fake prince

Chapter 499 Critical Point

Chapter 499 Critical Point

"Boom" Lightning clicked past outside the hall, and the sudden bright light, wandering around, directly illuminated the hideous and terrifying face of the Tianji Demon.

Ben had a bookish look on his face, but at this moment there was only an undisguised madness, which was so terrifying that the dog demon trembled again, and even almost returned to its original form.

Tianji Yao ignored the bloody mess in the hall, turned around and looked out the window, and said softly: "The thunder is getting more urgent every moment."

"It's time for everyone in control to spread the word that all of this is Dragon Girl's fault."

"The locusts are the dragon girl's fault, and so is the rainstorm."

Then he turned his eyes to the corner, and casually ordered: "You continue to guard here, there are other monsters coming, what should be said, what should not be said, you should know, right?"

"By the way, there seems to be a little bug outside who overheard something, and you also remember to clean it up, so as not to cause me any trouble."

Just being looked at by him like this, the dog demon was frightened to death, and nodded like a garlic: "Don't worry, the little demon will definitely do it!"

The next moment, the Tianji Demon flickered and disappeared in place.

Looking at the reopened doors and windows, the dog demon swallowed his saliva before going forward to close the doors and windows, cleaning up the broken limbs and broken arms on the ground by the light of the oil lamp.

However, thinking of the little bug that Tianji Yao mentioned before leaving, the dog demon sniffed, thoughtfully: "Human?"

At this time, a few hundred meters away from the Locust Shrine, a villager in coir raincoat was running away.

This man Yang Laosan was a local bachelor who couldn't afford a wife. After his parents passed away, he was kicked out of the house after being given some Susukita by his brother and sister-in-law. He lived in the water temple, which is not far behind the locust temple.

Because Yang Laosan didn't eat quickly during the day, he had a stomachache in the middle of the night. He had to go out to squat in the pit during the thunderstorm, and he was cursing in a low voice, when he heard a few shrill screams from the temple next to the hut. .

Although these screams were mostly covered by the rain and thunder, and then stopped quickly, Yang Laosan was sure that he heard absolutely right.

He even looked in through the crack of the wall. During the wind and rain, some doors and windows were opened and closed, and a bloody smell dispersed along with the gust of wind.

"No way! I'm afraid there is a murder case inside. Whether I escape or not, I'm afraid I will be killed and silenced!"

"Simply go to the government to file a complaint, not only to solve the trouble, but also to get a reward!" Yang Laosan thought so, pulled up his pants, and braved the rain and thunder, ran towards the direction of the government.

This locust temple is located outside the city. If you want to go to the government, you have to run to the gate of the city. It is impossible to call the door, but you can enter the city tomorrow morning-this distance is not too short.

Especially during thunderstorms, the roads were muddy and it was difficult to walk. After more than ten miles, halfway through, Yang Laosan was already drenched and panting from exhaustion.

He was planning to walk to the side of the road, find a place where he could take a little shelter from the rain, and rest for a while.

"Have it!"

There was an earth temple not far away, the walls of the courtyard had collapsed, and finally it was still sheltered from the wind and rain, so Yang Laosan ran in, feeling hungry.

"Oh, if only I had a chicken to eat."

"Why don't we set off later to touch a chicken?" Yang Laosan thought about it, swallowed, and suddenly heard a sound of running behind him. The third is to be surprised, and immediately look back.

When he turned his head, he saw a giant black dog rushing in, opened its fangs towards him, and bit down on the head.

"Ah!" Yang Laosan was so shocked that he sat down on the ground, rolled away in a hurry, and dodged its pounce, but heard the giant dog uttering something: "You heard that, right! Do you want to go to the government to file a complaint? I ate you!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Monster!" Yang Laosan yelled, rolled again, saw a branch thick as a wrist beside him, grabbed it casually, and threw it like crazy towards the giant dog that was rushing again.

But with this kind of force, even if it hits it, it doesn't hurt or itch. This level of resistance is not seen by the dog monster at all.

The dog demon just bit the end of the stick and pulled it directly, Yang Laosan let go of the stick, Lightning rushed to bite, and with a scream, he bit his throat directly, and immediately the trachea and blood vessels were torn apart, and the splash was full of blood. After a while, there was no sound.

The dog demon was about to eat the corpse, when suddenly there was a loud "boom", the dog demon was just a little demon, under the sudden thunder, he was so startled that he groaned, and all his hair exploded.

Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by successive thunderclaps. Compared with yesterday's thunder, the sound of thunder was like the sky and the ground.

The thunder in the past made the monster uncomfortable, and the little monster was unwilling to go out, but the current thunder sound seemed to have an inexplicable aura, which could make the big monster tremble.

Even though he had opened his spiritual intelligence and could transform into a human form, but at this moment, amidst the terrifying bursts of thunder, the dog demon only remembered screaming and his mind was blank.

Seeing that there was a big tree in the temple courtyard with a hole in it, the dog demon plunged into it without hesitation.

"Boom" just another thunder light fell, the thunder resounded through the sky, bright as day, and in a blink of an eye, it was so dark that you couldn't stretch your fingers out, and then saw the dog monster stuck in the tree hole, it was motionless, and it was shocked to death.

Panlong Lake·Dragon Palace


The young dragon was anxiously flying within the range of the water mansion, and the thunder from the outside was also reflected above the dragon palace. Although the pieces of thunder light and bursts of thunder did not fall, the dragon girl's blood was surging, and she could not transform into a human form at all. It looks like a dragon and keeps swimming.

On the top of its head, there is a small bag that already exists, but there is a faint painful feeling that a hard object is about to break through, and the dragon's claws also pop out and become longer for a while, and shrink back for a while.

Every change made the young dragon very painful.

"So fast, have you reached the critical point?"

Bei Nu watched from below, anxious in her heart, but she knew that it was time to transform into a dragon, unless she was a senior of the same clan who also practiced the Panlong mentality, outsiders like her, even Bei Nu who served the young dragon, would not be able to intervene at all .


Not only that, there is still a trace of gray and black air that wants to seep in, and even want to linger on the young dragon. At this moment, a golden light flashes, blocking the black air from outside.

But the black air is very stubborn, lingering around, constantly probing, and there is a faint sound.

"It's all the Dragon Girl's fault. There will be drought and heavy rain for a while, and the replanted food will be washed away. How can we live?"

"I heard that the locusts are sent by the dragon girl to bring disasters, and they just want us to die."

"Such an evil god, tomorrow we will smash her temple."

Bei Nu's face was livid, it wasn't just a human being, she even smelled the breath of a monster.

"There are monsters who are harassing, and they are trying to pollute Ji Jun's breath in a very disgusting way."

"If it's normal, don't talk about this person, it doesn't matter if Wanfu refers to it. Dragons are not ghosts and gods, but entities."

"Or there may be a dragon family who enters the domain of the Dragon Girl and helps it to consolidate, and it will not be affected by such means. However, there is only one small young dragon in this world."

"Ji Jun transforms into a dragon, triggers the secrets of heaven, and enters the tribulation. The heavy rain will hit further. Such an obvious celestial phenomenon cannot be concealed at all."

"Now it's just some little monsters and a few big monsters staring at each other. If it continues, I'm afraid that the monsters in the distance will also rush over."

Thinking of the disputes within the Yaozu, Bei Nu feels distressed, and can only hope that the Dragon Girl can transform into a dragon as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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