fake prince

Chapter 678 The Fox Is an Agent

Chapter 678 The Fox Is an Agent

The housekeeper bowed slightly, and led Luo Jiang to a courtyard.

There are still corridors connected, there are a few green bamboos, and when you enter, you can see stones forming a path, planted with plantains. When a maid saw her coming, she hurriedly smiled and greeted her, and timidly saluted: "Miss Luo."

"Miss Luo, although this courtyard is smaller, it has a quiet environment. The rooms inside have been cleaned all the time. They are very clean and you can move in directly."

"The cleaning in the courtyard will be done by maids every day. Clothes need to be washed, and someone will come to collect them every three days. Whether you are hungry, go to the stove to cook vegetables, or have other things, you can tell the maids to do it."

"At the end of the month, there should be next month's monthly money, and your current month's monthly money is already in it." After explaining everything, the butler left the servant girl to serve him, and left.

Luo Jiang walked around the yard, and looked at a piece of silver on the table. It was not big, but the background was white and deep, and it was serious and official silver.

"It's five taels of silver, and my treatment is good!"

Luo Jiang blinked. Many people always think that the palace spends money like water, but in fact, according to the system, the monthly money of the queen is only 100 taels of silver, 70 taels of imperial concubine, 60 taels of imperial concubine, 30 taels of concubine, and 15 taels of concubine.

State-level wives, usually 20 taels per month, 10 taels for the main wife, and 3 taels for young masters and young ladies.

This is indeed very polite. After all, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all free.

Luo Jiang saw Cui Zhu, a maid who was about the same age as him, following him, and asked casually, "How long have you been in the mansion?"

The servant girl responded: "Miss Luo, I am the master who entered the mansion after he was granted the title of Marquis."

"That didn't take long."

But when I think about it, Duke Dai's foundation is shallow, and he has only been in the capital for more than a year.

The servant girl smiled: "Although I came late, these days are the happiest time for me. Here, I eat well and wear warm clothes. The master and wife are kind. As long as you do things well, you can live a good life."

"Really?" Luo Jiang listened casually, but didn't care.

She entered the house and found that the three main rooms, no matter the hall, the bedroom, or a room that can be used as a tea room or a study room, were all well furnished.

On the first day of check-in, there were decent maids living nearby who came to help tidy up the quilts and clothes. These women seemed to be very enthusiastic, but when they spoke, they almost couldn't say anything about Dai Guogong and his wife. Luo Jiang listened to it with his left ear, and went out with his right ear, just thinking about it.

"The people Dai Guogong is looking for are all the old princes of the past. Regardless of the relationship, there is still some connotation. They are not completely vulgar village people and village women, but they are promoted in the mud, and they are loyal."

After sending these women away, the maid who lived in the yard also fell asleep. She blew out the lamp in her room, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

In the eyes of outsiders, this meant that Luo Jiang had fallen asleep.

After a long time, when the window was opened, she was dressed in dark clothes, which almost blended into the night, slipped out, sneaked into the main courtyard, hung upside down outside the window, pierced the window paper, and looked at the people inside.

"Strange, why hasn't my husband come back yet?"

Under the light, a beautiful young girl was flipping through the chess record, looking at it, waiting a little anxiously, raised her head and glanced outside.

"Qiu Ming, go ahead and see if the master has been caught by something." With a shout, a maid in a lotus-coloured dress came in, and the girl ordered.

The servant girl went out in response to the sound, completely unaware that a figure behind her landed silently and followed behind her.

Qiu Ming also met a few servants along the way, and after inquiring about them, she wandered to a courtyard. Judging from the layout, it looked like the residence of the staff.

Luo Jiang, who was following behind, hid her figure, and she had already seen Duke Dai who was talking to someone in the yard.

Her ears moved, and she heard that Dai Guogong was talking to a man with his back to her, the voice was not loud, it wasn't that she was a master, and at this time she was deliberately using her internal force on her hearing, so she probably couldn't hear clearly.

"My lord, there is a rule in the five-hundred-mu farm. The rent is half a stone per mu, so you can get 250 stone."

"This can't be exchanged for money, it just means that the government doesn't need to buy food."

"The situation of the restaurant is fairly stable, but it's not as good as expected, and the cost is very high. In general, it can earn 200 taels of silver per month, and a net income of 5000 taels a year. The expenses in the mansion are not counted... "

"Where is the bulk of the expenditure?" Dai Guogong asked a little late: "Isn't it estimated that there will be 5000 taels?"

Before the girl came, she also knew some details, and the number estimated by the Secretary of the Imperial City was also the same, so she listened attentively at this time.

"My lord, the cost of transporting live seafood is not small, and even if we are the government of the state, our foundation is still shallow, and many joints have not been opened up, so we don't fully buy it. The expenses here are not small..."

The servant girl went over to talk, and Dai Guogong said "we will discuss it later", and then went out and returned to the main courtyard.

"5000 taels?" The girl heard this, remembered the number in her heart, and then retreated out, quietly returning to her room.

In the dark, in the grass, two pairs of fox eyes also saw her whereabouts, and chirped proudly, everything was under the fox's control.

The big and small foxes rushed to the study room, there was another chirping sound, and with the words pointed by their paws, Su Ziji quickly understood the process.

"So it is."

Su Ziji pondered for a moment, the last batch was basically over, and the next batch had to be done.

For the emperor, losing three counties was just a trivial matter, and colluding with the generals of the imperial army was an important matter, but it was not necessarily a fatal matter.

"Dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die. The most important thing now is longevity, which is the Great Returning Pill."

"I'd like to see if it doesn't matter if you want the Dahuandan or not."

Su Ziji smiled, and took out three ingots. This was probably the smallest format, five taels a piece, and a few notes. These notes were very simple, just writing a few words, and the top one was "Blood" Gui".

That day, he obtained knowledge from Huo Wuyong. Although he didn't get the formula of Da Huan Pill, he still got a few fragmented medicine names. This alchemy is impossible, but it is more than enough to frame him.

"Come on, I'll give you one more task, to deliver the life-buying money and the note to the designated person."

Lee Kee Silk House

It is one of the largest cloth shops in the capital. The shopkeepers who greet customers are all eloquent and handsome, making people feel kind when they look at them. He can only laugh and speak nicely. Not only the stewards of high-ranking officials think he can be a man, but even some prominent eunuchs who often come outside the palace are acquainted with this shopkeeper.

The night was covering the capital city, because it was already meal time, there were a lot of pedestrians on the street, or they were looking for restaurants in small groups, or they were in a hurry and had just returned home from work.

"Ouch! Isn't this Eunuch Zhang? Please come in!" The staff of the welcoming cloth shop had sharp eyes and recognized the person coming out of a stopped ox cart. He nodded and bowed to let him in, and greeted the person inside. In the house, pour tea and serve snacks, it's not polite.

"Okay, our family just came to see the newly arrived silk. Since your boss has just gone out, our family will wait a while, you go down first." The young eunuch's voice was high-pitched, as if he didn't want anyone to serve him in front of him. , waving his hands to make people step back first.

When he was the only one left in the room, the eunuch took out the document he had just obtained, and began to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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