fake prince

Chapter 680

Chapter 680

Shu Palace

"What?" Almost at the same time, in the study of King Shu's mansion, King Shu also stood up abruptly, staring at the servant in front of him.

"What did you say? Say it again?!"

"My lord, the little one heard Eunuch Zhang say five words to Boss Li, blood osmanthus, great redemption pill. These five words are clear, and the little one never heard it wrong."

The person who came to report the matter to the King of Shu was a buddy who was placed in Liji Buzhuang. He usually looks ordinary, and he is a young guy who can come. The closer you are, the farther you can hear the sound.

Tonight, the eunuch from the palace came to Buzhuang. As soon as Boss Li came back, this guy was paying attention. Although they were far away, the two of them spoke in a low voice, but they could hear the five words clearly.

After all, it's just a cloth village, and it's not a palace, let alone a palace. Who would pay attention to whether there is a buddy not far away?

This news, along with the boss of Buzhuang hurried away, was brought to Shu Palace by this guy.

The king of Shu looked dignified, pacing in the house, with his hands behind his back, his fingers kept clenching and loosening.

In fact, the King of Shu knew Xiao Huan Dan. If it wasn't for the Taoist priests refining Xiao Huan Dan, his father, who was sitting on the dragon chair, would have been sick and unable to get up.

The matter of Xiao Huan Dan is a court secret. Not many people know about it, but apart from myself, the King of Qi must also know, or even the King of Lu. After all, as an adult prince, he has no manpower in the palace. No one will believe it.

But knowing this did not make the King of Shu worry too much, and even secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because King Qi is old and full of party members, although he has risen rapidly, but his father really fell ill and failed, King Qi may be happy. King Qi has a close relationship with generals, and he may be able to take the opportunity to control the capital, but he can only It's hard to say who will win and who will lose if civil servants are used to suppress it.

There is no absolute winner, and everyone is cautious. In the current state of rare balance, their respective developments have not been forced to a dead end.

But this is only because the effect of Xiaohuandan is just like this. If you replace it with a elixir that can make people live longer, who can hold their breath?

"The difference between Da Huan Dan and Xiao Huan Dan is only one letter. The effect of Da Huan Dan seems to have been recorded in history—by the way, it is the pill formula made by Emperor Long'an, which is said to be able to live forever!"

The King of Shu's expression was so gloomy that it almost dripped water. Although Emperor Long'an died, he knew his father's temperament, not to mention suspicious, wise and wise, and it was difficult to deceive him.

"Could it be that the father is seeking longevity? Still have some confidence?"

It’s not impossible, there is even the little Huan Dan that saves the father from being sick. If there is one that can make people live forever, no, there is no need to live forever. It only needs to let the father live for a few more decades, and what about their brothers? thing?

Father would definitely not be willing to give them this longevity elixir, even if these adult princes were boiled to old age, there would be grandchildren, and even father might not be unable to give birth to younger princes.

Then, what else?

The King of Shu has always had a sense of control over his emotions. Before, he lost his temper because of Princess Ning, but it was only because of anger, but this time he really changed his color.

"Father, don't you still want to be successful forever?"

"What kind of medicine is the blood osmanthus, we must look it up."

Taiping Lane Six Days Later

Taiping Lane is ten miles away from Lepingfang, and there is a bookstore facing the street. Behind the bookstore is a small three-entry house, which can be connected to the front bookstore. There is also another door in the alley. It is a book shop that opens its doors for business, and it has never attracted attention.

Outsiders don't know that this shop, which is inconspicuous among all the shops in the capital, seems to be a very ordinary shop, but it is a stronghold of the Imperial City Division. Division personnel.

And in the residential courtyard behind the bookstore, someone was processing paperwork in one of the rooms.

Each small stronghold of the Imperial City Division is responsible for the news of a certain area, and a steady stream of various information is gathered in the small stronghold. After screening, the more important information is passed up, screened layer by layer, and finally falls into the hands of the emperor. The most important content.

After all, the emperor has a lot to do every day, so how could he bother with trivial matters?

The moon is hanging high, the bookstore in front is closed, some people have already rested, and all kinds of news gathered here are being screened by a high-level person in this small base. He, who is in his thirties, gave birth to a With an ordinary face, he has been busy for a while at the moment, and he is about to take a sip of tea from his teacup and take a rest.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open by someone outside, and a young man with the appearance of a buddy came in.

"Second uncle!"

The middle-aged man sitting there took a look and frowned: "Although you are my nephew, don't always be rash. How many times have you said it? This is the most taboo in our business."

"Also, the Imperial City Division has strict rules and regulations. Here, you have to address me as an adult, and you are not allowed to use private courtesy. If outsiders hear about it, it is not a big deal."

The young man hurriedly restrained his expression, and saluted respectfully: "Yes, my lord taught me the lesson!"

Pass the newly delivered document to him: "This is the news that just came from Le Ping Fang, after the people in Le Ping Fang summed it up, it was handed over to us."

The forces spread by the Imperial City Division in the capital are like a large and fine net. Although it is only a city, it has more manpower and material resources than any other province.

Of course, this is also a very normal thing. There are many honorable and high-ranking officials in the capital, and even the kings and most of the clans live in the capital. It's just that the number of people sent varies according to the size of the official position and strength.

For all the Beijing officials above the fourth grade official, there are not many people who do not have the Imperial City Secretary in their mansions. These spies usually do not pass on news, they just lurk in the crowd and live quietly. Once the emperor needs it, an order will be issued. Quiet pieces will move instantly.

Although there are very few residents in Le Ping Fang, there are many dignitaries, even the king of Shu, so there is a small contact point in a time-honored pastry shop, but the person in charge is just a buddy, and the pastry shop itself is not a stronghold After receiving the news from the palace, the person pretending to be a buddy summarized the news into a document and handed it to the stronghold in Taiping Lane.

"The king of Shu is looking for someone to make alchemy recently. Is this the alchemy recipe?"

Open the document and look at the content above. The time, place, people, and possible people involved in the incident are all summarized in place.

But it's just alchemy, should it be handed over?

The person in charge of this stronghold frowned in thought, and thought to himself: "This elixir is generally normal, and it doesn't seem to be poison. However, after all, the news came from the Shu Palace, so let's report it."

After thinking about it, he put this document in the stack of documents to be submitted.

Soon, the bullock cart left here and headed for the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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