fake prince

Chapter 480 Hysteria

Chapter 480 Hysteria

Su Ziji had always been calm and composed, but this was the first time Cen Rubai saw him with a slightly anxious look on his face. He winked and didn't ask any questions, and even gave Zeng Nianzhen a look, signaling not to speak.

Obviously, if the young master wants to ask their opinions, he will definitely ask them. If he doesn't say it now, then he probably doesn't intend to get opinions from them.

It's actually not easy to grasp this measure, but Cen Rubai has this kind of ability, so he can fathom it.


At this moment, someone rushed over, saw Su Ziji, immediately knelt down, and reported, "My lord! Prefect Qi is seriously ill, please return home quickly!"

"What did you say? Qi Hong...Master Qi is seriously ill?" Su Ziji was shocked, isn't this pretending to be sick?

"Yes, I heard that I fell into a coma suddenly, and the doctor has not woken up until now, so the officials in the mansion, please go back quickly to stabilize the situation."

After hearing this, Su Ziji didn't hesitate anymore, got up immediately, and ordered: "Come on, prepare the horse for me, and immediately call a group of soldiers to follow me back to the city!"

A few soldiers pulled over the horse, Su Ziji stopped talking, turned on his back and rode, and galloped in a gust of wind, crossing the road straight into the city, and ran towards the yamen.

When Su Ziji arrived at the backyard of the government office, he could already smell the strong smell of bitter medicine when he reached the door.

An old gray-haired doctor was leading his disciples to brew medicine outside the main room door. Su Ziji first walked to the outer room of the main room, and glanced inside through the gap of the hanging curtain.

On the bed with the curtain lifted, Qi Hongxin looked haggard, lying on a raised pillow, coughing from time to time, and he was already seriously ill.

"Although Qi Hongxin's complexion was not good before and he had a sick appearance, but he was not so ugly. It's just that he hadn't seen him for a few days, and he lost a lot of weight."

After glancing at it, Su Ziji stepped back a few steps and returned to the door of the main room with doubts in his heart.

The old doctor who is instructing the young apprentice to fill firewood is not a military doctor. It is quite far away from the capital, so naturally he cannot invite an imperial doctor, but he has a certain reputation as the best sitting doctor in the city of Shun'an Prefecture, because the magistrate If you are sick, you will be invited to see a doctor.

Su Ziji stared at the medicine stove for a while, then asked: "Why did Master Qi suddenly fall ill, old man, you may see the reason? Could it be some kind of emergency?"

Only then did the old doctor come back to his senses, and found someone standing in front of him.

Looking up, I saw a young adult wearing a sixth-rank official uniform asking questions, got up hurriedly, and replied respectfully: "Returning to my lord, the magistrate is not suffering from an emergency, but has worked hard before and became sick from overwork. The old problem of coughing up blood."

"It looked like nothing happened before, but it was because he was holding on with energy. It seemed that the locust plague was successfully cured, and he relaxed all of a sudden, and the backlog was released."

So it is so, Su Ziji nodded.

When I was in contact with Qi Hongxin before, the other party did occasionally cough a few times, but because he was covered with a handkerchief, I don't know if he coughed up blood those few times.

"Hello, what kind of medicinal materials do you need for treatment? I don't have any in the mansion. You can send someone to find me, and I will ask you to buy them elsewhere. I am the Fu Cheng of Shun'an Mansion, and everyone in this mansion knows where I work. "

The doctor answered in a hurry.

Su Ziji then turned around and took a look. He hesitated for a moment, and then decided to go in. After all, he has come all the time, so it's not good to leave without going in for a visit.

At this time, seeing Zeng Nianzhen coming in from the outside, he approached without making a sound.

Because Zeng Nianzhen was like this in the past, when he followed him almost every step of the way, with a very conscientious appearance, Su Ziji didn't think much about it, and acquiesced.

The outside was deserted, there should have been some servants in the backyard of the mansion, but at this moment, I don't know where they went. When Su Ziji came here, there was no one in the main house.

In the inner bedroom, besides Qi Hongxin, there should be his wife and a servant girl. When he walked over, the servant girl was pulling up the curtain and came out with a spittoon. She saw two men coming one after the other. In front was a young official wearing a sixth-rank official uniform. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he guessed who it was: "Are you Mr. Su, the Prime Minister?"

"My wife said, if you come, just go in."

Su Ziji nodded, expressing his understanding.

But when the maid went out, Su Ziji didn't go in rashly. Although the prefect's wife said so, he always tried not to give people any excuses when he could notice the details.

Even if I don't care about it, the female family members of other families still pay attention to their reputation.

"The next official, Su Ziji, come to visit Mr. Qi." At the door, he said this.

Lest those inside are unprepared.

After a while, a middle-aged woman's voice sounded: "Your Majesty Su, you don't have to be polite, just come in."

Su Ziji said "Excuse me", then opened the door curtain and walked in.

He had already seen Qi Hongxin's sick face outside through the gap in the curtain before, but when he came in now, he realized that the situation was a little more serious than he thought.

Obviously two days ago, he also heard that Qi Hongxin was still at work and scolded a county magistrate, but now he was in a coma, mumbling something in his mouth, Su Ziji's ears were sharp, and he vaguely heard Words like "Prince".

Zeng Nianzhen was standing on the door curtain, Su Ziji didn't look back, even though he had never met, but at this moment, the woman in her 40s with a sad face guarding Qi Hongxin's bed could not be someone else, it must be someone else. There is no doubt that Qi Hongxin's wife, the Zhou family.

Although Su Ziji was hesitant towards Qi Hongxin, he would definitely not act impolitely towards women and children, especially such seemingly harmless and innocent women.

He bowed his hands to Qi Zhou's: "Mrs. Zhou."

Qi Zhou returned the gift and said at the same time: "If you can come to visit, my husband will be happy if he knows."

Su Ziji chuckled inwardly, thinking to himself, "That's not necessarily the case."

Walking in front of Qi Hongxin, after two steps, he tentatively called out: "Master Qi?"

As a result, the sleepy man with a wet towel on his forehead to cool down actually moved his eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes. With a bit of confusion, when they fell on Su Ziji's face, The pupils just shrank: "Prince?!"

Shocked, Qi Hongxin was about to struggle to get up, choking with sobs: "Prince, you are finally here, I finally see you again!"

"Help me up, I want to greet the prince."

As he said that, he was about to get out of bed and bow down.

The surprise of the people around here is really no small matter, could it be that Qi Hongxin is suffering from hysteria?But Su Ziji was startled, although he had guessed, he absolutely must not accept this gift, and quickly avoided it.

Qi Hongxin's wife, Qi Zhoushi, had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and supported Qi Hongxin tightly, and blamed: "Old man, you are confused, look who this is!"

(End of this chapter)

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