fake prince

Chapter 681 The Palace Gate Opens

Chapter 681 The Palace Gate Opens

Late night

Not far from the imperial palace, a middle-aged man with a white face and beardless face was sitting in the courtyard of a deep house here.

From the outside, it looks like this is the residence of a rich man, or because of the quietness here, it may remind you of the rich and powerful's golden house, but in fact, this is also one of the strongholds of the Imperial City Division, which is controlled by Eunuch Zhao A deeper stronghold.

The news gathered here is not only the news sent from various strongholds in the capital after screening, but also the news sent from all provinces across the country after screening.

Outsiders may think that the eunuchs only need to gain the trust of the emperor and serve the emperor well, but in fact, although Zheng Taizu established a rule that eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics, due to the special nature of the eunuchs, some are often shady and must be firmly controlled by the emperor. The institutions in hand are still handled by these eunuchs.

It is not only because it is easy to use, but also because it can be discarded and erased at any time without causing any trouble.

Even high-level eunuchs don't need to deal with ministers. If they want to find a reason to convict, the emperor can decide his life and death with a single thought.

In order to stabilize their position, even a few chief eunuchs are always cautious in doing things. Eunuch Zhao's family members are not small, and they have control over the Imperial City Division, but if there is a mistake in the Imperial City Division, he can't afford it.

He couldn't be more clear about the character of the emperor.

He wasn't on duty today, but he didn't dare to fall asleep early, so he went out of the imperial city to read the reports of the last two days in the largest stronghold of the Imperial City Division.

The very important news summary was read first. The candles that had been lit since his arrival had mostly burned out. After rubbing his temples, he felt a little swollen, but Eunuch Zhao couldn’t just rest like this before he finished reading the official documents.

"Captain, take part in the tea."

The eunuchs who can work under Eunuch Zhao's hands are all good people, and some young eunuchs have quietly prepared for it. At this time, a cup of hot ginseng tea was served and respectfully placed by Eunuch Zhao's hand.

Eunuch Zhao nodded slightly, picked up the ginseng tea, and drank it slowly.

After drinking a cup of ginseng tea, Eunuch Zhao slowed down during this interval.

He also brought a stack of unimportant documents to him. Although they are not very important, they still need to be read, because this type of official documents often involve some people who are focused on, even if they are not important news, but Who knows if there is a secret hidden in it that the people below cannot see?

I casually picked up the top few copies and looked at them. It was no different from the past. It was indeed a trivial matter. If this kind of official documents did not involve the kings and generals in charge, they would not have been sent here.

"Tsk tsk, this Marquis Xu, didn't he laugh at the eunuch before? As a result, he was impotent, and he had to seek medical treatment in secret in an attempt to restore his glory. It's not as good as our real eunuch!"

Looking at the private affairs of Lord Hou, Eunuch Zhao despised it.

Throwing these few copies aside, I got another one. I was careless at first, but when I saw the content on it, I frowned a little: "It's strange, when King Qi also likes alchemy, he invited alchemists."

Then, after looking at it for another minute, before looking at it, he jumped up and stood up.

Because he got up too fast, the empty ginseng tea bowl shook and fell directly to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The little eunuch who was standing not far away was terrified and ran over quickly: "Captain!"

"The king of Qi is making alchemy, and the king of Shu is also making alchemy?"

"Dan Fang focused on the blood osmanthus?"

Eunuch Zhao didn't have time to talk to the little eunuch at all, and now he was completely stunned. If he hadn't seen strong winds and waves, he would be even more shocked when he first saw it.

But even now, the discolored him couldn't restrain his trembling.

It is very strange that the king of Shu and the king of Qi are making alchemy together, especially because there is a sensitive medicine in it.

"Go! Call all of us here! Go!" He yelled sharply after he realized it.

"Yes!" The little eunuch serving in front of him knew what had happened, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly ran out.

In this stronghold alone, there are many members of the Imperial City Division who are waiting for orders to do things at any time, and they are all elites. After all, this stronghold is already the deepest place of the Imperial City Division. The chief eunuch of the city secretary reported to the emperor.

Once there is an emergency, action must be taken here first, otherwise it will be too late to control some things after reporting to the emperor.

Hearing the light footsteps outside gathered, Eunuch Zhao held the two documents with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Xue Gui, this is the material of Da Huan Danli! It's only a coincidence that ordinary officials learned about it, or learned about it at another time, but at this time, it happened to be related to King Qi and King Shu!"

How can this be a coincidence?

At this time, it was time to refine the Da Huan Dan, and the identity of the king of Qi and the king of Shu was extremely sensitive, and it was a terrible thing to get involved with the Da Huan Dan!

Those who are the Secretary of the Imperial City must investigate the truth as soon as possible, otherwise something serious will happen!

Big enough to pierce the sky!

After a while, several prominent eunuchs who were in charge of the affairs of the Imperial City Division had already gathered in this room. Eunuch Zhao had just ordered someone to fetch the list of eunuchs who often went out of the palace, and there were multiple copies, just like a celestial maiden scattered flowers. With a flick of his hand, he threw it at their feet.

"Pass down the order to take all these people down to Bendu! Remember, don't startle the snake, you must take them all down before dawn, and pry their mouths open!"

The list was picked up by these eunuchs separately, and just looking at it, they all showed hesitation.

One of the eunuchs, who looked like a woman in her early 20s, reminded: "Captain, some of them are my own people, and many of them are people from other father-in-laws. We moved..."

This is going to be the enemy of the eunuchs in the entire palace!

Although these people are in charge of the Imperial City Division, there are so many eunuchs in the entire palace, each of which has its own position and connections, and has energy, so there is no fear of offending one or two eunuchs, but if all the eunuchs who left the palace were taken down , tantamount to making enemies with all the great eunuchs.

The eunuchs who would often go out of the palace were all for profit, and being able to go out of the palace so openly and frequently must have interests involved with many people.

After all, it is difficult for many eunuchs to live well with only a little salary and rewards. They have no descendants, and their obsession with money has almost become their biggest desire. It was a custom made by many high-ranking eunuchs in the palace.

Cutting off people's wealth is the enemy!

Eunuch Zhao glanced at the few people coldly, with no expression on his face: "No matter who it is, we must thoroughly investigate to the end. If we are negligent or deliberately release water, let's make an agreement first, and be careful."

"Also, our family has to enter the palace immediately to face the saint."

"Captain, the palace gate has been unlocked now." An eunuch reminded again that once the palace gate is closed, no one can come in or out. In case of emergency, they will just pass the memorial through the crack of the palace gate and reopen it. The emperor must be alarmed, and a special decree must be made.

"Shut up, the governor has his own opinion!" Eunuch Zhao said coldly, sweeping over with a glance, even with evil spirit.

The person who was so frightened that he spoke immediately became dumb. At that moment, Eunuch Zhao left the house and took a bullock cart directly to the palace gate. He didn't know what he shouted. A moment later, a fire appeared, and the palace gate was opened again with the key.

As the heavy palace gate slowly opened, Eunuch Zhao's figure hurriedly disappeared into it.

The moonlight in the night sky overlooks everything, silently.

(End of this chapter)

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