fake prince

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

This young man glaring at his servant, Su Ziji recognized, who is not Qi Hongxin's son Qi Jianjun?

Usually when Qi Jianjun saw him, he would just "hmph" and ignore Su Ziji, but he was the son of the magistrate's family after all, and he still had a dignified appearance, but now he was full of panic and uneasiness.

As for the middle-aged man in his 40s who was stopped by Qi Jianjun and was not allowed to leave, no need to ask, he must be Qi Hongxin's servant.

Su Ziji really didn't expect that he would come across this scene when he came to visit suddenly.

Even though Qi Hongxin fell ill, but now he is still the magistrate, the old servant of the magistrate's family not only wants to leave, but also dares to roll things before leaving, and even treat the magistrate's son like this?

While Su Ziji felt the absurdity in his heart, he suppressed the rising anger and walked towards him.

The official who came over wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, as if thinking of something, he closed his mouth with an ugly expression.

At this time, the two people who were tugging at each other didn't notice that someone was approaching, and the old servant Fan San who was blocked was extremely impatient at this moment, and once again threw the boy away fiercely, angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?" , why do you treat your father and son as an old man, your family?"

"I want to raise a family for money!"

"Qi Hongxin has a clear name all his life, and he is willing to let his wife and children suffer. That is your family's business. My body has been returned long ago. What's wrong if I want to leave now? Why don't we stay and drink with you in Northwest China? wind?"

"Don't say it's us, you ask others, who doesn't want to leave?"

"The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Come on, your eldest son, tell me, what kindness does your Qi family have that we miss so much?"

Fan San spat, and didn't mention anything about Yin Zi's calligraphy and painting, but the scolding turned out to be reasonable, and Qi Jianjun looked around in panic, looking for support, and saw that several servants and maidservants around him averted their eyes, obviously these words meant something to them , are all concerned.

Yes, you, Qi Hongxin, may be an upright and good official, but we didn’t get any benefits. Now that Qi Hongxin is dying, even if he gets better, it’s hard to continue to be an official, and there’s nothing to gain from being an official—I I want to go too!

Seeing the silence of the servants, Fan San felt as if he had been beaten like chicken blood, and shouted: "One thing is another thing, everyone has his own account."

"You are loyal to the imperial court. When you are old and sick, you should go to the imperial court."

"You are good to the common people. When you are old and sick, you should look for the common people."

"Why are you looking for us? Have we received any kindness from you? Could it be that you have been loyal to the court and loved the people, so we should treat you well?"

"Bah, all the traitors have left you..."

Fan San slobbered wildly, started to speak, and was about to scold again, when he heard a "slap", a man with an extremely ugly face rushed out, walked up to Fan San with a few steps, and slapped him with a raised hand.

This slap directly hit Fan San until the corner of his mouth was bleeding, half of his face was swollen, and his teeth were loose. But when he looked up, it was Yu Zhilin who hit him.

He is an old servant, and he knows that Yu Zhilin is a "knight-errant", and he is not merciless in killing people, even if he dare not kill himself, but if he beats himself, won't he still have to suffer?

Fan San immediately lowered his head, cowering like a quail, not daring to make a sound.

Yu Zhilin stared at Fan San coldly, patted Qi Jianjun on the shoulder, and then raised his head to look at Su Ziji who came up to him: "Master Su is busy with affairs, why do you have time to come to the backyard? This is really frightening. "

Hearing these ironic words, Su Ziji didn't get angry, but coldly glanced at Fan San, and then at Qi Hongxin's son, seeing that Qi Jianjun looked at him with a little wariness in his eyes, but didn't say anything. Su Ziji immediately guessed vaguely.

He said to Qi Jianjun: "Young master, what happened? I have been busy with the affairs of Shun'an Mansion recently, and I really don't know about it. Please tell me, young master, and this one, who has neglected you and said Listen to me, and I will never forgive you!"

This is said very sincerely, it does not seem to be superficial.

Qi Jianjun and Yu Zhilin looked at each other, endured the humiliation, and the young master Qi who had been forced to mature a lot said: "Lord Su, from this point of view, we have misunderstood you."

"During this period of time, my father was seriously ill and needed medicinal materials. Before you said that there was a shortage, we could go to you. We sent people there, but we were stopped several times, saying that you were busy and didn't have time to see us."

"We can do it. During this period of time, the servants in the mansion are short of three meals a day. Ask them, and say that everyone in Shun'an Mansion is living a tight life. Many people can't eat enough. It will be reduced, and it will no longer be the same as before.”

"Why can we eat well?"

"That's all, and it's reasonable, so my mother didn't let us find someone, but paid for the medicine, rice, and vegetables."

"However, I have withdrawn again and again, and now even my father's treatment has been deducted!"

"According to the rules, officials above the ninth rank can receive firewood and rice every month, charcoal in winter, and ice silver in summer. This is the treatment they should have, but recently the heat has been so hot that ice silver has been delayed. Here, my father is so sick, he can't stand the heat, and he has got sores on his body!"

Speaking of this, Qi Jianjun tried his best to hold back his tears.

Qi Hongxin's family can't be said to live in poverty, but the dignity of an official family is a must. In previous years, his father even exchanged the treatment given by the court according to grades with silver, which was used wisely and was never wasted.

Now my father is seriously ill. Although I can't use ice directly, there is no ice at all. In such a hot day, the patient suffers even more.

There is still some savings in the family, but no one thought of this happening. The dowry is far away in the hometown, so it cannot be sold. During this period of time alone, the money I carried with me has been melted down, and there is no more savings. .

"Father's illness cost money again. As a last resort, I hid the truth from my mother and asked this scumbag to urge him, but this scumbag wanted to take the money and leave!"

What's even more exasperating is that they even went so far as to pluck their feathers, even taking away some worthless calligraphy and paintings!

Hearing this, Su Ziji's heart sank, a surge of sour and hot air surged, and his face sank.

Mrs. Zhou came over with a haggard look at this moment, and looked at Su Ziji with a helpless and complicated look. Obviously, Su Ziji knew about her family's embarrassment, which also made Mrs. Zhou feel ashamed and angry.

Su Ziji understood the eyes of the people, probably in the eyes of these people, the slack and negligence in the government office during this period must be the result of his connivance.

However, this is really a part of the facts, and Su Ziji can't explain it even if he wants to explain it.

Suppressing the fire, when the officials who followed came over and said, "Your Excellency is busy with the affairs of the house day and night, how can you take care of such a trivial matter, this matter is handled by the humble staff", and he couldn't hold back.

Bastard, you think I don't know?

Although the way of governing is low-level now, half of what can be learned is the insidious thoughts of you little officials!

"You think Qi Hongxin can't turn himself around, and you want to please me, so you're going to make Qi Hongxin a family?"

Su Ziji really felt that he had made a mistake. In history, not to mention Qi Hongxin, even the abdicated emperor, there were slaves who dared to be mean, but Mingli did not dare, but the tea was replaced by old tea, the water by rainwater, and the silk by silk. Xu silk.

It's no wonder that no one is willing to retreat. If they do, it will make the world worse.

Su Ziji's mouth was bitter and astringent, but he didn't attack for a moment, he just sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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