fake prince

Chapter 483 Decision

Chapter 483 Decision

"Such a note, shouldn't it be passed on to his own son, which is more in line with the world situation of this era?"

"In the past, although I cooperated with him, he was jealous, suspicious, and suspicious of me, and even acted differently. Could it be that he is more dissatisfied with me?"

"It turned out to be expecting more?"

With complicated emotions, Su Ziji looked down and didn't move for a long time.

After a while, someone passed by outside this temporary residence, and Su Ziji was awakened by the voice. Su Ziji put the stack of manuscripts aside, got up and took out a book, and found a book in the folder. Inside, the list was prepared a long time ago.

It was densely recorded on it, all of the outrageous things Qi Hongxin did after seeing Qi Hongxin.

The big ones murdered, the small ones insulted and scolded subordinates, acted arrogantly, and had no heart.

As for the misappropriation of the provincial bank, these are all crimes that can be ascertained, and one investigation will be accurate.

In Su Ziji's eyes, these sentences represent a knife that can be stabbed at Qi Hongxin, causing Qi Hongxin to see blood immediately, and even destroying the whole family.

"What should I do with him?" Looking at the list, Su Ziji hesitated.

In fact, it is not difficult to collect these charges. With Qi Hongxin's behavior, after he arrived in Shun'an Mansion, he handled many things out of line.

"In the past, I also felt that killing 53 people without permission was a serious crime, and it could be dismissed or even imprisoned."

"Now that I have experienced the officialdom, I find it ridiculous."

"Killing has never been a problem, especially when it involves a rebellion. I'm afraid that even with my secret identity bonus, it will not be very smooth."

"There must be someone who will speak for it. This speech is not for Qi Hongxin himself, but for the consideration of the magistrates in quelling the rebellion in the future."

"If convicted for this, who would dare to resolutely suppress civil unrest?"

"If you can't be decisive, who will maintain the overall situation of the court?"

"On the contrary, misappropriation of saving funds, the incident is simple and clear, and the procedure is violated, so it is easier to follow suit."

It can be said that the locust plague is over, the water conservancy will be completed, and Qi Hongxin's use value is gone. Su Ziji has experienced in the officialdom and knows how to completely step Qi Hongxin into the quagmire, and he is indeed qualified to do so. , Knocked Qi Hongxin down from the magistrate's seat with a single blow.

You don't need to hammer to death all at once, you just need to hammer out a crack, let the stubborn and indestructible people who seem to be steel, crack the gap, and people will naturally swarm to it, tear it to pieces, and tear it to pieces.

But Su Ziji hesitated.

Before his eyes, Qi Hongxin turned and left the scene that day, and his skinny body that couldn't even support his clothes in his sleep just now appeared.

"However, revenge for the prince is the righteousness of the present."

"Maybe the emperor is staring at it. If he stops, will his success fall short?"

"That's it."

"The hero of the enemy, the enemy of me, the hero of me, the enemy of the enemy, if it is the enemy, I will not be hypocritical and keep my hand, but it is not my enemy. For such a person, I still cannot do it."

"Even if it falls short, there is always a way to make up for it, but it must not wipe my heart."

In the end, Su Ziji sighed softly, lit the prepared list with fire, and watched it burn to ashes bit by bit.

In fact, what was recorded on the list, he had already remembered in his mind, but this act of burning cleanly was just for him to see, this was a determination he had made.

Su Ziji walked to the table, waited for a while to calm down, poured some water on the inkstone, and slowly grinded it with the ink stick.

The ink was getting thicker, and he had finished his draft. He spread out the paper on several cases, and picked up a soft brush to lick the ink.

"[Calligraphy] Level 11 (3335/11000)"

Su Ziji was a literary talent at this time, and a few lines of beautiful, elegant and harmonious characters flowed out like clouds and flowing water, and he wrote the memorial without rushing.

I wrote about Qi Hongxin's behavior when I arrived at Shun'an Mansion, but I wrote about the same thing with a different mentality, and naturally gave people a slightly different feeling.

He described the control of locusts and water conservancy without emotion, and finally said: "I think that judging people is not only about the time, but also about the future."

"Qi Hongxin's heart can be said to be loyal. Now this person is broken, or his life is not long, or he can be commended. This matter is beyond the discretion of the ministers. Please handle it."

After finishing writing, he put down his pen, and Su Ziji read it again, lost in thought.

Su Ziji is the only one who can write a memorial and hand it over to the capital, and who knows the hidden secrets in it and the hidden secrets that have to do so.

Others are either non-Shun'an officials and have no right to intervene.

Either he had an opinion on Qi Hongxin, and it would be good if he didn't write a book to add insult to injury, and it was impossible to intercede with the book.

Furthermore, even if someone interceded in the booklet, how many people can be more convincing and more authentic?

Once the memorial was up, there was no room for him to go back. Su Ziji didn't immediately call someone to go up, took a deep breath, returned to the table, picked up a pen and practiced a few more words, and then he calmed down.

"Although the Qi Zhou family gave me the manuscript, I really don't care about this little experience in the manuscript now."

This is the truth. When a scholar is recruiting, the experience of writing manuscripts is very important, but it is not difficult to obtain it in the current position.

"It's people like Qi Hongxin. Although I understand rationally that it's natural for me to die badly, I really can't just add insult to injury to such a person."

"Although the matter of revenge for the prince cannot be completed, but for the sake of revenge, such an official can be harmed. Even I have to look down on myself. How is that different from King Qi and his ilk?"

"Even Zeng Nianzhen can stick to his heart, let alone me—but these are actually sophistry. It seems that I am still hypocritical and naive."

Su Ziji gave a wry smile, but no longer hesitated, put the memorial into the small box, locked it himself, and summoned a soldier to call the inspector from the inspection department who patrolled the construction site.

After a while, inspector Na Xi came over.

Su Ziji handed the box to the other party and said: "This is a secret document written by me to His Majesty, please send someone to the capital immediately."

At the critical moment, the inspection department also needs to play the role of delivering the booklet.

Inspection inspector Xi immediately responded. The agent Fucheng in front of him still has the identity of the imperial court observer. Although this status is of no rank, he is strictly regarded as an imperial envoy, and the secret documents of the imperial envoy must be returned by the inspection department. Capital, this is a very normal thing.

After the people left, Su Ziji took Qi Hongxin's manuscript just now, and with just one slap, he saw the half piece of red sandalwood popping up: "Have you learned from experience when you found the manuscript of Qi's mansion?"


"The manuscript of the Qi Mansion has been acquired, [The Way of Government] +3000, Level 5 (4095/5000)"

Su Ziji was not happy, and looked at the commotion on the construction site with distant eyes: "Qi Hongxin, now we are clear."

(End of this chapter)

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