fake prince

Chapter 481 The ambition of the individual

Chapter 481 The ambition of the individual

"No, no..."

Qi Hongxin was awakened by his wife's voice, and his eyes, which were still blinded by the mist, immediately became clear, and he finally saw clearly who was standing in front of him.

The knife-like wrinkles on his face seemed to be getting deeper, and the whole person seemed to be getting older again.


"I was confused."

Qi Hongxin's eyes showed infinite disappointment, he cleared up for a moment, then started talking nonsense again, his eyelids closed slowly, and fell asleep.

Su Ziji looked down at the old man, and suddenly realized that this 56-year-old man was as dry and thin as a handful of dry wood, and he looked wide and big with his thoroughly washed white clothes on his body.

Qi Zhou did not lie to others, carefully helped Qi Hongxin to lie down again, his body, a woman could easily help him to lie back.

And neither Su Ziji nor Qi Zhou's noticed that Zeng Nianzhen, who was standing at the door, had veins twitching in his hand. For a moment, his hand was on the hilt of his sword, but in the end, he didn't know what he thought of. , gave up, and let go of his hand again.

After meeting Qi Hongxin, Su Ziji didn't stay any longer and bid farewell to the Qi Zhou family.

But just a few steps out of the door, the little servant girl ran out again just now and called out: "Master Su, please stay!"

Su Ziji turned around and looked, she blessed her body: "My wife has something to give to Mr. Su, please wait a moment, Mr. Su."

Su Ziji was also a little curious about what the Qi Zhou family could give him.

But when she handed over a stack of manuscripts with a gentle expression, Su Ziji was really surprised.

"Mrs. Zhou, this is?"

"Lord Su, this is my husband's experience in being an official for many years. Before he fell into a coma, he once said that these manuscripts will be given to you when you come."

"I'm not talking politely. In fact, my husband has high hopes for you, and I don't know if you may be able to be a prime minister in the future. These may be of some reference to you."

Saying that, Mrs. Zhou wiped her tears and turned back.

Su Ziji suddenly felt that the things in his hands were heavy, and his mood became more and more complicated.

If you don’t accept these things, first, you don’t meet your status. This is a manuscript sent to him by an official who is optimistic about your own serious illness. Second, this thing is indeed valuable to Su Ziji. I usually want to get this kind of experience, especially after more than ten years. I am afraid that if I miss this time, it will be difficult to have a next time.

But if you accept it, you have received this favor for no reason, how should you treat Qi Hongxin?

"Forget it, just accept it first, and then we'll talk when we go back." Su Ziji felt a little heavy in his heart, so he took it and went out.

After leaving the government office, Zeng Nianzhen drove silently all the way and sent Su Ziji back to the vicinity of the construction site.

A convex dam has been built on the construction site, but it is all mounds of earth, and has not yet been built with solid stones. After stopping the ox cart, Zeng Nianzhen did not ask the cart to park on the side of the stone as usual, and he himself Follow Su Ziji uphill to the office shed.

When Su Ziji got out of the car, Zeng Nianzhen was a little surprised, and then he said goodbye to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji felt that today was really an evil day. Unexpected things happened continuously. Qi Hongxin became ill and asked his wife to send manuscripts to him. Ji was stunned.

"Mr. Zeng, is there something I didn't do well that made it difficult for you?" Su Ziji asked sincerely, and suddenly realized: "That's right, Mr. Zeng's martial arts can only be used as a personal bodyguard. , I can also help you operate a military officer official position, but the grade is lower..."

Zeng Nianzhen shook his head and refused: "My lord, it's not because of this reason."

"With your sword skills, self-protection is more than enough."

"I know that I am too talented and uneducated to be a military officer, so... please allow me to leave, my lord!"

Su Ziji stood there, just watching, even when he heard footsteps behind him, he didn't turn his head, but said seriously to Zeng Nianzhen, "Sir, why should you belittle yourself? Everyone knows your talent."

"There must be some difficulties in leaving this time, so why not tell me about it."

Whether it is Zeng Nianzhen's demon-slaying swordsmanship or his status in the hearts of the Jianghu people, once he is subdued, it can bring a lot of help.

This is why Su Ziji took it seriously.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Nianzhen didn't choose to stay during this period of getting along.

Su Ziji was still a little unwilling to leave just like that, and wanted to persuade him. Zeng Nianzhen was also a little moved when he saw Su Ziji stay in this way, so he couldn't use false excuses anymore, but chose to tell the truth.

"Young Master, what I said just now, I did indeed hide it from you."

Zeng Nianzhen looked at the green basil bushes, his eyes turned unconsciously on the reeds, and smiled wryly: "Actually, the reason I chose to leave is that I already have a master. Although he has passed away, I swore that it was not him, or his Future generations will never work for it."

Seeing that Su Ziji was about to speak, he said in a hoarse voice, "Not only that, but I feel ashamed of my son. You are sincere to me, but I have a different ambition."

"Do you know that I had a murderous intention just now, but it wasn't you..."

Su Ziji was stunned, thoughtful: "Is it the prefect of Qi?"

"Yes, it's Qi Hongxin." Zeng Nianzhen spat out the name, without referring to the official position: "I have a grudge against him, but when I met him, I found that he was already old."

Zeng Nianzhen remembered Qi Hongxin's expression just now, and his mouth was full of bitterness. Over the years, he also heard about Qi Hongxin's deeds.

Most importantly, still remember the prince.

It has been 20 years in a blink of an eye, and Zeng Nianzhen is not the "young hero" back then. He knew in his heart that Qi Hongxin back then, unless he wanted the whole family to die together, otherwise, this signature was the most basic requirement.

And these years, if he really abandoned the prince and turned to others, with his talent and ability, he might not be able to find a benefactor to redeem his original sin.

Among other things, it is impossible to enter the center, so as not to offend the emperor's eyes, but there is still hope for being promoted to the provincial tour.

With Qi Hongxin like this, could he not be as good as himself?

"Young master, I was doing this to repay your protection. Now, son, you have gained a firm foothold in Shun'an Mansion. The three gangs have been wiped out, the monsters have been eliminated, and the plague of locusts has passed. I'm afraid there will be no such thing as before." Such a dangerous thing."

"So, now is the time for me to leave." Saying that, Zeng Nianzhen bowed to Su Ziji and waved away.

Because of the simple life, I don't even need to carry my luggage, and I have gone far in a while.

Su Ziji looked at his figure that was drifting away, and knew that such a person had an old master in his heart and had sworn an oath, so he might not be able to subdue him.

"The three armies can take away their commander, but an ordinary man can't take away his ambition...it's a pity." Su Ziji couldn't help but sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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