fake prince

Chapter 687

Chapter 687

Into the night

The male guests outside came for Ye Buhui, men and women were different, they congratulated him, and left after a hasty feast.

After sending them off, he went back with Ye Buhui, and when he was about to return to the hall, Su Ziji saw Ye Buhui wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Su Ziji asked hastily.

Although Ye Buhui's tears rolled down, the corners of her mouth turned up, she gently wiped it away, and smiled at Su Ziji.

"Finally, I have fulfilled my father's wish." There was a sense of relief in her tone.

Ever since his father passed away, Ye Buhui has kept winning the Chess Master in his heart, and he always looks out to see it, urging himself.

Although she herself does have a deep love for chess, winning the chess master is always a heavy promise, which is pressed in her heart and people will always remember.

Now, she has finally defeated the two-time chess master and became the new chess master. If she can become a chess master, she has fulfilled her promise to her father.

To put it bluntly, even if she is dead now, she still has the face to see her father.

Of course, this just means that she is now physically and mentally relaxed, and it doesn't mean that she has nothing to worry about.

Taking a deep look at her husband who was standing in front of her and looking at her with concern, Ye Buhui felt warm in her heart. Although she lost her father, the relative who depended on her for life, she still had at least one relative who was always by her side and supported her to the end. Now.

If it wasn't for him, it would probably be difficult for him to fulfill his father's request.

"Husband." Ye Buhui's long eyelashes trembled, and Su Ziji's figure was reflected in his dark almond eyes, as if the person in front of him was not only engraved on her eyes, but also engraved on her heart. superior.

"For a long time, you have supported me in learning chess and playing chess. Even girls in Beijing have frequent accidents. I can't go out often. You also accompany me to play chess at home. I know that I have troubled you a lot. Husband, I... ..."

"Silly girl." Just as she was talking, the husband in front of her smiled, squeezed her face, and said, "Did you forget what I said to you before? You and I are one, what trouble is it?"

A servant passed by not far away. Seeing this scene, he didn't dare to look too much and hurried past.

Ye Buhui felt a little embarrassed immediately, bowed his head and let out a "huh".

"The skin is better than the snow, and the inner energy is inside." Su Ziji is the refiner of the black wood bracelet, and he can feel a wave of fluctuations in motion, and then be suppressed.

"If you become a master of chess, you will surely achieve great success. I hope you can pass this year smoothly!"

Just thinking about it, hurried footsteps came, and the housekeeper hurried in and reported: "Master, madam, someone is coming from the palace, and the imperial decree is to be read!"

This is not the first time that Dai Guogong's mansion has received an imperial envoy. While reporting the matter to Su Ziji, the butler has already ordered people to prepare incense cases and other things for receiving the order.

Su Ziji and Ye Buhui looked at each other, they are holding a banquet today, they are already dressed formally, and there is no need to change clothes.

"Who is here?" Su Ziji asked in a low voice as he went out to meet the imperial envoy.

The butler replied, "It's Eunuch Zhao."

Palm print Eunuch Zhao?But we are old acquaintances, and he was the one who read out the edicts a few times before, so is it also a reward this time?

Su Ziji knew that he had stirred up the situation in the capital, and the whole capital had been undercurrents for the past two days, but he didn't wait for the old emperor to launch an attack on Qi Wang first, and he waited for the imperial envoy to announce his decree, and his heart sank slightly.

Could it be that the old emperor planned to borrow him to make a knife again to deal with the second king?

"It's not impossible." Thinking carefully, Su Ziji felt that this guess was the most reliable.

Greeting the imperial envoy, looking at Eunuch Zhao, Su Ziji didn't deliberately suppress a daze, and respectfully invited him into the mansion.

The incense table has been set up in the front yard, Su Ziji sent away the male guests, and now only the female guests are left, all the wives of high-ranking officials come out, and when the imperial edict is read out later, they will also kneel behind .

As for the officials who have no rank, and ordinary servants, they should be avoided and kept far away, they are not even qualified to kneel down to listen to orders.

Eunuch Zhao went straight to the south of the top of the incense table and stood there with a straight face, watching Su Ziji and Ye Buhui kneeling at the front: "I respectfully invite Shengan!"

Eunuch Zhao's expression was indifferent, he unfolded the imperial decree, and read out: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's Day..."

"...The Commander of the Habayashi Guards under your leadership, hereby!"

Su Ziji knelt down, lowered his head, outsiders couldn't see his expression at this time, when he heard that the emperor had ordered Dai Guogong to take control of the Habayashi Guard and serve as the commander of the Habayashi Guard, most people, including several young The older officials and wives all gasped.

The younger ones don't know what the Habayashi guards represent, but women and children also know that the princes and grandsons who can control the military power in the capital are definitely Jane who is valued in the emperor's heart!

There is a big difference between having soldiers and not having soldiers!

How long has Dai Guogong been promoted from Marquis to Duke?In the blink of an eye, he was in charge of Habayashi Guard again, becoming a commander?

Going forward at this speed, won't it take a year or so before we hear the news of Qi Cheng's grandson?

After all, Dai Guogong has been naturalized, has his status, and is the son of the prince. If he is in charge of the military again, he will be loved by the emperor, and it is really only a matter of time before he becomes the grandson.

Originally, I thought that King Qi had the greatest hope of seizing the heir, but King Qi is so old and entered the court so early, so he can't take charge of the army, or is he detained in the capital?

On the contrary, this Dai Guogong was ordered to go out of Beijing and stayed in the local area before naturalization. Many people didn't think it was meaningful at the time. Now that they think about it, they suddenly feel that this is another proof that the emperor attaches great importance to Dai Guogong .

Qi Wangfu

King Qi propped his face sideways with one hand, frowned, and with a little irritability, he was sitting on the chair with great determination. Sun Bolan, who was standing in front of him, articulated the affairs of the palace to King Qi. .

It is precisely because I can hear clearly that I cannot suspect that I have heard it wrong.

He, the prince, has worked hard for many years, and most of the inside lines planted in the palace have been pulled out!

According to Sun Bolan, these insiders were arrested and interrogated before being shot, who knows who is not strict, and will he be confessed?

No, there is no need to doubt, half of those who can be placed in the palace by him can survive the torture. I am afraid that the matter of his placing insiders in the palace at this time has been summed up and handed over to the father. The imperial case is on.

In fact, this kind of insider arrangement has been done for a long time. This time the thunder strike, it seems that the investigation of the Great Repayment Pill has violated the father's rebellion.

King Qi seemed calm, but his heart was trembling.

"My lord, maybe we are a bit aggressive in our investigation of the Great Return Pill, should we avoid the limelight recently?" Sun Bolan said with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Those who were killed in the palace, although they were all pawns inserted in, except for a few who often sent information, the rest could only prove that they had some connections with the palace, and there were no more. If you want to avoid the limelight , nothing will happen."

Although Sun Bolan said this, the person who said it might not believe it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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