fake prince

Chapter 490 scream

Chapter 490 scream

"This is so strange." The monster guarding the gate was a dog monster, he couldn't help being surprised, he glanced at Tianji monster and didn't respond immediately.

Peeking at it with dog eyes, the expression of Tianji Yao seemed to become a little excited, but he couldn't see anything else. Because of the disagreement between Tianji Yao and the two monsters, they just broke up not long ago, and now they suddenly called out. They came to discuss, are they planning to compromise?

Thinking about it, it's not impossible.

As a demon, one can tell that Tianji Demon is not in the right state recently. Although he doesn't seem to be seriously injured, he stays in the Locust Temple every day and cannot go out. He says he is fine, and even a little demon like him might not believe it.

"Hey, the big monster is arguing, and the little monster suffers. It's good for everyone to settle this matter early." This thought flashed through his mind, and the dog monster looked like a loyal servant, and didn't dare to hesitate any more. Immediately responded: "Yes, I will call them now!"

Saying that, the dog demon ran out in a flash.

At this time, the sun was about to set, the sky was covered with red lotus sunset glow, and there was smoke from cooking everywhere in the street. It seemed that someone was cooking meat not far away. The pork knuckles in the pot exuded a tangy smell of meat, and the dog monster was so greedy. Tongue flow Hada son, still smell the smell all the way away.

"Black bear, wild boar."

Although the plague of locusts was encountered, it was a headache for farmers in the countryside. In the market, not only were there rows of shops, but also stalls were set up here and there, which was really lively.

The dog demon still sniffed his nose, and found the right way all the way. After passing the land of two arrows, he saw a wine shop standing tall on the north side of the street. There were two watermelon lanterns hung with red gauze, and four words were written on the lacquered black plaque "Liu's Restaurant", when you enter the door, you can see more than a dozen people sitting scattered downstairs, in groups of three or four.

Some whispered, some yelled and drank, some got drunk and blurred, and after seeing that there was no one, they hurriedly turned to the stairs, and before they went up, they saw two people sitting on the north balcony on the second floor.

Xiong Fei is a black bear who has become a spirit, and when he takes human form, he is a burly black-faced man. Zhu Sheng is a wild boar that has become a spirit. The monster power is only in human form, and it is also daunting.

The two demons were drinking, and there was a whole table of dishes, and Zhu Sheng still had two women with a strong sense of dust in his arms, smiling and asking her to feed him food and wine.

The two demons belong to the great demon Zhou Xuan. This time, they not only cooperate with the Tianji demon to act according to circumstances, but also because the boss Zhou Xuan and the Tianji demon also have some disagreements. Do irreversible things when you don't know.

This kind of arrangement, the monsters are actually more open and aboveboard, and the general big monsters don't care very much. Anyway, the really important things are not left to these monsters, and when they need to contact other big monsters, they are there. Can save a lot of trouble.

Because the Tianji Demon has been staying behind closed doors during this period of time, only staying in the Locust Temple, these two monsters with a high level of cultivation brought a few companions to have fun nearby.

Although they are monsters, they were animals before they became spirits, but they have human forms, such as greedy drinks and lust, these are originally human faults, but none of them are left behind.

"Master Xiong, Master Zhu." Even though the demon dog stuck out his tongue out of greed, he still didn't dare to neglect and bowed quickly.

It was originally a dog, but it looks even worse like this. It looks like a dog's leg.

As soon as they saw the dog demon who came in like a servant, the two demons restrained their expressions, and said indifferently to the two women: "You have nothing to do here, go out."

After receiving a piece of broken silver that it threw over, it was estimated to be five taels in weight, and the two brothel girls hurriedly retreated with smiles.

Even the singers in the private room have slipped downstairs.

Zhu Sheng stared at the dog demon and asked: "Stupid dog, what, but what does it have to tell us?"

This it refers to the Tianji Demon.

Xiong Fei also remained silent at this time with a sullen face, just looking at the boy.

"Oh, Lord Zhu, Lord Xiong, this time I'm not here to tell you anything, but the boss wants you to go over and discuss... about that person from Panlong Lake."

The dog monster is the monster who values ​​the strong most among the monsters, and he didn't dare to mention the dragon girl in public, so the dog monster who came to find people refers to it.

The two demons were slightly startled, and they looked at each other, Xiong Fei said: "Since this is the case, then it's not good for him to wait for a long time, we will go back to see it."

After speaking, he went downstairs and returned to the locust temple outside Fucheng in a bullock cart.

When they went back, the setting sun sank deeper. At the gate of the Locust Temple, they also met a few companions who also came back. Like Zhu Sheng and Xiong Fei, they all supported the dragon girl, not the demon who killed the dragon girl.

Looking at each other gloomyly, the heart that was still holding on was completely dropped at this moment.

Originally, I was worried about whether the Tianji Demon had a fit and would do something to them, but since I called all the monsters who disagreed, it should be that I really changed my mind and compromised with them.

"We all have monsters in the backstage, forgive me and dare not be presumptuous." Thinking of this, they went in with a smile and cursed in their mouths.

The dog demon didn't dare to answer, and stood guard outside the door.

"Tianji Yao, why are you calling us again?"

"I've made it clear, your thinking is too extreme, if there is no dragon girl, our monster clan will be torn apart immediately, and no one will accept anyone."

"It's a secret, don't you understand?"

At the beginning, the dog demon stood outside, and could hear arguments and scolding coming from inside, but the Tianji demon didn't reply at all. The dog demon felt that something was wrong, and so did the monsters inside.

Suddenly, there was a scream.

"How dare you, I am Zhou Xuan's subordinate!"

"I am sent by Sangnv."

"Tianji Yao, don't cut yourself off from the demon, Nanshan King will not let you go."

The sound was so sharp that the demon dog who had deliberately avoided walking to the gate shivered subconsciously. Looking at the main hall of the Locust Temple with the door tightly closed, his face turned pale.

From it, one could smell a faint smell of blood, wafting out from the crack in the main hall door.And the sound inside gradually disappeared, making it feel more frightened than when there was a sound before.

Thinking of the possible scene inside at this time, the dog demon couldn't help but shivered again.

It can be regarded as the subordinate of Tianji Yao, and has followed Tianji Yao for some years, but even it never thought that Tianji Yao dared to do something!

You know, there are quite a few monsters here, but they are all followers of the big monster, and nothing else. The King of Nanshan is a bit weaker, and Sang Nu is too far away, but Zhou Xuan is different.

Zhou Xuan's body is a crow, but for some reason, he got the essence of the sun, wanted to become a three-legged golden crow, and opened up a road to the demon king. It can be said that among the demon clan, Zhou Xuan's status and influence are even higher than that of Tianji demon At one end is the real majestic big monster in the clan.

The Tianji Demon actually made such a move, isn't he afraid of offending Zhou Xuan?

Obviously, the Tianji Demon who has already done this is not afraid.

While the dog demon was thinking wildly, he only heard the sound of Pupu's body being cut open, and then the tightly closed door of the main hall was opened, and the Tianji demon came out in a black robe.

(End of this chapter)

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