fake prince

Chapter 485

Chapter 485

Is it something about yourself?Where did I go out of line to provoke impeachment?

Eunuch Zhao suddenly had such a frightening idea, but although the emperor lost his composure this time, he even asked an old slave to watch the memorial and give his advice, but there was no anger or murderous intent towards him.

Eunuch Zhao calmed down, obeyed first, picked up three memorials, and read the contents above.

Seeing this, the cold sweat that had been falling down broke out again.

It's actually about Su Ziji?

That's right, Zhezi from Shun'an Mansion can make His Majesty lose his temper like this. Apart from being related to Su Ziji and the Crown Prince, there is nothing else to do.

If it was something else, Eunuch Zhao dared to speak out, but for this kind of thing...he kowtowed to the top immediately, and said in panic, "Your Majesty, this old servant dare not speak."

"You say what you want, no matter what you say, I will forgive you for your innocence."

Just listen to what the emperor says.

Eunuch Zhao didn't think that His Majesty would really be able to forgive him if he said too much, but His Majesty's statement like this meant that he had to give an answer.

He swallowed helplessly, thought for a while and replied: "Then the old slave will answer presumptuously."

"After Qi Zhifu came to Shun'an Mansion, he was in charge of drought and locust plagues, especially this locust plague, which was able to be wiped out in one mansion. It has contributed a lot. This is beyond doubt."

"Although Mr. Su is young, he has read a lot and is far-sighted. He has also contributed a lot to the eradication of locusts. He can be said to be a young man, but the locusts are not over yet, but he is building water conservancy for a rumor. This, this is It looks a little youthful."

This remark can be said to be impartial, and it is evaluated based on the opinions of most people.

Especially when evaluating what Su Ziji did, he first mentioned some advantages, and then talked about the shortcomings. In this way, no matter what attitude the emperor has towards Su Ziji, he can also redeem it. Let His Majesty be furious.

Sure enough, after saying these words, the emperor did not show any anger.

The person sitting on it even nodded his head: "What you said, old slave, is quite to the point. Su Ziji is a young man after all, and he is still not safe in doing things."

But then the voice changed, he got up again, and walked slowly in the study, feeling: "However, it's not incomprehensible. He, he wants to make contributions at this time."

"If you want to make achievements, you must be independent. The construction of water conservancy is the key, and the construction of water conservancy in a government does not require a lot of manpower and material resources, so it will not delay the end of the locust disaster."

"If it really works, it's credited."

"Even if it doesn't work, if there is a sudden torrential rain at that time, it is intentional to build water conservancy in advance, and it is a precautionary measure. It can be regarded as no credit but also hard work."

"But the only thing I can't think of is getting into an argument with Qi Hongxin, so that outsiders can see the clue."

"Once it doesn't rain, I'm afraid I've had a dispute with the Shangguan, and I'm afraid it will be used as a reference, and I will be referred to a book."

Ordinary Fu Cheng, let alone doing this kind of thing, even if he goes too far, he won't be caught by others.

But who made Su Ziji a thorn in the flesh of King Qi and King Shu long ago?

Someone was watching all the time, and if he did something wrong and was caught, the two kings would naturally not make it easy for Su Ziji.

The emperor knew all this in his heart.

Because of the jealousy of these two sons, he deliberately gave Su Ziji a chance to praise the emperor's grandson who has no name until now.

Eunuch Zhao had already got up, and quietly sent the three copies back to the table. The emperor also laughed when he saw his cautious appearance.

"You are getting more and more slippery."

Hearing this, Eunuch Zhao heaved a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "Since you said this, Su Ziji is wrong in 1 things, and he is right."

What was even more fortunate in my heart was that the emperor didn't ask about Su Ziji's excerpts.

Regarding the government affairs in the mansion, I can say a few words, but Su Ziji's upsell, Mingli only commented on Qi Hongxin, in fact, everyone present knew that this involved the prince.

"Su Ziji took revenge for his father on those who reported in the prince's case, and almost eliminated them all."

"Qian Zhidong is the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Army, and he even beheaded him for public display. Even Qin Fengliang, who was standing on Su Ziji's side, was demoted several levels."

"Su Ziji actually gave Qi Hongxin a meritorious service?"

Eunuch Zhao stood with his hands down and bowed, looking at the emperor's expression out of the corner of his eye. What does the emperor think?

The emperor picked up the memorial written by Su Ziji, looked at the words on it, and was a little surprised: "Su Ziji went to Beijing on a business trip, but he can still continue to practice calligraphy? This handwriting is much better than that in the imperial examination."

It's just this temperament... The emperor lowered his eyes and couldn't help but fell silent again.

This son is a bit like my young self.

Then he asked casually: "What do you think of Su Ziji's contribution to Qi Hongxin?"

I was really afraid of what was coming, Eunuch Zhao's back was wet again, and he just said: "The servant is an internal minister, and I don't know the details of Qi Hongxin, or ask the officials to discuss it, or ask the order to transfer Qi Hongxin's file, look at it. See if this Qi Hongxin is true?"

"There's no need to ask for an order to transfer Qi Hongxin's file, I know everything about it." The emperor sighed, with a half-smile on his face: "What Su Ziji said is true, and he hasn't said everything yet."

"Qi Hongxin's first county, Tangli, is a small county, and its governance has been evaluated as good by the Ministry of Officials."

"In the future, Yino, Linzhuang, Gaodian, and Yiyun will all be rated as excellent."

"Every time they leave office, the local gentry may not necessarily send them off, but the common people flock to the road, crying and sending each other off. Although there is no Wanmin Umbrella, it is more real than the Wanmin Umbrella."

The emperor looked outside, as if talking to himself, with a calm expression.

Eunuch Zhao is the chief eunuch, and his knowledge is higher than that of everyone. Although his face is calm, his heart sinks. He will not find it strange to ask——Since you know Qi Hongxin's merits, emperor, why didn't you promote him?

He just laments that the emperor looks resolute and decisive, but in fact he is delicate and sentimental. To put it bluntly, another emperor, even Wei Shizu, has been around for more than ten or twenty years, whether it's the queen or the prince. , the feelings have long since faded.

This is not a meager human nature, but human nature. How can the empress have any capital to argue with the emperor?

Once the emperor really doesn't care, the queen will be a clown on the stage in any action, even if she dies, it's just a cold sentence: "Order the Ministry of Rites to be buried according to the law and ask for a posthumous posthumous title."

But the emperor is still persistent, and he can't forget it. It has been 20 years, and the pain in his heart can't be eliminated. Even after the case of the prince has been going on for so long, he still pays attention to every move of Qi Hongxin involved in the case.

But this kind of long-term love may not be a blessing, I am afraid that even if he is the emperor's honor, it will only leave more grudges.

Eunuch Zhao lowered his eyes and didn't reply a word, only listening to the emperor's seemingly faint emotion.

Can't let go, can't explain clearly, think for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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