fake prince

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

Confucianism pays attention to the rules and regulations. Although the prince dies, as long as there is no decree to depose him, according to the rules, it should be passed on to the grandson. As long as Su Ziji is recognized as the son of the prince, he has the right to fight for the high position, and even many people Support out of the ordinary.

Although it may not be possible, it must be a big threat.

"How to do how to do?"

To kill Su Ziji physically?I had thought about this idea, but my father was very careful. I wanted to reach out to the army several times, but was removed and warned.

Without an army, relying on Jianghu people to kill Su Ziji?

This is simply ridiculous, a group of armored soldiers can kill all the so-called quacks.

Could it be possible to rely on monsters?

Thinking of monsters, King Qi was stunned, stopped pacing, and his eyes gradually became darker: "This chessboard belongs to the emperor, and I am just a chess piece, and I can't help myself on the chessboard."

"To get out of this predicament, with my father's wiseness, I'm afraid I won't succeed under the rules of the chessboard. Even if I try ten thousand times, I will still return to my original shape."

"Now, what is needed is an outside move, and an outside move is destiny."

"Tianji Yao's mind is cunning and unpredictable, but what he said is right. The world belongs to my father. I want to fight with my father, and if I want to become a great treasure in the end, I can't rely on anyone on the bright road. I must win the favor of God."

"Although Wen Xunpeng broke my business last time, he is not very reliable, and he doesn't know about Tianji Yao's proposal, but the two can be united. This is not killing two birds with one stone, but three birds with one stone. "

"The last eagle is the Dragon Girl, but if the Tianji Demon wants to break through the Dragon Palace, it has to lower the water level of Panlong Lake."

"If you destroy the dam, you can cooperate with the monster clan to kill the dragon girl, and you can even push the matter to the king of Shu. This is killing three birds with one stone."

"If this opportunity is given up, Su Ziji will make meritorious deeds and return to Beijing to list the genealogy. By then, it is not impossible for him to be granted the title of knighthood with meritorious deeds and titles."

"If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to move him. After all, there is a huge difference in the cost and impact between moving a courtier and moving an emperor's grandson."

After thinking about it, it was the King of Shu's party who had been forced to be a little angry recently, and it was really unbearable. He was not used to swallowing his anger. Even though he felt sorry, King Qi still made up his mind.

King Qi stood up and wandered in the study, thinking about something, Wen Xunpeng stared at King Qi intently, he knew Qi Wang very well, this is the performance of pondering, often after pacing and thinking, he will suddenly come to a decision.

Sure enough, just as Wen Xunpeng was thinking about it, the King of Qi had already stood still, flashed a sneer, and regained his graceful air: "Since the little six have sent news to Gu, naturally Gu will not let him down."

"Li Chengzhi!"

"The next official is here!" Someone stood up.

"You work, don't be our people on Minglu, and get an official status for Xiaoliuzi's brother."

"It's not difficult, but what grade is appropriate?" Li Chengzhi asked for instructions. "

"Sixth rank, no matter how many more, you will be admitted to the imperial father's court. Similarly, the man in the Shu Palace is also treated as a sixth rank. Tell them that although the official position given alone is not a fat job for the time being, it is also considered a first-class errand, etc. Will be promoted in the future..."

"Yes!" Li Chengzhi responded, and King Qi said: "I have decided my loneliness, so I will act according to Mr. Wen's plan."

"Take my token and contact Yisan according to the code." Deciding to use this dark chess, King Qi didn't hesitate any longer, and directly called someone to contact Yisan immediately.

King Qi let out a sigh of relief: "Mr. Wen will preside over the rest."

Wen Xunpeng was overjoyed that the trust he had dreamed of was pressed, but he was also a little inexplicably ominous.

As this plan was launched, a small eagle that was already considered a half-demon spread its wings from a house some distance away from Prince Qi's Mansion, and flew in the direction of Shun'an Mansion.

Even if someone inadvertently looked up and saw an eagle flying by, they would not take it to heart.

And this eagle can fly hundreds of miles in a day, and it doesn't stop at night. It didn't fly down until dawn the next day.

The place where it landed was two hundred miles away from Shun'an Mansion, in a locust temple outside the city of Ning'an Mansion.

The light in the Locust Temple was very dark, except for the ever-burning lamp on the god's table, which glowed faintly with a green light. Not only did it not look bright, but it shone on the gloomy statue, making it even more frightening.

And under the statue, a black-robed man was sitting cross-legged in the main hall of the Locust Temple with his eyes closed, until he felt the half-demon eagle flying down, he opened his eyes suddenly.

With just a wave of hand, the originally closed door and window opened without wind, and the eagle croaked crisply, and the moment it fell, it swept across the courtyard and flew into the hall.

"What's bothering me?"

The voice is hoarse, the eyes are even more lifeless, with a kind of color that makes the monsters a little scared when they see it, the Tianji demon who is meditating in this locust temple and suppressing the demons looks a little more terrifying than when he was arrogant in the past .

And the more gloomy he is, it's not that he doesn't know that he is haunted by demons, which has affected his judgment in the past, and his temperament has also changed, but even if his body knows it, he can't do anything about it.

At this time, Ying, who was stared at so coldly by him, also trembled subconsciously, and let out another crisp sound in a hurry. After exhaling, Ying Xin, who had been concealed, finally appeared.

Tianji Yao unfolded the letter, and when he looked at it, his face, which was so gloomy as if dripping water, gradually turned from anger to joy, revealing a smile.

"Good, good, good!" He smiled and said three words, making the eagle fly away by itself.

"Sure enough, it was God's will to help me. King Qi still couldn't hold back and gave the permission order. In this case, King Qi will endorse it. Whether it is a clear path or a dark path, the conditions are ripe."

Thinking of this, Tianji Yao stood up and raised his voice to ask: "Xiong Fei, Zhu Sheng, should we stick to our original opinion?"

These two monsters are not small, and they also stay in this locust temple, but they only stay occasionally, and they usually go out to have fun by themselves.

Tianji Yao asked like this, and immediately a monster poked his head cautiously outside the door, and replied: "Yes, they still have the original idea, hoping to still serve the Dragon Girl as the main one, but only for offering, and not letting her get involved in the following affairs, they think This will not violate the original intention of all the monsters to gain power and stand on their own, but also fulfill the friendship between the monarch and his subjects, and will not fail the former king."

This refers to the former king, the former Dragon Lord.

Oh, the friendship between the monarch and his ministers?

How could monsters have such an idea at first, the law of the jungle is the law of nature, but Lord Long created three thousand ways, all ways must cooperate with humanity.

In less than a few hundred years, although it is a monster race, many thoughts of the human race have penetrated most of it.

Is this what Long Jun thinks?

Tianji Demon sneered silently, but faced the monsters outside with a calm tone: "Since they still insist on this idea, then call them here, I plan to discuss this matter with them."

"Yes, the little demon is going to call it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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