fake prince

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

There are several names on it, two are eunuchs of seventh rank or above, and several are eunuchs of seventh rank or no rank. The wild Taoist is still marking on the back, who is suspected to be the king of Qi, and who is suspected to be the king of Shu people.

Seeing Su Ziji's surprise, Ye Taoist squinted his eyes: "Master, this kind of trivial matter is actually easy to find out, and there is no need to buy secrets, as long as you guard the palace gate."

"Whoever comes out from time to time, and lays an ambush outside the palace gate for a while, will naturally be clear."

"As for suspicions, these eunuchs have limited time to go out of the palace, so they can't procrastinate and waste at will. Check the people the eunuchs often contact, and they will point to the palaces."

"My lord, do you want me to watch?"

The wild Taoist thought that Su Ziji would continue to give orders, but after waiting for a while, the Lord did not speak, so he thought for a while and asked.

Only then did Su Ziji recover from his contemplation, and shook his head: "I don't need it for now, the emperor is obviously watching the Duke's mansion now, so don't make any moves recently."

"You have been busy for a while, you can take a rest in the mansion in the last few days."

Of course, if he said that, the wild Taoists probably wouldn't listen.

Daoist Mo Kanye is the oldest of the three staff members, but he is full of energy and tireless.

Jian Qu still has a hobby of reading and writing articles, and Cen Rubai has a group of friends who are good at making friends, but the wild Taoist even makes friends with the purpose of reporting, as if the whole person is for the purpose of slaying dragons and disturbing the world. struggle.

Su Ziji just tried to persuade him casually, and seeing the wild Taoist leave in response, he didn't care if he went to do something in private again.

"The art of slaying the dragon is the art of slaying the dragon, and the way of being an official is the way of being an official."

Wild Taoists often engage in mysticism and mystification, but they don't know that this is a big taboo of their superiors.

"If it weren't for my own strength and self-confidence, I am afraid that suspicion will arise for no reason."

"Forget it, let him go!"

As his own subordinates, as long as he can complete the tasks assigned by himself, do not betray himself, and do not commit suicide by himself, other Su Ziji will not interfere.

I originally wanted to walk out of the yard, but after walking a few steps, my eyes fell on some fallen leaves on the ground.

In winter, the leaves have basically fallen off, but there are still some residual leaves hanging on the branches. Now that spring has begun, some young leaves have emerged. After Luo Jiang just danced the sword, a few residual leaves and dead branches were scattered on the canopy of the nearby big trees. Dropped and spread a thin layer.

Su Ziji walked over unhurriedly, lowered his head and picked up a leaf to look at.

"The sword energy is like frost, he is indeed a top master."

"I don't know if it's her own heat, or... Lingxi?"

"If it is Lingxi, there will be a group of top masters in the world, and the Taoism will be even more terrifying." Su Ziji looked at the half-cut leaves with melancholy eyes.

"I don't know if such a person can be controlled by me, Wen Xin Diao Long?"

If you can control her, it may play a big role at critical times.

Thinking about it, he concentrated on it, but then he let out a muffled snort, took a step back, touched his nose, and there was a trace of blood oozing out, which was extremely glaring on his fingertips.

"It doesn't seem to work." Su Ziji took out a handkerchief and wiped off the nosebleed, thoughtfully.

"Not only officials above the seventh rank can't control it, even this kind of master can't do it. At most, it may only make her feel a little bit of movement at critical moments."

But after thinking about it again, a little thought will do.

Sometimes this subtle difference can bring completely different results.

"She came to the mansion, although it can increase my experience, it can be regarded as a walking swordsmanship experience package, and it is also a part of Yanglue. It is to reassure the emperor and give the emperor the illusion that everything is under control."

"But you can't really let her go."

"With her strength, unless I go to follow her personally, ordinary people will be easily detected when they send her over."

Not to mention how busy he is now, even if he is not busy, there is no reason to ignore other things and follow a female swordsman.

"Yes." Seeing the gate of the courtyard, a fox poked its head in curiously, and Su Ziji suddenly smiled.

"Come here." Su Ziji beckoned the two foxes to come in.

The two foxes, big and small, were already there just now, just hiding in the dark to watch Luo Jiang's sword skills. At this time, they were still a little curious about Su Ziji's purpose for letting her stay. Hearing the call, the little fox stepped in.

"Chirp!" It walked up to Su Ziji first, touched the fingertips of Su Ziji's outstretched hand with its nose, raised its head, and a trace of contempt flashed in the watery fox eyes: "Chirp!"

hey little guy!

Su Ziji patted the fox's head casually. Although there were no books at this time, and he couldn't hear the other party's fox barking to distinguish what the other party was talking about, but inexplicably, Su Ziji had a feeling that he was laughing at the nosebleed just now. .

"You're not scolding me, are you?" Su Ziji smiled and pinched the little fox's nose, so angry that it patted his hand with its paw.

"Chirp!" The big fox came over slowly at this time, and looked at the interaction between one person and one fox speechlessly, feeling that they were all equally childish!

Sure enough, the only mature one is himself!

Su Ziji couldn't understand what Xiao Bai was saying just now, so the big fox naturally understood.

The little fox was accusing Su Ziji of being stupid. He knew that the girl had bad intentions and wanted to keep her. Could it be that he was fooled by her good looks?


Didn't you say before that Su Ziji has always been safe in doing things, and he takes ten steps, how do you know that he didn't see the female swordsman's intention?Could it be that you kept the prototype for too long and behaved intimately with him, did you really have any thoughts on him?

"Chirp!" The little fox turned around and called out to it.

Then the two foxes fought, completely unable to understand what they were arguing about, Su Ziji stood up, with his hands in his hands, and the old god watched the two foxes quarreling.

After they finished arguing, they calmed down again, and ordered in a low voice: "This Luo Jiang is a spy placed by the emperor in my mansion, I have to accept it, if it wasn't for her, there would be someone else."

"Leave her, use it well, maybe it can turn into my chess piece. She is a master of swordsmanship and has excellent hearing. If others stare at her, she is easy to be spotted. You two are usually fine. Take turns to stare at her. She If there is any unusual behavior, come and tell me immediately."

"If you do this well, you are the great heroes."

"Chirp!" The two foxes looked at each other, and the little fox became proud.

"Also, I found that you are more suitable than savages for sending certain things." Su Ziji suddenly realized that he felt a little stupid. Let the wild Taoist go, the goal is still a bit big, only now I realize that the fox is more reliable.


After hearing this, the two foxes discussed and seemed to have reached a certain consensus, that is, paying the rent and eating golden olives. They looked at each other, tapped their paws, agreed, and went out one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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