fake prince

Chapter 672 The Three Heroes of the Capital City

Chapter 672

Jianfeng Chess Hall

In the lounge, Su Ziji was reading a book with his head down, squinting at the rain and fog outside the courtyard for a while, a servant of the chess hall came in, saw that his tea was cold, and planned to change it for a cup of hot tea.

"No, let me ask you, how is the chess game going?" Su Ziji raised his head and asked.

The servant replied respectfully: "Grandpa, that side is still playing chess, Mrs. Guo has already won two games."

Knowing that he was still playing chess, Su Ziji waved the man out and continued to read the book.

After a while, there was another sound of footsteps, Su Ziji raised his head again with a frown, feeling unhappy, and saw an acquaintance come in.

"Master Fang?"

It was none other than Fang Zhen who came.

"Don't dare to call me that, just call me Fang Zhen." Fang Zhen said hastily.

It's not a coincidence that I appeared here. I had a drink with Su Ziji not long ago. On the way, Su Ziji asked him to help hire a master. He said that he would teach the people in his house how to practice martial arts. He could be regarded as a private instructor. It's nothing, Fang Zhen immediately agreed.

"I didn't expect to meet here in the chess hall this time, no, or I knew that I was in the chess hall, so I came to find me at this time." Su Ziji thought to himself.

Intelligence, aptitude, and charisma are all 20. Su Ziji has not changed too much for a while, but since he has reached the peak in art, he has changed to martial arts.

Naturally, he himself is not good at recruiting warriors casually, so he asks Fang Zhen for help on the pretext of teaching martial arts to people in his house.

However, Su Ziji also understood Fang Zhen's concerns, and it was different now. When Fang Zhen saluted, he immediately invited him to sit down and talk.

Fang Zhen thanked him with a smile, and sat down to look at Su Ziji, only to see that he was wearing a moon white robe and a wooden crown, his eyes looked like lacquer, and his heroic spirit was full of elegance, which made people forget the vulgarity at first sight, and sighed inwardly: " With such a demeanor, it is no wonder that he is the son of the prince who was the most crowned prince in the capital."

"In the old days, I was the young master. This person was still a son on the surface. He even needed my help to protect his wife. I didn't expect that in less than a year, I would be promoted from the prince to the Duke. I have to do it the other way around." Attending the court ceremony, and having such a promotion in a blink of an eye, it seems that the holy family is not small, and I am afraid that the title of king is just around the corner."

At the same time, he smiled: "Don't Dai Guogong go to watch chess? I just came here, but it's very lively."

Su Ziji smiled wryly and shook his head: "Please forgive me, although I have also learned how to play chess, I usually play chess, but most of the time I risk my life to accompany my wife, I almost vomit when I play chess, so let's forget about watching chess. "

Fang Zhen laughed out loud, and thought to himself: "Indeed, when the emperor's grandson was just promoted to Duke, I congratulated the guests together, and I went there a few times in a fair and honest manner. Out of the five times, at least three times I was playing chess with my wife." , Mrs. Dai Guogong is extremely enthusiastic about the way of chess, and she pulls him to play chess every day, so it's no wonder that when it comes to chess way, Dai Guogong has a bitter face."

Unless it is something you really like to do, you will never get bored. If you do it every day, you should get tired of it.

Just like the delicacy of mountains and seas, no matter how delicious it is, if you eat it every time, every day, every year, you will lose your appetite when you look at it again.

"That's fine, at this moment, why don't you ask Duke Dai to see the three masters I brought?" Fang Zhen smiled and said.

"So, the young master has found a suitable candidate for me?" Su Ziji, who asked in surprise on the pretext of looking for a private trainer.

Fang Zhen's expression became serious: "It is true that we have found someone, but they are the three masters of martial arts in our capital. One is good at using knives, one is good at swords, and the other is good at fists."

"Even the young master admires it. It seems that these three people should indeed have strength. Please come in quickly. This hall is quite large, and they can display their skills here." Su Ziji said.

Fang Zhen got up and walked to the door, and slapped three times through the door.

After a while, the door opened, and three middle-aged men came in and kowtowed to Su Ziji.

"Are you the masters who are known as the three masters of the capital?" Su Ziji sized him up, as if he was a little disappointed by the mediocre appearance and temperament of these three people.

"Don't dare to be called a master." All three said immediately: "As for the three heroes of the capital, I dare not be called."

Su Ziji listened with a smile, seemed very easy-going, and waved his hands: "Why be humble? Since the three of you have such a reputation, you must have real talents and practical learning. Why don't you each teach a few tricks and let me see."

Then he beckoned to let the servant standing outside come in and asked, "Maybe music is played here?"

This requirement is quite satisfactory. The venue of the preliminary chess competition is the largest chess hall in the capital. Not only does it have a place to play chess, but it also has musicians who are good at playing various tunes.

Su Ziji asked this question a lot, and the servant replied very skillfully: "Of course, Lord Guo, if you need it, I can invite some musicians here immediately."

Su Ziji asked him to find someone immediately. The hall is quite large, not only can accommodate spectators and martial arts practitioners, but also can accommodate people who play.

After a while, the sound of footsteps came again. Several musicians came in with musical instruments, saluted respectfully, knelt down in a remote corner, and began to play according to the tune Su Ziji had ordered.

The atmosphere immediately rose when the music was played, one of the three hesitated for a moment, stood up first, and saluted Su Ziji again, with a clang, the knife was unsheathed, and used the saber technique with all its heart.

Fang Zhen sat watching, nodded, and could see that this man had put in a lot of effort, and he also had real skills. This set of saber skills was extremely advanced. Fang Zhen, who was not a playboy, had seen masters before. From his point of view, it is indeed very good.

"The saber energy is condensed and does not dissipate, and every move and style is honed."

But as soon as he turned his head, Fang Zhen was a little surprised to find that Dai Guogong's expression was not satisfied. Although he didn't interrupt, he seemed a little careless.

After No.1 put away his saber, Su Ziji nodded: "That's very good, I'd like to ask the strong man to rest aside."

Looking at the two of them again, the best of the two stood up and punched in front of Su Ziji and Fang Zhen.

"This is a tiger-shaped boxing, the spirit and form are united, and the tiger's soul is implied. It is obvious that we have obtained the three flavors."

I have to say that this person's boxing skills are also very outstanding. Fang Zhen nodded again, but when he looked at Dai Guogong again, his expression was still indifferent. Is this not satisfactory?

"Could it be that Dai Guogong is not looking for a coach, but for other purposes?" Fang Zhen couldn't help but think about it.

At this time, the third person with the sword seemed to have realized something and practiced a set of sword skills.

"The sword light is like frost, and the fire is extremely deep, but the tricks seem to be wrong."

From Fang Zhen's point of view, this set of swordsmanship is so gaudy that a layman will find it amazing, but any expert can see that the swordsmanship is just for looks.

"Good!" Su Ziji waved his hand, and the music stopped.

"You three have worked hard." Su Ziji said, "Come here, and each will give you ten taels of silver!"

Dazheng prices, one tael of silver can buy two shi rice, ten taels is twenty shi, generally speaking, the annual income of a king is only [-] to [-] taels, which is not a thin reward.

All three of them kowtowed and thanked each other, but with disappointment, they withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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