fake prince

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

"The concubine didn't know at first, but the concubine knew after His Majesty said."

"Is it a new poem from Su Zi? This son does have some poetic talent. Speaking of which, the concubine has also heard a few poems by this son."

"Take Hua Cong to look back lazily, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be king."

"It was too difficult for the sea to be the water, but Wushan is not a cloud."

Ancient poems are always recited with a rhythm, this poem contains affection, the empress chanted it, the sound was like quicksilver pouring down the ground, it went straight to the heart,

The emperor was also dumbfounded, and smiled: "I remember, this is his friend, from the Shao family..."

The emperor couldn't remember Shao Sisen's name, so he passed it vaguely, and said: "At the end of his life, Su Ziji gave him a poem saying that Su Ziji bowed his head for him, which is considered to be worthy of friendship, and even more so, this person is blessed."

The emperor smiled and said, "I still have a poem by Su Ziji here."

"It's better not to meet each other, then you don't fall in love."

"It's better not to know each other, then you don't miss each other."

"It's best not be together, so that we do not owe each other."

"It's better not to cherish each other, but not to remember each other."

"This poem is actually very simple, but Xinping just likes it and mentions it often. Now even several princesses and county masters who associate with her can recite it silently..."

Speaking of this, the emperor suddenly shut up, what kind of closeness of blood relatives is this, it is clear that this girl Xinping still remembers Su Ziji!

Originally the emperor was smiling, but at this moment he couldn't continue laughing, the corners of his mouth were a little stiff, and he was afraid that the empress would see the clue, so he hurriedly changed the topic again.

"Guanchang and I were crying about being poor. I thought that every year, except for the salary, land rent, and shops, I was rewarded repeatedly. Why do I have to be in poverty now? I am afraid that it is my extravagant expenses, or that I am exaggerating and eroding my love."

"I don't want to order someone to investigate, but I'm really struggling."

Sighing as he spoke, he took out a booklet and showed it to the queen.

The queen just quoted the poem. Seeing that the emperor's smile was stiff and he didn't go into it deeply, she just pursed her lips and smiled, took a look at the booklet, and smiled: "According to the rules of this dynasty, when the princess gets married, the price of gold and satin is 2000 taels of silver. , A pawn shop has a principal of 1 taels of silver, and a reward of 8000 taels of silver."

"However, when the country was founded, it was different from now. The dowry could not be sold, and the various expenditures in the capital were not small. After the investigation by the clan's family, it was said that Princess Guanchang's mansion received 9000 taels of silver every year, so the difference must not be too much."

"Food is used for monthly cases and birthdays every year, salaries for guards, eunuchs, and maids are paid, and silver is used for utensils, oxen and camels, coal candles, Xia Bing, etc."

"Using 1000 taels of silver, the annual deficit of 2000 taels is not outrageous. You are the emperor and a brother, so just give me some favors."

"The rewards can't be abused, otherwise there will be no rules."

The emperor said casually, his mind was no longer on this aspect, and something was wrong in his heart: "Xinping still misses Su Ziji, and he didn't even let Xinping forget about separating the two? It’s only when the reputation is confirmed.”

"Su Ziji's work this time is very like me in the past, or if he continues to be an official for no reason, it will delay him."

"The most important thing is, if there is a scandal, how will I deal with it?"

Although I always felt that something was wrong, the emperor thought about it for a long time, and finally sighed: "Forget it, at Guanchang, I have already given 20 hectares of land, which is the princess's share. If I can't be more kind, I will add another pawn shop." stop."

After talking about this topic, the emperor said again: "As for Su Ziji, I will explain it when I get back."

Without going into details, the queen knew what she was referring to, and hurriedly got up and bowed down, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor hurriedly helped him up. At this time, the maids put out the newly served side dishes one by one. The most honorable couple in the palace sat together and finished the meal quietly.

Seeing that the atmosphere had become more relaxed again, Eunuch Zhao secretly wiped off his sweat.

"It seems that I guessed right, Su Ziji really made the right move."

"If you really killed Qi Hongxin, you would definitely avenge His Highness the Crown Prince, and you would be happy to have revenge, but in the same way, being so cruel and merciless, I'm afraid it will make His Majesty feel cold."

"Although it seems to be a bit of a woman's benevolence now, but in this matter, the woman's benevolence just reassures His Majesty."

In the distance, a few eunuchs who came over with the emperor Shengjia all bowed their heads and bowed their hands because of their inferior position. At this distance, the people inside could just hear their voices, but they couldn't hear the people inside talking in a normal voice.

However, there was a young eunuch who kept his head down when the empress spoke, no different from the eunuchs around him, but his ears moved.

Qi Wangfu

King Qi wore a brown silk robe loosely. After having some snacks, he went to the study room. This study room was quite large, with more than ten people sitting there. There were some cakes and tea in front of everyone. He obviously planned to eat something casually. Continue It's time for business.

After all, the king of Shu has been making small moves recently, and even cheated the king of Qi twice, which made the king very angry. If he didn't solve the problem in front of him, he couldn't think of a way to fight back. I'm afraid he wouldn't even eat well.

And the person kneeling below at this time is the person responsible for secretly contacting some outside forces. This person is reporting the news he just received, which surprised King Qi.

"Cao Yiyan wants to join me?"

"My lord, that's right. Since Cao Yiyan came to the capital, although she has Liu Zhan as her master, she doesn't seem to have gained much fame. Up to now, she only has some talent and name and vacant position. After so long, I'm afraid I'm in a hurry and want to leave. My lord, your way, look, do you want to meet him? After all, Liu Zhan is standing behind this person, and if he can really worship under your lord, it may not be of some use."

King Qi was silent.

He didn't have any objections to Cao Yiyan, on the contrary, since he was Liu Zhan's apprentice in the capital, King Qi had paid attention to him.

This son has a pretty good looks, and just by his looks, he does look like a celebrity.

But for some reason, King Qi always felt a little disgusted.

"Maybe it's because of the surname Cao."

When Qi Wangguang heard this name, he became a little tired.

Cao is the surname of the former dynasty. Of course, King Qi also knows that there are many people with the surname Cao. It is really unreasonable for him to hate a person because of his surname. , So at this time, I was a little pondering whether I should follow my heart and ignore Cao Yiyan who came to rely on me.

Just as he was thinking, someone came in hurriedly and knelt down: "My lord, there is news from the palace!"

"What news?" Because the king of Qi planted people in the palace, he also cast a wide net. When he heard the report, he asked. Minister, you just tell the news."

"Yes!" As soon as the man told the news from the palace, there were still people in the room drinking tea and talking in low voices, and all of them fell silent.

King Qi's face also gradually turned red. To be slapped in the face by this news in front of his subjects was really not a good experience.

He gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the person in front of him: "Say it again!"

Seeing the master's expression gradually becoming ferocious, the eunuch who brought the words back was shaking like chaff in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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