fake prince

Chapter 478 Suspicion

Chapter 478 Suspicion


A fast boat traveled day and night, and finally arrived at the pier outside the capital in the early morning of this day, changed the ox cart, and went to a mansion outside the city.

The gate of the house was closed tightly, and the men who got on and off the ox cart, without taking a rest, immediately stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker.

"Who is it?" After a while, someone asked inside.

"Me! Ah Si!" The person outside replied.

The door was immediately opened from the inside, and the servant inside obviously had a good relationship with him, so he hurriedly let him in, closed the door, followed him and said: "You have been out for a long time, has it been a few months? But Come back to see the son?"

"It's just that there is very important news to report to the young master!" Ah Si said.

"My lord is meeting guests, just wait for a while, I'll go and see for you first." The former ordered Ah Si to stand and wait on the side of the main courtyard while he went in.

After a while, with a burst of laughter, Cao Yiyan sent a friend out of the flower hall, and only when he was sent away, Cao Yiyan turned around, and when the servant closed the door, he changed back into this place again. The prince of Wei in the eyes of these people in the house had a majestic expression, and when he glanced around, he first landed on one person.

"You went to Yingguo, how is it going?"

"Young master, the current practice of the country of Ying is that King Ying is in name, but in fact, distant relatives of the clan are in charge, and the elders of the cabinet control the overall situation."

"The specific situation is here." He said, and presented a thick stack of documents.

Cao Yiyan only read the first page carefully, and then sneered: "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought."

Although Ying State is the Kingdom of Great Wei, it was actually established by pro-military uprisings in the frontier, and there is still a will to wait for the right time, but 30 years have passed, and most of the steps have collapsed.

In fact, if I can't catch up with this trip, I'm afraid I won't have another chance. Even if I catch up with this trip, it will be dangerous, and it's not easy to take power.

There is no need to scrutinize this matter, but to plan ahead and seize power step by step. Cao Yiyan's eyes fell on Ah Si who had just rushed back.

The person who went in just now followed Cao Yiyan obediently, signaling Ah Si to come over.

Ah Si hurriedly stepped forward to pay respects, and said, "My lord, I have something to report."

Therefore, if you don't call him the prince, you are afraid that you will get used to talking and accidentally let the word out.

Cao Yiyan glanced lightly: "Come in and say."

He didn't care about the eyebrow-eye lawsuit between these two subordinates.

Since he has people in his hands, there are many people who help him with things. He can't even remember how many people he has under his command. It is not easy to get acquainted in front of him if he wants to gain a bright future.

So some people started from his side to build a good relationship. In Cao Yiyan's view, this was within the tolerable range.

But to make him really catch his eye, he still needs to rely on his real ability and merit.

Sitting in the main seat of the flower hall, Cao Yiyan asked directly: "I remember correctly, you and some people should have gone out of Beijing to track down Yijian Chunhan, right? Why, is there any real news about Zeng Nian?"

The person standing below hurriedly replied: "Young master, Yijian Chunhan Zeng Nianzhen has been found out, and he has taken refuge in Su Ziji, an observer sent by the imperial court, and is now working beside this Su Ziji!"

"Su Ziji?" Cao Yiyan was going to take a sip from his teacup, but when he heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

Why did Zeng Nianzhen get mixed up with Su Ziji?

These two people are completely irrelevant, right?

Oh, yes, it seems that Su Ziji has taken in Lin Yuqing as a disciple by his side?That doorman seems to have a past relationship with Zeng Nianzhen?

Thinking of the information she had received before, Cao Yiyan understood it, but she understood it, and she was still in a subtly bad mood.

I don't know if it's because he and Su Ziji are born at odds, and there are many things where the two should not be confronted, but they still confront each other.

In the previous few contacts, Cao Yiyan did not take advantage of it. Cao Yiyan couldn't see through Su Ziji, and if he couldn't see through, he would have fear in his heart.

This moment is no exception. Hearing that Yijian Chunhan Zeng Nianzhen rejected him at the beginning, but now he has taken refuge in Su Ziji, he has a subtle feeling of "being compared again".

"Could it be the rivalry between Prince Wei and Grandson Dazheng?"

I heard the people below continue to say: "...Zeng Nianzhen followed Su Ziji to Shun'an Mansion, and has been serving as a personal guard. Our people can't get close easily, and we dare not get close. After all, there is a mansion to guarantee Ming Lu If you are the personal guard of the government, you can no longer use the identity of the government to encircle and suppress, which will easily reveal your secrets..."

"What is Su Ziji doing now?" Cao Yiyan asked, interrupting what he was going to say.

The man hurriedly said: "The little one is about to report this matter."

He took something out of his arms, like a scroll, and handed it over carefully.

When Cao Yiyan unfolded it, he retreated to his original position and explained: "This is a small bribed person. He watched it on the spot and quickly described it."

"Su Ziji is currently organizing the construction of water conservancy projects, and it is said that the construction is based on this map. However, because the person who bought it was limited in time, he only recorded half of the map."

Cao Yiyan's gaze paused on this picture. Originally, he didn't really care much about Yijian Chunhan Zeng Nianzhen, a swordsman who took refuge in Su Ziji, but just felt a little uncomfortable.

But looking at this picture now, Cao Yiyan was shocked.

"No, it looks familiar."

Cao Yiyan stared at the obviously somewhat scribbled half-picture, but no matter how scribbled, at least the original water conservancy map could be seen clearly.

For those who are familiar with the original water conservancy map, don't be too familiar with it!

Yes, in the hands of Cao Yiyan, there is also such a water conservancy map.It was a treasure map obtained from the treasure house of the Great Wei, which was handed down during the Great Wei period.

Along with this water conservancy map, there are also various records about Dragon Lord in the early days.

The reason why the water conservancy map existed in the Wei Dynasty, but it has been useless for a long time, is because the Wei court, including the emperor, was wary that Lord Long was a foreigner, and they were not willing to cooperate with Lord Long to build such a water conservancy project.

"Why does Su Ziji have such a share of water conservancy?"

Slowly pinching the half of the picture, Cao Yiyan's face was only slightly depressed, but in his heart, there was actually a storm.

"Could it be that Su Ziji has something to do with Dragon Girl?"

"Or maybe there is a monster from the Dragon Girl lineage who joined Su Ziji? Otherwise, before Su Ziji revealed his true body, he was just a young champion in the new department and came from a poor family. How could he get such a water conservancy map?"

If it is said that Su Ziji is just unable to see through himself, so he is tempted and curious, then because of this water conservancy map, it can almost be concluded that no matter what the situation is, Su Ziji is in the same line as Longnu Can't get rid of it.

And Cao Yiyan, who is a descendant of the Great Wei and also Liu Zhan's apprentice, has a very complicated attitude towards the Dragon Girls.

But no matter what, this Su Ziji, he has to figure it out before he can rest assured.

"Go back now and send more people to monitor Su Ziji's whereabouts. If there is any change, please report to me as soon as possible." Thinking of this, Cao Yiyan ordered the people standing below.

The man naturally responded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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