fake prince

Chapter 688 This Is Wronged

Chapter 688 This Is Wronged

King Qi frowned, and said impatiently: "Let me think about this matter again."

Because he grew up under the coercion of his father, even if he wanted to fight for power when he became an adult, it was just a small fight, and it really didn't get to this point. Even the insiders who had planted himself in the palace were found out so many , this matter is serious, I am afraid that he, as a son, will be severely punished.

He was afraid in his heart and wanted to avoid the wind, but he thought again: "Father is so angry, can he ignore this matter and make his adult princes stigmatized?"

"Could it be that the father really wants to last forever? Is it possible that the refining of the Great Repayment Pill has already begun? If this is the case, what should I do?"

The father can really live forever, what should I do as an adult and the prince who has been crowned king for several years?

Since ancient times, whenever the emperor lived a long life, the next generation of emperors was often selected from the young princes or grandsons, because the long-lived emperors could survive the death of their adult sons.

Do you really want to become such a pathetic prince?

Just thinking this way, a person suddenly hurried in from the outside, and immediately knelt down in the hall: "My lord, the palm seal eunuch has just gone to Dai Guogong's mansion to announce the decree, and he will be awarded the post of Commander of Dai Guogong Habayashi Guard!"


Qi Wang stood up suddenly, his whole body trembled, and his teeth creaked even more.

His heart was already disturbed by the fact that most of the insiders in the palace were killed with a cane, and hearing the news at this time, he could already be regarded as frightened.

There were only a few staff members in the hall, and they were relatively trusted by King Qi. They looked at each other, and they all saw the deep worry in each other's eyes.

"It's actually Yu Linwei!" King Qi gritted his teeth, unable to believe it: "Father actually gave it to him? Why?"

Although the number of Habayashi Guards is small, no more than [-], it is also one of the military forces in the capital, and this is one of the camps where noble children enter official positions. Most of the sons and grandchildren of dukes and earls will go in and be plated with gold.

As long as you hold a position in it, you will be able to grasp a lot of power as soon as you reach your age. This is a kind of grace bestowed by the emperor.

After all, it would be harsh for those who came down from the country to let their descendants take the imperial examination to become officials. It has only been more than [-] years since the founding of the country, and some old guys who followed the people who came down from the country are still alive.

The throne of the Ji family has only passed to the second generation, so we still need to continue to appease these heroes and continue to reuse these people to consolidate the country.

Most of the soldiers in charge have handed over the military power. Under such circumstances, it is naturally nothing in the eyes of the emperor to give some glory, wealth, high officials and generous salary to future generations.

Habayashi guard represents not only the contacts of these important ministers and children, but also because he was in charge of Habayashi guard when he was not enthroned today, making Habayashi guard like a hidden mansion, which has a special meaning. It seems to be given to anyone. It means something different.

King Qi was obviously on fire with jealousy, envy and hatred at the same time, and the panic in his heart was magnified several times at once, making him almost unable to stand, his hands were shaking.

There was a dead silence in the hall, except for King Qi's breathing.

"Father, you really love your son, not to mention me, the king of Shu has also observed politics for many years, have you ever received such kindness?"

"Let Ji Zizong control the Habayashi Guard, is this to let these people be his foundation? With soldiers in hand, and important officials and children to assist?"

"Damn! Is this to pave the way for him?"

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said two words: "Zong, Zhong?"

That's right, didn't he suspect that the name "Ji Zizong" was given by his father for the Duke of Dai?

The word Zong can be said to be "middle".

"Some thieves have rumored that my Dazheng Dynasty is only three generations old. Hehe, what is the father going to do? To cultivate a master of Zhongxing? Damn it!"


The more King Qi thought about it, the more he hated it. He smashed the teacup tightly in his hand onto the table. In an instant, the tea flowed all over the floor, and the teacup was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The debris pierced King Qi's palm, and blood dripped down.

Sun Bolan couldn't keep silent any longer, and asked cautiously, "My lord, are you alright?"

King Qi glanced at him. Sun Bolan was handsome, with clear features and elegant demeanor. He used to like it very much, but now he has gradually realized that Sun Bolan's true talents and learning are not as good as his former counselor Wen Xunpeng. .

Thinking of this, thinking of the neglect of Wen Xunpeng, I felt a little regret in my heart, sat down dejectedly, and waved my hand lightly: "It's okay, let them come and discuss how to deal with this matter."

For the first time, he felt that things were a little out of control, and his heart was a little powerless.

"what should I do?"

Shu Palace

There was a crisp sound of "Wow", and everyone in the room trembled.

Someone lowered his eyes and swept across the ground. On the ground in front of the King of Shu, a purple sand pot that the King of Shu loved most on weekdays was just swept away by the King of Shu's sleeve and fell directly to the ground.

But everyone understood the King of Shu's gaffe, after all, even they were shocked when they learned that Dai Guogong had appointed the Commander of the Habayashi Guard.

Different from the previous grace rewards, even if the Duke of Dai was promoted to become the king of Dai, it was far worse than the emperor actually giving the guards to the Duke of Dai, which made them panic.

The significance of Habayashi Mamoru is believed to be very clear to anyone who is politically sensitive and has an understanding of the past.

What is the difference between this and giving the hidden mansion to the Duke of Dai?

No, there is still a difference, because Habayashi Guard not only represents the emperor's favor, but also represents a huge noble force and military power!

Could it be that the emperor wants to establish a grandson?

Among the many princes, only the prince was in charge of the Habayashi Guard back then. The army that was once in charge of the emperor and the prince has now fallen into the hands of the Duke of Dai. If it means nothing else, who would believe it?

"Get out!" At this time, servants who brought ginseng soup filed in. This was an order not long ago, but now the king of Shu directly yelled.

One of the servants shook his hands, knocked over the food box he was carrying, spilled the ginseng soup all over the floor, and was dragged down with his mouth covered.

The filth on the ground was cleaned up quickly, and the study returned to silence again. Someone looked at his colleagues and was about to speak, but saw a servant come in and report: "My lord, King Qi sent someone to see me."

"My lord, it's inappropriate to see King Qi at this time." Someone immediately said: "The matter in the palace may have something to do with King Qi. If you see him at this time, you may be implicated."

Although the Shu Palace also investigated the Great Return Pill, but the King Shu’s foundation is shallow, in fact, there are not many insiders in the palace, and he has not issued an order to spy on the Da Huan Pill. Therefore, at this time, the Shu Palace still feels that the thunder may not fall on him.

But some people retorted: "But in case there is something important, if I don't see it, won't it delay the prince's business?"

"Just to meet, what's the matter?"

The King of Shu had a gloomy face, and quietly listened to the discussion of the few people. He suddenly raised his hand, stopped at the few people, and said, "I know what my brother sent someone here at this time. See you."

After a while, I heard the startled and angry voice of the King of Shu: "What, father suspects that I also spy on Jiuzhong? This is wrong, this is wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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