fake prince

Chapter 488 This is not the first time

Chapter 488 This is not the first time

But the master asked, and he had no choice but to say again: "Little Sixth Son is serving His Majesty today, and just went to Yong'an Palace with him, and heard His Majesty tell the empress himself that when Su Ziji comes back, His Majesty will give an explanation..."

"Slave, slave girl happens to be off duty today, if she can come out, then, hurry up and report to the lord!"


A cup was smashed to the ground the next moment.

The hot tea inside splashed all over the eunuch's body, and even the backs of his hands were scalded red, but the eunuch hurriedly lowered his head, almost lying on the ground, not daring to move.

"Explain, explain what?" King Qi walked back and forth in the house, roaring with a ferocious expression.

"A little number one scholar, a Fu Cheng who doesn't even reach the fifth rank, what achievements can he make? It is also worthy of the father's personal promise, and he will give an explanation when he comes back?"

Everyone in the room tried their best to hold their breath and concentrate, not to stand out in this situation.

King Qi really had no way to vent his anger, and it was not easy to show his violent side in front of these advisers and staff, so he kicked the little eunuch over.

"Get out!"

As if being pardoned, the little eunuch immediately scrambled out.

King Qi didn't want to reveal his true feelings of resentment, jealousy, and anger at the moment, but this incident was too much for him to accept, and the evil fire was rushing up desperately, making him unable to suppress it.

He couldn't help asking in his heart: "Royal Father, Royal Father, what explanation do you want to give Su Ziji?"

"This so-called confession, is it to put Su Zi in the genealogy of this kid?"

But why?

Even if Su Ziji is really the prince's blood, so what?

The prince was convicted more than ten years ago, and his wives, concubines, and grandchildren were all executed. If Su Ziji was really confirmed to be of the prince's blood, shouldn't he be accused immediately?

Why is he an upright prince? The king of Qi who was enshrined by a clear decree has never been so doted on by his father. Even at this age, he would be reprimanded if he went out of Beijing to ask for decree, but Su Ziji was 17 years old. Going to the place as an observer of the imperial court?

It's all right to treat Su Ziji as an ordinary official, but in the end, he still has to be listed in the genealogy?

The treatment that princes and grandchildren can't enjoy, Su Ziji enjoys, and the treatment that princes and grandchildren should enjoy, Su Ziji also enjoys?

All the benefits were taken by Su Ziji?

Why? !

At this time, King Qi really wanted to go in front of his father, yell and question, why is he also a descendant of the royal family, and he, King Qi, is not as good as the son of a prince who has not yet been named?

But even though his head was filled with anger, and his chest was ignited with raging fire of jealousy, he could only walk around the room like a trapped animal in embarrassment, and finally had to sit back in the chair superior.

Monarchs and ministers, father and son, even if they are the sons of the emperor, they are ministers first, and then sons.

"When the prince was still there, even if I occasionally fell into the eyes of my father, I was just a pawn, used by my father for balance."

"Prince, I'm actually just a prince, not a son. Father never thought so much about me, instead he reprimanded me a lot."

"Finally, the crown prince fell. Now, the crown prince's son wants to threaten me again?" King Qi thought, his grief was gradually suppressed by unwillingness and tyranny.

Among several counselors and staff, Wen Xunpeng, who was once trusted by the king of Qi, but gradually became a marginalized person after Su Ziji returned safely from the southwest, gritted his teeth and stood up first.

He cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Su Ziji is not what it used to be. Now this person is no less dangerous than the King of Shu. He must be eradicated immediately while he is still fledgling."

This is nonsense, King Qi glanced at it lightly: "Does Mr. Wen have any plans?"

Wen Xunpeng really has it, and offered a suggestion: "The villain has thought of a way. Su Ziji is now repairing the water conservancy. He originally wanted to make meritorious deeds. Your lord, you have a secret spy in the Shu palace, so it can be used at this time."

"Just let the spy take action to destroy the built dam, so that Su Ziji can be accused!"

"Su Ziji is now a potential threat, and the King of Shu is currently the biggest threat to your struggle for power. Wouldn't it be a good thing if this incident can ruin Su Ziji's future and give the King of Shu a heavy blow? One piece?"

Wen Xunpeng would make such a proposal, in fact, he also saw that the king of Qi gradually lost his sense of ease in the battle with the king of Shu because of being scolded by the emperor in public, and he was also suffocating a fire in his heart, and his proposal, although simple It's a little bit more, but the officialdom doesn't pay attention to whether it is simple or not, but only pays attention to whether it works. This double-edged sword can be regarded as a strategy. Unless King Qi doesn't want to take the opportunity to press down on these two threats, he will definitely agree.

The fact is also like this, upon hearing this strategy, King Qi was tempted.

But he didn't nod immediately, just because this matter had to be done, it would definitely destroy the dark thread planted in the Shu Palace.

That is not a person who is inserted in casually, but the middle-level who can influence the decision-making of the King of Shu. King Qi was heartbroken.

It is really difficult for King Qi to make this decision immediately whether to use this dark chess at this moment.

"Let me think about this matter again." After a while, King Qi frowned and said.

Wen Xunpeng was a little disappointed at once, but he also knew that even though King Qi would make this decision in the end, hesitation would be hard to avoid.

He stepped back obediently, and exchanged glances with several of his colleagues. As a counselor and staff member, what he could do was to offer a plan, and whether the lord would accept it was irrelevant.

Finding that there may be no result in discussing this matter today, even Wen Xunpeng did not mention this matter again, and discussed with King Qi about the matter in the court.

But when it comes to matters in the court, it is difficult to avoid the king of Shu.

Originally, the king of Qi had many party members and was much more powerful than the king of Shu. In addition, he colluded with the monster clan, so he had his own power both inside and outside.

But the king of Qi was reprimanded by the emperor in front of the civil and military officials of the whole court, and then he praised the officials of the king of Shu several times for their work. If the attitude of the centrist officials has not changed, they are deluding themselves.

Even within the Qi Royal Party, some people's hearts have been fluctuating during this period, and some people who have just made intentions and have not "boarded" their attitudes have become ambiguous.

The more King Qi listened to the reports and discussions below, the more angry he felt. This strategy was not complicated, but the emperor condescendingly stretched out his hand, and his advantage over the King of Shu was wiped out.

"It's not the first time."

Over the years, this is often the case. When I gain the upper hand, the wind direction changes, and then the king of Shu rises again. Of course, there are rare times when the king of Shu is aggressive, and I will get extra help.

Knowing this, I have to continue playing.

Even so, now Father still wants to add another chess player to the board!

(End of this chapter)

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