stars to do it.

"Hey, as for the construction of water conservancy, I can let Su Ziji do it."

"But I have to point out the disadvantages. I, Qi Hongxin, will offend people all my life, and I'm not afraid of one more Su Ziji."

Shun'an Prefecture·Residences

In the house not far from the government office, at this moment, Su Ziji also put down his pen, moved his wrist lightly, and his eyes fell on the water conservancy documents that he had stayed up all night to write.

The number of laborers and the number of locusts removed had been collected and summarized by Cen Rubai during the day, and the number was written into the document, clearly pointing out the fact that water conservancy construction would not cost too much manpower, material and financial resources.

Some short-term benefits are also mentioned.

Irrigation matters are also part of the water conservancy project. Now that there is a drought, repairing the water conservancy will not only prevent floods, but also irrigate good fields.

"Although due to the places marked on the water conservancy map, the fertile irrigated fields can only radiate a quarter of Shun'an Prefecture, not all of them, but the benefits are far greater than the costs at this time."

"Qi Hongxin doesn't want to work hard for what may happen in the future, so he should write down the things that may benefit in the short term in front of him, so as to increase the bargaining chip for this water conservancy issue."

After reading it again, seeing that it was already light outside, Su Ziji put away the documents, washed up, had breakfast, and rushed to the government office with the documents.

Every morning, Qi Hongxin arrives very early, today is no exception, Su Ziji gets off the bullock cart, asks Zeng Nianzhen to park the car, and walks into the deserted yamen alone, and if he comes early, he greets Jianli , Su Ziji also nodded in response.

While chatting with a civil official for a few words, he felt that he was being stared at, and when he looked up, he saw Qi Hongxinqi, who was dressed in an official uniform, standing not far away and watching.

The clerk was startled and hurriedly saluted: "Master Zhifu!"

"Go and do your work first." Qi Hongxin said calmly, his eyes falling on the clerk.

The civil servants walked away quickly as if they had received an amnesty.

Su Ziji was also looking for Qi Hongxin to continue persuading him to build water conservancy projects, so he went to salute Qi Hongxin, took out the prepared document, and handed it to him: "My lord, this is the water conservancy project that I wrote last night. The document involves irrigation of farmland, please take a look at it."

I thought it would take a lot of talking to persuade the other party to read it. After all, yesterday was obviously very repulsive to this matter, but unexpectedly, Qi Hongxin was silent for a while, and took the document directly.

Opened it in front of Su Ziji and looked at it, looking serious.

It's just that he couldn't tell what the idea was, and with a calm expression, Su Ziji thought to himself: "It seems that we need to use more fire to convince Qi Hongxin."

But at this moment, I heard Qi Hongxin say: "This matter, the government has agreed."

Su Ziji looked over in surprise, but what he saw was a pair of tired eyes.

"Lord Su, since you have contributed so much to this project, the government is worried about entrusting it to others, so I entrust it to you."

This was simply an unexpected joy. Su Ziji really didn't expect that he was stubborn and hard to persuade, but suddenly changed his mind, and he immediately responded: "I will definitely handle this matter well!"

Qi Hongxin didn't speak, just walked casually, the nearby officials dispersed, and there were only two people around at this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the flowers and trees in the garden were shining brightly, and the thick green seemed to flow down.

"My lord, what instruction do you have?" Su Ziji said, looking at Qi Hongxin in a daze.

Qi Hongxin did not speak, his face was expressionless, he casually browsed the courtyard, and said for a long time: "Master Su, there are some things you may not like to hear, but I still want to say them."

"You have a great future, and you have a long way to go. You must keep your heart steady, and don't let ghosts and gods influence you, so your fate will be cut instead."

"The reason why the government agreed to you this time is because I looked carefully and there is indeed a need to repair it."

"But you flattered the gods, I have already reported it to the court!" Qi Hongxin gritted his teeth, and stared at Su Ziji: "Do you think that this official will repay your favor?"

"If you have anything to say, it's just the two of us here, so let's just say it."

"... No wonder this official's road is getting narrower and narrower." Su Ziji thought to himself, instead of going around in circles, he should just say: "If it's someone else, it's true, but if it's an adult, I don't think so."

"Oh?" Qi Hongxin suddenly turned his face, his eyes were suspicious, Su Ziji also stared at Qi Hongxin, and said: "My lord, I have actually read some of the excerpts these years, and many of them are indeed offending people."

"It's just based on temperament, but it's all about upholding the public nature of people and the loneliness and loyalty of ministers."

"Although I am very uncomfortable, I also admire it in my heart."

"You speak so clearly!" Qi Hongxin nodded and smiled, and said, "Whether you hate me or admire me, I just act according to my temperament—you have a great future, which is beyond my comparison. In the future, I will do it myself Already!"

After speaking, he turned around and left. For some reason, Su Ziji watched him go, and he saw a desolation in his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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