fake prince

Chapter 689 Sisterhood

Chapter 689 Sisterhood

Yong'an Palace

During the day, the palace looks more lively than at night, and there are many people coming and going, because the emperor and empress have reconciled, not only the master of Yong'an Palace uses the best things in the palace, even the palace of Yong'an Palace People, even the most ordinary housekeepers in charge of sanitation, have increased their monthly payments, and they have not been deducted, and they can count them in their own hands.

Therefore, early on, some young court ladies changed into spring clothes, and even thought carefully about earrings and hairpins that could only be worn one or two according to their status. They decorated their buns with small plush flowers to match the clothes, Although they are all low-level servants, they also welcome the joy of spring with a little bit.

The queen is still the same as before, no different from winter, she doesn't like to go out of Yong'an Palace casually, and she doesn't like other concubines to pay her respects.

With nothing to do, she would chant sutras for her late emperor's son from time to time.

Today the queen is also in the side hall, silently chanting scriptures and praying for blessings.

All the makeup was removed on that face, but it was in line with "Clear water comes out of hibiscus, and it is naturally carved". The hair was not combed into a bun, but the smooth hair was directly tied up with a tie, A little gray hair can be seen hidden in the black hair, usually these white hairs are hidden in the bun and can't be seen, but now they are tied up casually, and they show up.

The skin is not considered young, nor is it sagging. The few fine lines at the corners of the eyes do not affect the beauty of the queen itself. Instead, due to the precipitation of time, it has become more majestic and graceful.

Time has never defeated a beauty, it means that like the queen, even when she is old, she still has a place in the heart of the old emperor.

"Empress Empress!" Just as she was praying to the heavens to bless the emperor's son under the nine springs, and bless the only remaining emperor's grandson, a maid hurriedly entered this side hall.

It didn't count if I shouted, I said more happily: "Congratulations, empress empress, great joy!"

"What a happy event?" The queen in plain clothes had to stop to pray, and turned her head. Because the prayer was interrupted, her face suddenly sank, and she scolded: "What does the frizzy look like?"

This court lady has been in Yong'an Palace since she first entered the palace. She has been in Yong'an Palace for five or six years. It is not an exaggeration to say that she grew up beside the queen. How has she ever seen the queen scolding herself like this?

After realizing her presumptuousness, she was taken aback by the scolding, and hurriedly saluted according to the rules, saying: "Your Majesty, the servant has heard the previous news, so she is so happy that she forgot the rules." , and please forgive my sin!"

"The previous news? Why, is it related to Dai Guogong?" the queen asked.

Seeing that the queen's face was not so scary anymore, the palace lady was relieved and smiled again: "Returning to your mother, today the emperor issued an order to let the emperor's grandson go to the capital camp. Now there are rumors in the capital that... ...Is it possible that the emperor's grandson will soon become a great grandson?"

Let grandson go to Beijing camp?

Could it be that the person who has been holding onto power for a long time and doesn't even believe in his beloved son will suddenly give up part of the power to his grandson?

is it possible?

After hearing this, the Empress felt a little hesitant, thinking to herself: "Could it be that he really changed his personality? The older he gets, the more different he becomes. Is he kind-hearted?"

"The last time I saw my grandson, my grandson begged to change a batch of calligraphy and paintings from the emperor. It's me, so why not be surprised?"

All along, the emperor's so-called love and respect for her has been reflected in rewarding things and giving favors, but when it comes to matters of imperial power and prestige, she actually doesn't have much weight as a queen.

That day when the emperor wanted to kill the prince, he was never shaken by her pleading.

And before that, when they were sweet, whether it was when they were princes or later when they ascended the throne as emperor, she was just his pillow wife. He never talked to her about anything outside, only with her. She talks about romance.

But after more than ten years of reconciliation, the emperor seems to have changed.

Thinking back to what happened last time, the queen was a little dazed.

Could it be that the man she had always thought would be cold and hard-hearted, would become soft-hearted when he got old?

However, such an idea was just a flash, and was denied by the queen.

She quickly calmed down, the royal family is the most ruthless, and he is the emperor, how can the emperor's heart be figured out with ordinary people's thinking?

A ruthless emperor like him would never make such a decision out of guilt or soft-heartedness.

"It should be to take the opportunity to test the grandson." The queen thought, if you think about it along this line of thought, you can actually figure it out.

This is both a gift and a test.

"Have you found out which battalion it is?" the queen asked.

"I've found out clearly, it's Habayashi Wei!" The palace maid had already found out about this matter before she ran over, and she said beamingly at this moment.

"What? Habayashi Wei?" Hearing this answer, the queen was even more confused.

Her nails pierced deeply into the palm of her hand, but the pain did not make the queen respond at all, her whole mind was messed up by the emperor's hand.

The court lady didn't know the pros and cons of it, and thought it was a great happy event, and outsiders might think the same way, and even the kings who should have figured out the truth, might be tempted by military power and connections, as well as the meaning of Habayashiwei's representative. Messed up, jealous and hate.

But as the emperor's original concubine, she immediately vaguely guessed that the person next to her pillow might not just have good intentions for the emperor's grandson.

What the hell is the emperor trying to do?

Although Habayashi Guard has a special meaning to many people, just like the hidden residence of the emperor before he ascended the throne, it seems that as long as it is handed over to any prince or grandson, it means that the other party is favored and given the hope of seizing the heir.

But in fact, Habayashi is only bright on the surface, but the water inside is deep.

It was a gathering place for noble children, all of them were arrogant and extravagant, all of them were bold and rebellious, and many things in the capital were committed by these young masters, and it was difficult to deal with them.

The emperor's grandson came back from the common people, and without any meritorious service in this area, he suddenly parachuted to the Habayashi Guard to become the commander. I am afraid that many people will not be used to it and will not accept the discipline.

This is important, maybe it is, or flattery, it must be!

Moreover, under the premise of not having any meritorious service, who would trust an airborne leader?As long as someone makes a stumbling block and the emperor's grandson who has no connections in the army to help him, wouldn't he be trapped to death?

Thinking of this, the queen was silent for a while, and said: "I passed the decree, saying that the Ai family has not seen those sisters for a long time, and I would like to invite you to hold a tea party."

"Yes!" After listening to the order, the young maid answered briskly.

This is to assist the emperor's grandson from the dark side, so that these rebellious sons and brothers will honestly help the emperor's grandson.

After all, no matter how rebellious the young master is, unless his skin is itchy and wants to be beaten, he still has to listen to his mother when he gets home.

(End of this chapter)

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