fake prince

Chapter 498 Crazy

Chapter 498 Crazy

Locust Shrine and Main Hall

Almost at the same time, in the main hall, which was restored to tidiness but still faintly smelled of blood, a dim oil lamp was shaking on the new altar table in the hall.

There was wind blowing in through the cracks in the doors and windows, and at the same time, there were rumbling thunders and pouring rain.

The dog demon was almost out of the dark place in the corner, and the Tianji demon, who was resting cross-legged and closed his eyes in front of the altar table, was silent, even trying to control his breathing.

"Boom" A bolt of lightning strikes, and a sound of black robe, the expressionless Tianji Yao suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a flash of blood in his eyes, and without raising his hand, the originally closed doors and windows were blown open by the wind, turning into a black wind and blowing away.

The dog demon shivered immediately after being blown by the rain-covered wind. After what happened before, it didn't dare to ask Tianji demon what the adult was doing again, but it must have been another killing or conspiracy.

Thinking of the bloody scene it saw when it entered the main hall that day, and that it had been carefully cleaned by it, the dog demon still couldn't help turning pale, and rolled up again with a burst of nausea.

If you want to blame, you can only blame it for being a dog monster with an overly sensitive sense of smell.

Closing the doors and windows again, not to look at the pouring rain outside, the dog demon covered his ears, shrank his body, and disappeared into the corner of the main hall again.

Even if it is afraid of this place and doesn't want to step into this place, but as the subordinate of Tianji Demon, it has to stay here and guard it.


Not long after, in the pouring rain, the scolding was covered up, and several monsters whose bodies were bound by spells and couldn't even change back to their prototypes were thrown on the floor tiles of the main hall by the returning Tianji Monster, blown away and blown away again. The closed doors and windows once again masked the sound of the rain outside, and the bitingly cold floor tiles woke up one of the monsters who was unconscious.

After waking up, I heard a few familiar voices yelling.

"Tianji Yao! We are Sangnu's subordinates, you bastard kidnapped us, is it because you want to tear yourself apart with Sangnu!"

"You insidious bastard! Take advantage of my unprepared plots, let me go if you have the ability, and we will fight head-on!"

The monster who just woke up, his memories gradually came back, and he remembered it immediately.I just received a message from my companion, so I rushed here, but was intercepted and attacked by the Tianji Demon midway. Could it be that Xiong Fei turned traitor?

As if seeing the puzzlement of the newly awakened monster, Tianji Yao rarely resolved his doubts, and sneered: "Don't worry, Xiong Fei didn't betray Zhou Xuan, it's just... a step ahead of you, for my great cause, It’s just a contribution of flesh and blood!”

"You!" Hearing this, why didn't he understand that the summons he had received might be the work of the Tianji demon, and his companion had already been killed by the Tianji demon?

The monster only felt a chill, along the body next to the floor tiles, and went straight to the whole body, and his heart was so cold.

Now that the Tianji demon had killed Xiong Fei, Zhu Sheng might not be able to escape the murderous hand, and these two monsters belonged to Zhou Xuan's subordinates just like himself, and the other kidnapped monsters also belonged to Sangnu, Nanshan, etc. If the king and other forces can tell themselves about killing Xiong Fei so bluntly, they are afraid that they will die too!

How can this be reconciled?

The monster gritted his teeth and said, "Tianji Yao, I advise you not to make the same mistakes again and again! Before coming here, I have sent a spiritual letter to Mr. Zhou. If you dare to kill us, Mr. Zhou will kill you once he finds out about it!"

"Oh?" As if frightened by its rhetoric, the Tianji Demon's eyes fell on it, without making a move, just oh, and then shook his head: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that there is another smart person who knows the legend This really scared me."

"I know I'm afraid, so let me go soon! You can know your way back, because you are a Tianji monster, whether it is Lord Zhou or King Nanshan, I will spare you once and let you live!" The monster When it was true, he immediately straightened up and shouted loudly.

"Ha ha!"

But he heard the seemingly frightened Tianji Yao laugh. The next moment, he felt a pain in his neck. Before he had time to react, he heard a "click", and a headless corpse spurted out blood. In the blink of an eye, Everything was dark in front of my eyes.

The few monsters had hoped that Zhou Xuan's monster would frighten the Tianji demon and save their lives, but unexpectedly, the Tianji monster stretched out its hand and pinched the monster's neck, twisted its head off with force, without looking back, With just such a flick, the donkey's head, which instantly returned to its original shape, was thrown onto the altar.

The few monsters gasped in fright, seeing the Tianji Demon coming towards them, they were all wild, but they didn't beg for mercy, and immediately sweared all kinds of bad words.

But there was no time to curse a few times, and there were a few more screams. The stumped limbs and arms were dismantled by the Tianji Demon with his bare hands. Some offered their heads, some offered their limbs, and some had their stomachs ripped open. The heart and liver were dug out, and they were also held bloody on the altar.

Amid the strong smell of blood, Tianji Yao offered incense to the clay sculptured locust god, bowed three times, and muttered something.

The dog demon in the corner watched the traces of black and red air on the offering being inhaled by the nostrils of the locust god statue. This is already a very strange thing, you know, the locust god does not exist.

Then something even more terrifying happened. After only seeing for a moment, traces of black and red air spewed out from the mouth of the idol again, and was sucked deeply by the long-awaited Tianji Demon, and all of it was sucked into the mouth.

The intoxicated appearance made the dog demon tremble again, no matter how loyal he was, the dog demon felt as if it was about to end - he had seen the true secret of his master.

I wanted to escape, but the dog's legs were so soft that I didn't even dare to move.

Tianji Yao and the others finally sucked up all the black and red energy, and then opened their eyes. Originally, they were blood-red by accident, but now their eyes are red. Looking at the motionless statue, Tianji Yao couldn't help laughing.

"Those trash, how could I expect, everything is under my control!"

"I've figured out the matter of the dragon girl crossing the catastrophe a long time ago. Of course I know that if it survives safely, the dragon girl will get more power transfers and successfully transform the dragon!"

"But why should I tell them about this? Zhou Xuan and the others deserve it!"

"If the dragon girl fails to transform the dragon, I, only I, will have the chance to win the dragon pill. Only I can seize the power of the dragon girl in one fell swoop. Only me, only me! Hahaha!"

Thinking that Zhou Xuan and the other monsters really thought that the Locust God was their idea, in fact, even the Locust God was just an ambush set up in advance, and everything was under its control and under its control!

Tianji Yao couldn't help laughing, and his expression became more and more crazy under the thunder light.

"Crazy, the master is really crazy." The dog demon's heart became colder and colder. The original wise and peaceful master, who was in control of everything, was gone forever.

(End of this chapter)

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