fake prince

Chapter 484 3 fold

Chapter 484

August · Beijing

The scorching hot weather has swept across the capital at the end of July, and it is even shrouded in sweltering heat in August. Generally speaking, the capital must be densely populated, with rows of streets and alleys, making it even more scorching hot.

Dazheng is well connected by sea and water transportation. Shiploads of watermelon, bamboo fans, cattail mats, cool pillows, honeysuckle and other heat-relieving products arrive at the wharf and are immediately sold out.

As for the big households, those who have the financial resources have prepared ice early, and the consumption during this period of time alone is an astonishing figure.

In addition to the palace where the emperor and empress lived in the palace, the concubines in other palaces also received ice cubes for the summer according to the rules.

In previous years, Concubine Wu's palace was also a scene of prosperity, and the people below had already sent the ice cream away without the need for the people above to say.

But this year, because Concubine Wu fell out of favor, up to now, they are all grounded and pondered behind closed doors. The emperor has never been to Pixiang Palace again, and the attitude of the people below towards Pixiang Palace has gradually changed.

Either this item lacks the portion, or that item is a defective product. Even the ice cubes are only in accordance with the serving size, and there is no extra piece

If you want more, you have to spend more than other masters to buy them.

It's been a really frustrating day.

But Concubine Wu ordered the people in Pixiang Palace not to leak the news to Princess Xinping, so that Princess Xinping would not go to the emperor again, making a scene and causing trouble.

But Concubine Wu didn't want her daughter to cause trouble again, some people who used to be jealous of their mother and daughter being favored were happy to see them continue to suffer, and secretly spread the news.

No, Princess Xinping came to the front again to ask for an audience, making the emperor who was reviewing the memorial frown slightly.

"Let her go back!"

It's not that he doesn't love this daughter, it's just that when he saw her, he immediately remembered the events of that day, Su Ziji, and then remembered that he had ordered the destruction of the prince's family for more than ten years, which made the emperor feel displeased.

As the supreme ruler of a country, the emperor certainly has the right to be self-willed in such private matters, even if he angers his beloved daughter, it is taken for granted in the eyes of others. It must be that the princess acted absurdly and finally angered His Majesty .

Eunuch Zhao, who was serving in front of the emperor, immediately responded respectfully, withdrew slowly, left the imperial study room, and walked out quickly. Once outside the outer hall, he looked at Xinping, whose face was blushing under the scorching sun. Princess, Eunuch Zhao did not show contempt like some great eunuchs, but respectfully saluted, and there was nothing to criticize in his attitude.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty is busy with government affairs, so I really don't have time to see you, why don't you come back later?" He cautiously persuaded.

"You old slave!"

Princess Xinping had been shut down a few times before, and her heart was already aggrieved. She didn't believe that her father, who had always loved her, refused to see her for several months.

Thinking of this, she raised her chin slightly, and said coldly: "It must be that you didn't mention who came to see him to the emperor, did you?"

"You people always like to praise the high and trample the low, so I won't be fooled by you! Get out of the way for me! I want to go in and see the emperor!"

"Oh, my princess!" Seeing Princess Xinping's posture about to break through the door, Eunuch Zhao has no choice but to stop him, and persuaded in a low voice: "You, you should go back first, and tell your highness the truth, your majesty has arrived now. In fact, I'm still angry with you, and I probably won't see you until the anger subsides, but you said that you insist on breaking in to see His Majesty, isn't that adding fuel to the fire?"

"You are His Majesty's favorite daughter, you will not be punished for what you have done, but you have to think about Concubine Wu!"

Concubine Wu has fallen out of favor because of you. If she gets demoted because of you again, and her concubine position is lifted, then it will be a lot of fun.

Princess Xinping's actions were just a pause. She came here in a panic this time because she learned that the concubine's mother was still grounded, and she couldn't go in to visit her. The Princess Mansion naturally made Princess Xinping so angry that she came to complain to her father.

But if complaining fails, it will cause trouble for the mother and concubine instead... Princess Xinping put on a pretty face, was silent for a moment, and said: "Since Mr. Zhao said so, I will accept the love of you, an old slave, what you said Yes, I want to think more about my mother and concubine."

Then really turned around and left.

This time Princess Xinping listened to persuasion like this, which surprised Eunuch Zhao a little bit.

"Sure enough, adversity can make people grow."

Secretly sighing, he restrained his expression again, went back to the imperial study, and reported to the emperor what happened outside without any embellishments.

Picking up the pen and finished reviewing another memorial, he put the pen aside, the emperor rubbed his wrist, and after hearing this, he was also silent for a while.

"If Xinping really understands my painstaking efforts and can live a little more peacefully during this period, then pass on my word of mouth and let Pixiang Palace lift the ban." He ordered casually.

"Yes, the old slave remembered it."

Eunuch Zhao responded, but secretly thought in his heart that he had not disrespected Princess Xinping before, and indeed he made the right move. Although His Majesty seemed to have really annoyed Princess Xinping and Concubine Wu before, but his love for Princess Xinping, Apparently there are still.

At this time, there were footsteps outside again, and a eunuch brought in a newly delivered memorial.

The three copies are all sealed in small boxes.

"They are all from Shun'an Mansion?" The emperor looked at the seals affixed by the inspector on the small boxes one by one, and the emperor was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, let the old slave drive."

Eunuch Zhao hurriedly walked over, and carefully opened the three boxes one by one. For the keys sent from this kind of place, except for the person who sent the box, all the keys are held by the emperor or people around him, and they can be opened.

This is also to prevent someone from dropping the bag halfway.

"Hmph, play three things for one thing!"

"I take care of all kinds of opportunities every day, and if I am so tired, sometimes I can't even eat well. I still have to watch them wrangling."

Looking at the memorials that were taken out and placed in front of him one by one, he opened the three books casually and glanced at them casually. The emperor immediately threw the memorials on the table and sneered.

Eunuch Zhao opened the small box just now, and he had already stepped aside, bent over and lowered his eyes, and waited respectfully. At this time, he heard the emperor's sneer, but he didn't speak.

Because this matter obviously does not need him to speak up.

The emperor sneered at first, then touched another copy, looked at it carefully, and frowned slightly after reading the first memorial, brought the second copy, and the third copy, read them carefully, and read them all, But fell silent.

There was a long silence, only the shallow breathing of the people in the study, which made people even more nervous than when they sneered before.

At least Eunuch Zhao, who was standing with his head bowed, felt his heart tighten.

But even though he didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, he had no choice but to kneel on the ground following the emperor's soft call.

"Dexi, take a look at these three brochures." Throwing these three brochures directly at Eunuch Zhao's feet, the emperor sighed, "Tell me what you think."

(End of this chapter)

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