fake prince

Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Because the color of the robe is pure black, there is no trace of blood, but as the Tianji Demon approached, the smell of blood became ten times stronger than before, but if you look closely, you will find that there is only a little blood on the sleeve, don't worry. It was probably because of the extremely refreshing expression after the killing, which gave the illusion of a demon.

Rao Gouyao has followed Tianjiyao for many years, facing the Tianjiyao at this time, he also tried his best to suppress his fear, so he didn't take a step back.

"Are you afraid?" Tian Ji Yao asked softly, glancing at it lightly.

The dog demon was frightened to death, but he hurriedly replied: "The king is mighty, but the little one is naturally afraid."

This answer unexpectedly made Tianji Demon a little satisfied, it nodded: "Take out the garbage inside, let's clean it up in a while."

Then, looking at the gradually rising red sun, it raised the corners of its lips and said softly, "Now, no demon can oppose me."

Shun'an Prefecture·Prefect Yamen

"Open the door!"

The yamen servant shouted loudly, and the two gates with red lacquer and copper nails opened, and the yamen servants filed in, all silent and solemn. Seeing Su Ziji arriving, they bowed down together: "I have seen the old man."

"Get up!" Su Ziji accepted the gift, glanced at it, and wanted to laugh.

The first thing that catches the eye is the three classes of yamen servants, holding water and fire sticks, and a head catcher carrying an iron ruler. Besides, there are also small officials from each house. , It's really a phenomenon, I gave a few casual instructions, waited for them to disperse, and went to the small hall to work.

"Master, the official documents are all ready." Just after entering, someone bowed and handed a stack of documents to Su Ziji with a very respectful attitude.

This is already the norm, a country cannot be left without a master for a day, and the government is the same. Although the office in front still maintains the office furnishings of the Qi Zhifu, the people who come and go are obviously headed by Su Ziji.

Ever since the prefect of Qi fell ill, Su Ziji has taken over the affairs of the Shun'an Mansion. In name, he is now the deputy prime minister of the Shun'an Mansion, the second in command of the Shun'an Mansion, but in fact he is the number one in his own right. In the entire Shun'an Mansion, words matter. up.

"[The Way of Politics] Level 5 (4515/5000)"

These days, Su Ziji has also gradually understood that level 3 entry, level 6 professional, level 11 specialization, and level 15 master. If there are no major mistakes, the professionalism is hard to pick.

After Su Ziji took power, all the affairs of Shun'an Mansion were carried out in an orderly manner, but even so, he did not dare to slack off. He kept paying attention to the end of the extermination of locusts, and only then did he finish one. At this time, the official came over and called out softly: "Lord Su!"


In the government office, it was rare for an official to have face in front of Su Ziji and also be an old man who worked with Qi Hongxin.

Because it is troublesome to switch to someone else to handle documents and some trivial matters, besides, Su Ziji does not have to be an emperor and a courtier, as long as it is easy to use and can be used by himself, he has no intention of changing Be your own person in your seat.

Moreover, this person followed Qi Hongxin and was someone Qi Hongxin was used to. He was in charge of the backyard affairs in Su Ziji's position, which was also a way for Su Ziji to show his goodwill to Qi Hongxin and the Qi family.

At this time, seeing the orderling come in, he raised his head and asked, "But is it the end of the extermination of locusts?"

The official smiled and said: "Exactly, almost all the locusts in our Shun'an Prefecture have been wiped out, but there are still other counties and counties. Now the main thing is to guard against these foreign locusts, but the number is also higher than before. It's been reduced a lot."

"That's fine."

Su Ziji nodded, his eyes fell on a stack of manuscripts he was studying with him, and he asked, "How is the prefect Qi's situation?"

In the past few days, because he took over the affairs of the magistrate, he was indeed too busy to go to see it in person, but he also asked people to send some things over from time to time. At this time, when he asked the magistrate, he was actually just asking casually.

From his point of view, Qi Hongxin's illness is slowly suffering, and there is not much difference between asking and not asking.

Because I am not a doctor myself, I really can't save Qi Hongxin's life.

Moreover, given the complexity of the relationship between the two, it is Su Ziji's conscience not to add insult to injury.

"This..." A trace of unnaturalness flashed across the official's face, but he quickly covered it up, and replied softly: "On the side of Master Qi, I have sent people to visit a few times, but they said that they have been bedridden all the time. , from the looks of it, I'm afraid it's not very good."

Originally thought that the Lord Fu Cheng didn't go to visit again, and I'm afraid he won't go this time after hearing about it.

Unexpectedly, Su Ziji gradually figured it out in the past few days. Since he had let go of his thoughts, he should be treated as an ordinary official. It just so happened that he finally finished dealing with the backlog of official duties, so he sighed: "If that's the case, then I should Go and have a look."

Noticing the slight change in the official's face, Su Ziji got up and left.

Although the prefect's yamen and the back residence are the front and back yards, but because of the large area, there is a garden in the middle. If you don't walk around, what happens in the back yard, the front really doesn't know.

Since Su Ziji took over the affairs of the government office, people in the backyard only go through the back door, not the front door, so as not to collide with each other.

When Su Ziji arrived at the backyard, the gatekeeper saw that it was Su Ziji who was coming, and when he wanted to go in to report, Su Ziji stopped him with a wave of his hand and asked, "How is your lord?"

"My master has used medicine these days, it's not bad, but..." The guard timidly looked inside, and murmured, Su Ziji followed his gaze, and his face darkened.

The place was still in good order when I came last time, but this time before I walked in, I heard a noise.

Someone was annoyed and said loudly: "Why can't I leave? I don't have any credit but also hard work. What do you know? Get out of my way quickly, or don't blame me, Fan San, for not remembering the past master-servant friendship and doing something to you!" "

"What's going on?" Su Ziji's body frowned, and at the same time, an unbelievable thought arose, and he immediately walked a few steps quickly.

I saw the two people who were pulling.

A man in his 40s shook off the boy who was pulling him away, and cursed viciously: "You little bastard, if you don't get out of the way, I'm going to beat you up!"

Not to be outdone, the young man said angrily, "Fan San, you can leave if you want, I won't stop you, but why do you still take things, these calligraphy and paintings you took away were gifts from my father and friend, you have to put them down before you can leave! "

"Hmph, we abandoned our family and went out with the officials. Who doesn't expect to get rich, but your father wants to be an upright official and offend people, so that we even look for ways to make money, and others don't give face."

"If you don't get some calligraphy and painting, just five taels of silver a month, and my family will drink the northwest wind?"

Fan San was really aggrieved. In fact, if the master's family is an upright official, the servants may not have no money. Among other things, people from the magistrate's family always have some sympathy when they go out. This kind of sympathy is rare for officials, but for servants. , not necessarily, if there is a leak in the fingers, the mouse can eat a mouth full of oil.

But Qi Hongxin would still offend people everywhere, it would be nice if others didn't make faces, who would give face?

Without face, how can there be any face?

(End of this chapter)

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