fake prince

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

On the surface, the eunuch came out to buy silk for the ladies in the palace, but in fact, it was to inspect the business operation of the godfather in the city.

Although those shops belonged to his godfather, he and many eunuchs he knew had bought shares in them, and he could get money every month, so he was naturally very caring.

The document he just took out is the contract for a new shop he bought for his godfather, and he can officially buy it only after his godfather agrees to go back.

This is a pawn shop, not only can it make a profit from the operation of the shop, some unmarked and inconspicuous ordinary objects in the palace can also be sold through the pawn shop channel after being reported as damaged.

"It only took less than 100 taels to get the shop. No matter how you look at it, it's all credit." Feeling that there were no mistakes or omissions, he felt satisfied, and put the documents in his arms.

"Squeak—" A sudden sound came from the door, which startled the eunuch.

"Who?" The startled eunuch put the document aside, cautiously opened the door and walked out. There was a corridor in front of the room. Looking left and right, there was no one, but a small white shadow seemed to flash past at the end.

"It turned out to be a cat." Suddenly, the eunuch sneered, and was about to go back to get the documents left behind hastily.

As a result, when he lowered his head, he saw a flash of silver light, and his footsteps stopped immediately.

"Who dropped the silver?" Bending down, he picked up the silver on the ground and weighed it. The weight is not light. No one has found this silver ingot before?

"When I came in, there didn't seem to be this piece of silver at the door. Could it be that someone dropped it just now?"

Although thinking this way in his heart, the eunuch stuffed the silver into his sleeve without hesitation.

Once he saw it, it was him.

It seems that this time I am quite lucky to leave the palace, this is a good omen!

Going back to the room, he picked up the document that he dropped just now, rolled it up, and put it in his arms. The eunuch was suddenly upset, and he couldn't think of any reason, so he went out to see if the boss of the cloth village had come back.

As soon as he went out, he saw the owner of the cloth shop coming in. When he saw him, he immediately stepped forward to greet him with a smile.

"Boss Li, it's a coincidence that you came back." The eunuch said with a smile on his face.

The eunuch has a strange temper and is easy to get angry. The boss of Buzhuang knows the inside story and quickly explained: "I just went to another shop to deal with some matters. If I knew you would come, I would never go out today. You are from our shop. The honored guest here, why don’t you have to finish your work first?”

"Okay, take our family to see your new silk." The eunuch said impatiently after hearing this.

The owner of the cloth shop took him to the silk warehouse and said, "It's all good silk. This time, we also brought in large and small cloud silk. The big silk is five feet long and two feet and five inches wide, and the small silk is three feet long and wide." One foot and seven inches."

"Including the original brocade, there are sixty pieces in total."

"Look, these twelve bolts of brocade, this color, this pattern, are made of top-grade silk, the lady in the palace will definitely like it when she sees it."

"The remaining 48 pieces, in addition to large and small cloud silk, also have flowing cloud yarn, which is soft and soft. In two months, they should also change into light and thin clothes. Now is a good time to buy Liuyun yarn."

Don't think that there are only sixty pieces of high-quality silk, which is not a small number.

This batch of silk has been ordered, and it will be sent to the palace for selection by the ladies, not for ordinary palace people.

The weaving process of brocade is complicated, very gorgeous, and the price is also expensive. In fact, only some concubines who are favored in the harem have the status to enjoy it.

The godfather of this eunuch is in charge of some harem procurement matters. All the concubines will have silk quotas that meet the grade throughout the year. These are not rewards from the emperor, but as long as they are masters, there are regulations on the quality and price. Eunuchs If you want to be unfavorable and offend your concubines, the most you can do is to send some old-fashioned silks and satins, but because the quality and type are not problematic, these concubines often have troubles.

It's a lot of money to do this, not to mention the profits from inside and outside the price. Since the establishment of the Zheng Dynasty, the threshold for imperial merchants has also been raised. Only long-term tributes of bulk goods are eligible for imperial merchants. The purchase of goods does not have the status of an imperial merchant. In order to keep the business, it is common for eunuchs who are not of high grade to go out.

It's for word-of-mouth and publicity, and it's also for expanding contacts.

I got acquainted with the people in the palace, so I might be able to use it anytime.

Of course, there are also people with other purposes.

After introducing these high-grade silks, the boss introduced the second-grade silks. As he spoke, he took out a red envelope from his sleeve and stuffed it into the eunuch's hand, asking in a low voice, "Is the palace okay?"

This is not a big deal that cannot be said, the eunuch replied casually: "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, for some reason, his mouth seemed to be different from himself suddenly, and he whispered another five words: "Xue Gui, Da Huan Dan."

The voice of these five words was very low, but it was like a thunder, which frightened Boss Li.

This matter is indeed scary, I didn't ask, but the eunuch suddenly popped up these five words, could it be that he was expressing some hidden meaning to himself?

I firmly remembered these five words in my heart, but I was curious on my face, and asked, "What did you say?"

When the eunuch opened his mouth, he was actually surprised, and this surprise was only a lot more than that of the boss of Buzhuang.

Anyone who finds himself suddenly saying something that he doesn't even know what it is, in this world, the first reaction is probably to wonder if he is bewitched.

After the boss asked, the eunuch didn't even want to speak. He was afraid that he would say something terrible when he opened his mouth, so he simply kept silent and turned away.

This departure made the boss of Buzhuang even more uneasy.

"It seems that you are really hinting at me." Thinking that this is the eunuch's revealing some terrible news to himself, the owner of the cloth village left the cloth village soon after the eunuch left.

After getting on the bullock cart, he asked the driver to hurry on his way. At this moment, the moon was hanging high. When he arrived at Prince Qi's mansion, he whispered a few words to the gatekeeper, and then he was let in directly.

"You came here suddenly, do you have any news to report?"

King Qi learned that the owner of Li Ji Buzhuang, who was his own, came to see him. He took a sip of tea and asked without any greetings.

The owner of the cloth shop can open a shop in the capital, and has branches in the capital and various places. He is doing the high-quality silk business. There is no one behind him, and the backstage is King Qi.

"The villain has nothing important to do. How dare you trouble the lord? It's Eunuch Zhang from the palace." The boss of Li Ji Buzhuang met King Qi with an apologetic smile, and immediately told King Qi the five words the eunuch said. Reported.

"What?" King Qi was not paying attention at first, eunuch Zhang was not of high rank, and he was not considered the core person in his private life, but just a peripheral, spreading some irrelevant news.

But when I got on the boat, it might be useful in the future, just play a game of chess, now I heard these five words, I didn’t turn my head at first, and then I stood up impressively: "Xue Gui, Da Huan Dan? "

(End of this chapter)

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