fake prince

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Xiaolong really knew it, but because he didn't want to speak carefully, he motioned to follow Bei Nu: "Teacher, Aunt Bei knows this best, let Aunt Bei tell you!"

Bei Nu was very restrained, and paid respects to Su Ziji earnestly, before explaining: "The monster clan is causing trouble everywhere now, and I've heard that it's rooted in the fact that the Dragon Palace's restraint on the monster clan has become smaller."

"I don't know why last time, Dragon Palace was suddenly robbed by lightning. Not only that, but there is also a thunderstorm brewing recently, it is really unbelievable."

When Bei Nu said this, she had an unacceptable and depressed expression on her face.

Su Ziji suddenly felt a little guilty. During the palace test last time, when he was robbed, there was thunder, and the Dragon Palace was almost in sync.

A kind of spiritual perception made him realize that this might be related to himself.

Embarrassed, she heard Bei Nu say again: "As for the differences within the Yaozu, the main point of conflict lies in the attitude towards humans."

"You also know that the situation of the Yaozu is not good. The attitude of many Taoist parties is to wipe out all good and evil."

"The most hateful thing is that he still uses the demon body demon pill to refine it into a elixir, in order to break through the realm and prolong life."

Su Ziji was embarrassed again. The Liu Zhan he knew was the representative of this faction, and as he learned his knowledge, he gradually knew that many nobles also raised alchemists.

In the past, it is said that there are natural spiritual things, and the way to immortality is to find the medicine of immortality. Water jade, pine nuts, mica, sesame grass, stone pulp, beetroot, and sealwort can all live forever. Now, these medicines for longevity are all It doesn't exist anymore, there are only ordinary medicines, and the main raw material for alchemy is monsters.

Hearing Bei Nu say indignantly: "Many young monsters were slaughtered as soon as they opened their eyes."

"Many monsters in the monster clan think that the crimes committed by humans against the monster clan are too numerous to write down. As the master of the monster clan, Ji Jun is still ready to accept the canonization of humans. This is a betrayal of the monster clan, so they oppose the dragon girl and think that The monster race should hold together to keep warm, and fight against humans together."

"But without Ji Jun, the remaining big monsters are all dissatisfied with each other, which leads to some big monsters' monsters acting like this, and some big monsters' monsters acting like that. There is a lot of chaos, there are troubles everywhere."

The dragon girl listened to Bei Nu explaining to Su Ziji, but because she was bored, she turned back into a young dragon and started circling around Su Ziji.

Seeing Longnu's indifferent look, Su Ziji had a headache.

After Bei Nu clarified what happened inside the monster, Su Ziji was even more troubled. This is actually a struggle between different races, and it is hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.

But teaching is still teaching, this is the teacher's duty, he thought about it, and said: "You are young now, but you have inherited the Dragon Lord."

"In your position, movement is worse than stillness."

"Those monsters are divided internally. If you don't move, they won't care about Dragon Palace for the time being. If you move, it's easy for them to twist into a rope and deal with you first."

"Of course, this does not mean that you are waiting to die. On the contrary, you have been recognized. As long as you improve your cultivation and transform into a dragon as soon as possible, this crisis can be easily resolved."

Bei Nu listened and nodded again and again.

The dragon girl also listened carefully, and after she finished listening, she rolled up a pen with the tip of her tail, and wrote the words "Tranquility and tranquility" on a piece of paper, expressing that she would be obedient and obedient, and when she couldn't bear her temper, I will take a look at these four words.

A smile flashed in Su Ziji's eyes, and he nodded: "It's good if you can think so."

The next moment, I felt a force pulling me back, and the last scene before I left was the young dragon turning into a loli again, holding the piece of paper, and waving goodbye to me.

As soon as the soul returned to its place, there was a thunder in the ear.

Su Ziji immediately realized that he was still standing outside the shed, and it seemed that only a few minutes had passed, but his face turned cold, and he immediately looked towards the sky.

In the dark sky, dark clouds rolled and mixed with the gloomy sky, almost indistinguishable from each other.

As a flash of lightning passed, soon there was another loud thunder.

In an instant, it was as if the thin paper of the sky couldn't hold it anymore, a big hole was broken, and the rain poured down, and it fell directly.

Su Ziji hid back in his work shed, frowned and watched, the thunderstorm came with a bang, crackling continuously, it was only okay for a day or two, if it lasted for a long time, it might really be a disaster.

"Fortunately, the construction of the water conservancy is almost done, a few days earlier than expected. Although it will not be safe, at least there is no need to worry about getting angry."

"It's just that this thunderstorm is unlucky." Su Ziji suddenly thought of the scene where the young dragon was struck by lightning, and his heart trembled.

"No, although the dream omens are unfounded, I can't but ignore them."

Baiyun Taoist Temple

In front of the corridor, Liu Zhan stood with his hands behind his back, watching the sky at night, watching the thunderstorm pouring down, the sky also changing, and his expression became solemn.

Standing nearby is a Taoist boy, the master of the temple.

The temple master has also acquired some astrological skills, but he is far less skilled than Liu Zhan. At most, he just entered the door. Now it is raining, the sky is gloomy, and he can't see the stars. He can't see anything like a blind man.

But thinking that the rain is good for locust extermination, and it can moisten the dry land, I think this is a good thing, and smiled: "It's good when it rains. After such a long drought, if it doesn't rain again, the seedlings will dry up and die." gone."

"Shun'an Mansion has been busy in vain. Even if the locust plague is not cured, there will be fewer locusts with such heavy rain. The eggs will not hatch, and the ones that thaw will not fly far. When the rain stops, I am afraid they will all die."

"This matter is not so simple." Liu Zhan said.

Seeing the temple master and his Taoist boy looking at him, Liu Zhan frowned and looked at the sky. He felt that the twisting and passing lightning was like a flying dragon about to take shape, which gave him a very bad feeling.

"Looking at this celestial phenomenon, the dragon girl may break through, so there is a sense of heaven and earth, and there will be heavy rain."

"This is caused by the Dragon Lord's authority losing control when she broke through. For us, this is not a good sign."

Although the Taoists have always wanted to kill the dragon girl, it is not easy to enter the Dragon Palace. If they want to kill the dragon girl, it is easy to provoke a crazy counterattack from the monster clan.

Instead, let the monster clan fight among themselves, and the Taoist fisherman will benefit.

But at this critical moment, will those who want to kill the dragon girl and become a big monster themselves really succeed?

Liu Zhan can't predict, but the more it gets to this time, the more he can't mess himself up.

Whether it's the Yaozu, Daomen, or the battle for succession in the temple, at this moment, they are mixed with the dragon girl's breakthrough and transformation into a dragon. On the chessboard, there are not only one or two chess pieces, but everyone wants to make a move. Play this key move.

Ordinary people play chess, and they can regret their moves, but this game uses heaven and earth as chess to compete for luck, but they have no regrets, and they can no longer regret it.

"What a mess of chess." He sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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