fake prince

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Su Ziji looked back at this courteous official.

When I was busy handing over and dealing with the Shun'an Mansion, I didn't want my newly promoted officials to take care of the affairs of Qi Hongxin's family, so as not to wrong the Qi family.

The old man who had been with the prefect of Qi for a period of time was specially asked to be responsible, so that Qi Hongxin's family could live in the backyard with peace of mind. Isn't this the official who is in charge of this matter?

"They sent someone to look for me, but you were stopped?" Su Ziji stared at him and asked in a deep voice.

Stupid, smart, and ungrateful.

This person was promoted by Qi Hongxin!

The official saw that Su Ziji's expression was wrong, panic flashed across his face, and he explained hastily: "The lowly job is to see that you are busy, so I don't want to be disturbed... Ouch!"

Su Ziji slapped the official with a "slap", and immediately, like Fan San, his face turned purple from the slap, and the official didn't dare to cry out, and murmured: "My lord, my lord... I'm wrong with my humble job!" Yes, the humble position is wrong."

Then, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Su Ziji looked down from above, and said coldly: "You are so brave, you have withheld the magistrate's ice and silver, this alone is enough to incriminate you!"

"Nian thought that you did your duty when you exterminated the locusts a while ago, take off your clothes and make a living by yourself!"

This is dismissal on the spot.

Everyone in the officialdom knows that Shangguan's power is not unlimited, this is already the limit.

The official's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth to cry for grievances. Yu Zhilin was so happy, he pulled out the sword hilt, only half of it was drawn, and the cold light flashed.

Knowing that he would not be left behind even if he begged for mercy, the man could barely get up and limped away.

Su Ziji withdrew his gaze and bowed to Mrs. Zhou: "Although it was a villain who made trouble, it was also my negligence that made Mr. Qi and Mrs. Zhou feel wronged. Please rest assured that this time I will definitely assign a proper person to take charge of the backyard." No matter, the treatment will not be less at all!"

"Also, has this evil slave been dealt with?"

When Fan San heard this, he was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits. The official just now was a decent official with a little bottom line, but he was a domestic servant.

Although the "Wei Law" stipulates that if the master does not invite the government to kill (slave and maidservant), the stick will be one hundred, and if the murderer is innocent, he will be punished for one year. punish.

Immediately knelt down: "My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life."

Seeing that Su Ziji's expression remained unchanged, he turned to kowtow again and again to the Qi Zhou family, and begged: "Madam, after all, I have been in the Zheng family for many years, even if I have no credit, I have worked hard, please forgive me, Madam."

"Even if you don't miss me, please miss my wife and children."

Qi Zhoushi suddenly remembered that his wife was his personal servant girl, she had been with her for many years, married this person, and even gave the child a silver medal for longevity, so she couldn't help sighing: "Get up!"

After a pause, he looked at Fan San and shook his head: "But if you are like this, my family will keep you. Put down the things you brought and go by yourself!"

As she spoke, Qi Zhoushi had tears in her eyes and said, "Please sit inside..."

Su Ziji nodded and sat in the main room. The Qi Zhou family sent someone to serve tea and said sadly: "Master Su, in fact, these people didn't get much benefit from being with my husband and wife, and we can't blame them all. Ugh……"

Su Ziji took a sip and was dazed in a daze. Many ignorant people always think that a smart walk and a successful retreat are the masters.

In fact, whether it is an emperor, an official, or a quack, once he retires, if he does not have amulets such as disciples, relatives, and influence, someone will definitely come to abuse him.

Many people want to quit, but if they quit, they will be abused by others, and they may die and their family will be destroyed.

As for the many reasons for doing things, it is impossible to do things without offending others, and there are many people in this world who specifically trample on the nobles to obtain psychological satisfaction.

With a history of 3000 years, it is not easy to find a person who retires and dies well. He must have amulets, but with amulets such as disciples, relatives, and influence, there is not much difference between retiring and not retiring.

Su Ziji's heart sank when he thought of this, so he sighed and reiterated: "Madam Zhou, don't worry, I see that your illness is exhausted, take it easy, and the illness will heal naturally, and this time the locusts have been exterminated. Maybe the imperial court still has a decree."

"I don't think about the decree anymore, I just hope that the old man can get through this test, and I will be satisfied if I live a few more years." As soon as he said that, Qi Zhou couldn't help wiping away tears.

Su Ziji knew that this was because Qi Hongxin had not responded to his achievements for many years. Now that the Qi Zhou clan no longer counted on grace, he couldn't help but sighed and wanted to talk, but another soldier ran over and knelt down to report: "My lord, everyone Mr. Li from the water department is here, and wants to see you, my lord!"

"Master Li wants to see me?"

In every province, apart from the Governor’s Mansion, there is also a water control office like the Dushui Division, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and was not originally considered a local government office. In several yamen at the same level, there are Langzhong, Yuanwailang, and chief officials in the department. Among them, Langzhong is the chief official of the first department and is the fifth rank.

According to the rank, generally speaking, it should be the head of the sixth rank to discuss affairs with Su Ziji as an agent of the Fu Cheng, but now that Qi Hongxin fell ill, Su Ziji is actually the leader of the sixth rank Fu Cheng, What's more, it is not unreasonable for the imperial court to observe such an imperial envoy to come to see him.

Now that people are here, Su Ziji can't neglect.

Originally, he wanted to see Qi Hongxin's condition, but he didn't have the time at this time, so he could only apologize, turned around and walked out of the backyard quickly, and went to the front.

When he walked into the living room, he saw a well-mannered man in his thirties with a three-strand beard, drinking slowly from a cup. When he saw Su Ziji walking in quickly, there was a man in front of him. Bright.

It was the first time for Li Langzhong to meet this court observer from the capital, and after seeing him, he immediately said to himself: "No wonder!"

"It's no wonder that at such a young age, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility just after he was awarded a Jinshi. Such a vigorous and dazzling young man is like the red sun rising in the east. That kind of light is really hard to conceal. His Majesty will appreciate it. It couldn't be more normal."

Su Ziji's attention was only on Li Langzhong's face for a moment, and his gaze was inevitably attracted by the more than thirty boxes placed on it.

When he came over, the soldiers had already told him that Langzhong Li came here this time not only by himself, but also with more than a dozen ox carts, and let people transport more than thirty wooden boxes from the carts. And when he entered the living room, he not only came in by himself, but also had people carry these boxes in one by one.

"Could it be that the other party took the initiative to pay back the money?"

Anyone who hears such a description, and there is a matter of borrowing money from the water control yamen, is afraid that this will be the first thought that comes to mind.

But while this seems to be the case, it is not common sense.

When the locusts were exterminated, Qi Hongxin was a majestic magistrate. He went to the Dushui Division several times to ask for the money he owed, but he didn't get back a tael of silver. Matters, even before asking for it once, the people from the Water Division offered to offer money?

(End of this chapter)

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