fake prince

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

"My lord, the chess game is over." At this moment, a servant of the chess hall came in and reported to Su Ziji, who had thrown a small five-liang ingot: "I reward you."

This is the reward for the musicians and the servants who serve, so go out.

Fang Zhen walked with him, thinking about the reward just now, he didn't know whether he liked it or not, he couldn't hold back, and asked: "Mr. Dai, I don't know which of the three people, which one do you think is better?" it is good?"

Su Ziji lowered his eyes, and saw half a piece of red sandalwood: "I have been taught the Zishuang sword technique, [Purple Qi Donglai] +1500, level 10 (6325/10000), and I have learned the basics of the true energy of the frost sword."

"Acquired from Dai's Black Tiger Fist, [Zi Qi Dong Lai] +1300, level 10 (7625/10000), comprehend Dai's inner strength."

"Acquired the teaching of the Peacock Opening Sword, [Zi Qi Dong Lai] +600, level 10 (8225/10000)."

Su Ziji stole a lot of experience at once, and was secretly delighted that 30 taels of silver got this teaching, which is very promising, very promising.

Then he secretly wondered: "It seems that the experience is high, and I have comprehended the two basics by analogy. Although it is useless to me, it is also very amazing. Could it be that this is the treasure of aptitude?"

Thinking in his heart, he said: "The third one with a sword looks good to me, making it the most beautiful."

Fang Zhen was dumbfounded, the third person had the most beautiful moves, but also the weakest.

Could it be that Dai Guogong doesn't know the goods?

If it were any other young lord, Fang Zhen would really feel that this was the case, but this matter fell on Dai Guogong, which made Fang Zhen a little unbelievable.

At this time, they had already left the courtyard where the hall was located. Standing on the road, they saw some people from far to near. They were all participating in the chess game and watching the chess game. It seemed that the chess game was over.

Ye Buhui's figure also appeared, and when he saw Su Ziji standing on the road, a smile suddenly appeared on his small face.

"It seems that I won't regret this time." Su Ziji couldn't help but smile just looking at the joy in his eyebrows and the little pride he wanted to share with those close to him.

It was this mood that made him willing to take risks and satisfy her wishes!

Su Ziji didn't immediately go up to him, but turned his eyes casually, and the other party really said: "These people don't suit me, please ask the young master to invite them again."

Fang Zhen thought for a while and said, "How many more people will I bring to see Duke Dai tomorrow?"

Su Ziji nodded: "Thank you, Young Master."

"It's just a hands-on effort."

After agreeing to the matter, Fang Zhen said: "I won't delay your husband and wife's conversation, then see you tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting for you at the mansion." Su Ziji replied, and walked towards Ye Buhui.

Fang Zhen came out of the chess hall first, and as soon as he came out, a servant came up to him: "Master is waiting for you inside."

Fang Zhen didn't dare to delay, and was led into an ox cart.

The bullock cart was parked by the side of the road, and there was a person sitting on it, with a white face and a smile, but Fang Zhen didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

"I met Eunuch Zhao."

"You don't need to be so polite, get up, get up." The person in the car was the emperor's chief eunuch, and he greeted Fang Zhen to sit down, and asked, "Young Lord, how are things going?"

"I changed people in three days, but I didn't like it in the end." Fang Zhen replied.

The people I took to show Duke Dai two days ago were not bad, even the kings might not necessarily give up such a warrior. I didn't expect that Duke Dai, who has no party members, was not satisfied even after seeing it for three days.

Fang Zhen was also suspicious in his heart, and after he finished speaking, he thought, could it be that Dai Guogong noticed something?

Shouldn't it?

After thinking for a while, he also told Eunuch Zhao that the people Dai Guogong valued more were all flamboyant.

After hearing this, Eunuch Zhao didn't believe it. This didn't seem like something the Dai Guogui would do.

Or is there a specialization in martial arts, although Dai Guogong is excellent in other aspects, but he is not a master of martial arts, so he doesn't know much about it?

Think about it carefully, although Dai Guogong also practiced martial arts, it seems that he only practiced literati's self-defense swordsmanship?It is not incomprehensible that people with beautiful sword moves will be valued a little bit in this way.

This is probably a common problem of some literati?You like elegance, you like chic style, and when it comes to martial arts, you also use this kind of aesthetics to look at it?

"Dai Guogong really didn't contact the people you introduced?" Eunuch Zhao still had a hard time explaining his doubts, so he asked.

Fang Zhenrong said: "Really not, I can guarantee it!"

"That's it." Eunuch Zhao pondered for a moment, and said, "You take Luo Jiang to see him."


Fang Zhen is not unfamiliar with this name. Although this woman is not well-known in the market, she is a big killer in the Imperial City Division. It is said that she has practiced Taoism with a sword for several years, but she is not very old, she is still a girl.

Such a person, who was originally used to train and protect the emperor's secret guards, is now going to be used and placed in the Dai Guogong's mansion?Is this a bit of a waste?

But Eunuch Zhao, who is the emperor's confidant, is much more trustworthy than Fang Zhen. Since he said this now, it means that the emperor must have the same meaning.

Fang Zhen quickly came back to his senses and nodded: "OK, then I will take her with me next time I go to see Duke Dai."

"I'll let her contact you. You go back first and just wait." Eunuch Zhao didn't mention how to contact this girl Luo Jiang, only that she would take the initiative to contact her.

Fang Zhen was well aware of the Imperial City Secretary's style of work, so he agreed without any surprise.

After he said goodbye and left, he got into an ox cart next to him and left. Eunuch Zhao put down the curtain and asked the disguised Taoist priest who came in again at some unknown time.

"Is there any movement in the chess game?"

According to his seniority, this Taoist priest is Liu Zhan's younger brother, a disciple of a fellow martial uncle of Liu Zhan's. His strength is much worse than Liu Zhan's, but it is not without merit. At least he is better at observing Qi than Liu Zhan. .

This time, the emperor urged him to find someone who had entered the Tao for a year, and the Imperial City Secretary was always monitoring him. Liu Zhan didn't dare to neglect, so he simply asked this junior to come out of the mountain to help check the situation in various competition venues.

In a place like the Beijing Chess Tournament, chess masters from all over the country gather every year. It is not impossible for some of them to have just entered the Tao. soared.

From the point of view of Taoism, this is entering the Tao in public.

But after Eunuch Zhao asked, the middle-aged Taoist shook his head: "No, I've met everyone, and none of them meet the standards."

"Is there no one who has entered the Tao?" Eunuch Zhao frowned.

"Among the chess masters who came, there were Taoists, but they all had been in the Tao for a few years, and none of them had been in the Tao for a year." The Taoist replied.

"Can't you find it?" Eunuch Zhao lowered his eyes and lightly rubbed the jasper finger on his thumb. He didn't know whether he was disappointed or relaxed when he heard the news.

Maybe both?

"I'm bothering the Taoist priest this time, but I haven't found the Qiqiao Linglong Heart for a day, you and I need to pay attention, we can't slack off, and we need to continue to seize the time, otherwise, the emperor will blame you, and you and I will not be able to eat it. .”

The Taoist naturally understood what Eunuch Zhao said.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that the emperor raised his hand to divert some resources, which is of great benefit to the sect.

In order to attain Taoism and become immortal, one cannot be indifferent to this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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