fake prince

Chapter 676 1 Trance

Chapter 676 A Trance

Thinking of last year, Duke Dai dared to chase and kill Mr. Lin Guo by himself just after the palace examination. With such spirit, now that he thinks about it, Fang Zhen finds it inconceivable.

In fact, because of this incident, Fang Zhen felt that Dai Guogong was not simple. Although he could not see any internal strength and no trace of Taoism, but he could finally bring Lin Yuqing's head back, even if he picked up a bargain. , This courage alone is really unusual.

Sure enough, just as Luo Jiang closed his sword, Su Ziji clapped his hands: "It's wonderful!"

"To see Luoshuijian today, I am so lucky! Come!"

"Master!" The serving servant came over immediately.

"Take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, I want to compose a poem!" Su Ziji ordered.

The servants immediately responded to the call to prepare. After a while, several servants prepared the brushes, ink, paper and inkstones. A servant carefully grinded the ink. Su Ziji dipped a brush into the ink and wrote a poem directly on the rice paper laid out.

"Today there is a beautiful woman from the Luo family, who dances her sword and moves all directions."

"The viewers are depressed like a mountain, and the sky and the earth are low for a long time."

"Yao is like Yi shooting nine sunsets, and he is like a group of emperors flying dragons."

"Come like a thunderbolt and stop the wrath, but stop like the river and sea to condense the light."

After finishing writing, Fang Zhen, who came to follow after reading, praised: "Good poem, good calligraphy!"

Luo Jiang wiped his sweat secretly. Under the seemingly calm expression, she was still in a somewhat uneasy mood, because just now, although she was going to test it out, she was just going to use her aura to frighten her, but she never thought that there would be a "pop" sound. Fortunately, the sword qi missed the shot, otherwise, if it hurt Duke Dai, the consequences would be unbearable for her.

"Could it be that I have made great progress in martial arts?"

Luo Jiang secretly wondered, although she has excellent talents, she is still young, so she is not yet able to stab sword energy,

Because of this, while she was startled, the water splashed by Dai Guogong almost made her look ugly.

I also know that even if she condenses her sword energy, but she is really covered by tea, she doesn't have to get all of it on, some of it will let Dai Guogong and Fang Zhen see it, and her face will fall to the ground.

"I don't know whether Dai Guogong's splash just now was intentional or a coincidence." Just thinking about it, I heard Fang Zhen admire.

Although she wasn't very curious about it, but in order to get into the Duke's Mansion, she still went through it. Looking at the poem on the rice paper, her cherry lips moved slightly, and she read it out.

"Yao is like Yi shooting nine sunsets, and he is like a group of emperors flying dragons."

"Come like a thunderbolt and stop the wrath, but stop like the river and sea to condense the light."

After reading, she looked slightly dazed.

Was such a poem actually written by her?

She practiced swords since she was a child, and because she was an orphan, she was picked up by her master to teach martial arts. Because the master even taught her the sect of the royal guard, she stood out from the children of the same generation, and she naturally became a member of the upper class. His eyes were gradually carefully cultivated, and he joined the dark guard at the age of 13 and engaged in some tasks.

Later, she broke through the bottleneck, and even the master who taught her martial arts was defeated by her. She became a chess piece that could not be easily passive, and lived a peaceful life hidden in the outskirts of the capital. They all have to enter the Daiguo Mansion.

For Dai Guogong, she had no feelings at first, and her temperament was like her. She killed people at the age of ten, and became a secret guard at the age of 13. She looks beautiful, but her heart is as hard and cold as a sword.

But from childhood to adulthood, outsiders hardly praised her. Now when she looked at Shi and him, she was in a trance for a moment.

But it was only in a trance for a moment, and she calmed down the next moment.

Hearing Dai Guogong Fangzhen: "She is from your family? I think her swordsmanship is outstanding, I like it very much, just give it to me."

Although this is indeed the purpose of this visit, after what happened just now, Fang Zhen really hesitated.

What if Luo Jiang did something in Dai Guogong's mansion, everything was ordered by the emperor, but the emperor didn't fully know, if something happened, could he escape responsibility?

But just as he was about to say something, a person who followed inadvertently raised his eyes.

This was a warning look. Fang Zhen could only sigh secretly, and said to Su Ziji: "I brought her here just to let Duke Dai see if it is suitable. Duke Dai thinks it is good and wants to keep her. I I am happy."

"Little Marquis, you have worked hard these few days, why don't you stay and let me prepare a table of wine and food?" Su Ziji said hurriedly.

"I still have some things to do today. The banquet can be done at any time." Fang Zhen's eyes flashed, Luo Jiang stayed, and he wanted to pass on the news immediately, so he declined directly.

"That's fine, I'll contact you later."

After sending Fang Zhen away, Su Ziji called the housekeeper, "Take her to a courtyard. This Miss Luo is my fencing master, so don't neglect her."

"Give treatment according to the guest."

"I understand." The butler immediately responded, and brought Luo Jiang inside.

The savage Daoist who had come earlier on one side but didn't come forward, came over at this time, looked at Luo Jiang's back, and frowned after he was gone: "My lord, although I don't know much about martial arts, I don't know much about martial arts. Female swordsmanship is amazing, I'm afraid it's not easy."

Such a top swordsman, not to mention Lord Hou and Duke, even the kings may not have many, how could they be easily sent to Duke Dai's mansion?

Su Ziji seemed to be lost in thought. After hearing this, he couldn't help but smile: "I also know that she is not simple, or maybe it means the palace."

Su Ziji had figured out Fang Zhen's origin long ago, this is to install someone into his house, but what kind of person cannot be installed, why did he install such a terrible swordsman?

Su Ziji thought this way in his heart, but just smiled on his face: "This is a common thing, don't make a fuss, let alone show any traces."

"Just treat her as usual."

Seeing the wild Taoist thoughtful, Su Ziji turned to leave, suddenly thought of something, stopped again, and asked: "By the way, Mr. Lu, is there a list of eunuchs who often go out of the palace?"

Ye Daoist is worthy of being the number one talent in Su Ziji's hands. When Su Ziji suddenly asked about this matter, he could immediately reply: "Yes."

He really pulled out a list from his sleeve and handed it over.

Su Ziji couldn't help but glanced at Ye Daoist's sleeve, and thought to himself: "Although I know that Lu Fengyun is not an alchemist, he can take out whatever I want from his sleeve. Does it contain more things in it, and does it have spells like Qiankun in its sleeves?"

It is simply an ancient version of Jingle cat!

No matter what he wants, it seems that wild people can prepare it in advance. Such a person is indeed very easy to use. Maybe he is not as good as others in terms of governance skills and being an official, but his assistants and staff are very dedicated.

Fortunately, although Su Ziji was curious in his heart, he was not a fool, and he would not ask his staff to roll up their sleeves because of curiosity.

After receiving the list handed over by the wild Taoist, Su Ziji suppressed the complaints just now, and unfolded the rolled paper to read.

(End of this chapter)

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