fake prince

Chapter 693 Pay More Attention

Chapter 693 Pay More Attention

Su Ziji ordered someone to invite Jian Qu and Cen Rubai, and Zhang Sui stayed and invited them along.

They also ordered refreshments to be set in the study room, and when everyone arrived, Su Ziji sat at the head, Ye Daoren, Jian Qu, Cen Rubai, and Zhang Sui sat at the bottom, and they held a small meeting.

"I have seen Duke Dai."

Zhang Sui returned to Beijing with Su Ziji, and also assisted the wild Taoists to do a few things. Although he was a lowly official and sometimes not very courageous, but after all, he had shared adversity, and it was better than those who were entrusted to the marquis and the country in Su Ziji. Those who come together with the queen are more trustworthy.

Knowing that Su Ziji became the commander of the Habayashi Guard, Zhang Sui was very happy. Since he worked with Su Ziji, he was already stamped as Duke Dai. Naturally, he hoped that the person he followed would be able to ascend to the Great Treasure. As soon as he came, he had the power of a dragon and could soar into the sky.

But he is not stupid, when he was invited to the study, he found that the atmosphere was not right, and he held back his throat when he wanted to congratulate him in private.

Jian Qu and Cen Rubai also felt something was wrong just now. Jian Qu had followed Marshal Qian, and Cen Rubai was an old minister of the prince. The current situation, no matter how you look at it, gives off a vaguely disturbing feeling.

"Don't worry too much."

Su Ziji opened his mouth and said: "The emperor ordered me to be the commander of the Habayashi Guard, but the situation of the Habayashi Guard is just like what I just told you, the water inside is very deep."

"There are only four thousand households, 6000 people, and the military officers in more than one hundred households are almost all the children of powerful officials or clan members."

"Except for a few descendants who have declined, most of the rebellious ones are direct descendants of the Duke's Mansion, which still has a great reputation. How to manage them, how to control the Habayashi Guard, do you have any good suggestions?"

The official system of Dazheng is still relatively conservative. The commander is the fourth rank, a thousand households is the sixth rank, a hundred households is the seventh rank, and the team is the eighth rank. Can be transferred to another office.

Because it is only an army dedicated to crossing gold, even if there are 6000 people, there are not many soldiers to fight.

Even if it is really caught, it will not pose too much threat. Su Ziji can't help but feel dark when he thinks of this.

Jian Qu thought for a while, and said, "My lord, for the matter of Habayashi Wei, I may use the power of the empress. The empress is the middle palace, and she can summon the wives of the residences of princes and counts. If you can start from the inner house, you may be able to grasp more information. Lots of information."

Cen Rubai pondered: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also took charge of the Habayashi Guard before. You are the son of the Crown Prince and the grandson of the Emperor. There have always been various connections between them, and the past few batches of Habayashi guards and the current batch are mostly related to family relations. If you find a few people who have worked with His Royal Highness, starting from the younger generations, you may be able to There are some results."

Ye Daoist was mostly silent after entering, but at this moment he opened his mouth. He first agreed with Jian Qu and Cen Rubai's suggestion, and then said: "The first thing to find out is that among the 6000 people in Habayashi Guard, how many forces are there?" , Who is the leader of each faction, which side takes refuge in the kings, and which side is neutral, if the two methods do not work for the time being, or provoke a few of them to fight secretly, and then benefit from it, it is also a way."

Zhang Sui also agreed: "What the three gentlemen said is very true. I have nothing else to add. If there is anything that needs me to do, please tell me!"

This is actually a smart one, knowing that he has a distance from the other three in this respect, so he simply doesn't make suggestions, but honestly expresses that he can be driven.

Su Ziji nodded: "You guys have a good idea, just follow these methods."

"Mr. Lu." He looked at Ye Taoist: "You have contacts in the market, go and check the list of Habayashi Wei, 6000 people, which ones have names, their names, backgrounds, what they have done, and their personalities , please check."

The wild Taoist responded, and took out a thick booklet from his sleeve, and said calmly, "My lord, this is the official booklet. I just asked someone to get it."

Su Ziji: "..."

Leaving aside the wild Daoist's "Sleeve Cosmos" did not live up to expectations, it was said that it was so easy to get the official book, which made Su Ziji realize that he had actually misunderstood just now.

In the past, he only had a noble title, so he needed his subordinates to investigate through his contacts, but now he has become a veritable commander of the Habayashi guards. Regardless of whether this commander can command his hands to stab the head, at least let the government Li's family order is taken from the public book to have a look, this kind of thing couldn't be easier.

As the family order of the Duke's Mansion, Ye Taoist can justifiably ask for the Habayashi Guard Booklet for him. This may require a little trick, but everything is upright, and it is not a big deal.

But he was so agile, and he could think of fetching the official book so quickly, which made several people secretly admire him.

Especially Zhang Sui, he took a look at Ye Daoist, and felt admiration for this person who was born worse than himself but had become the number one confidant of the Duke of Dai.

Don't say that he is as powerful as this Mr. Lu, as long as he learns how to do things like this, and has three or four points of skill, it is enough for him to benefit from it.

As for scholars like Jian Qu and Cen Rubai, Zhang Sui thinks that he has no similarities with them, and if he wants to learn from them, he may not be able to learn superficially in half his life.

While he was thinking this way, the three of them had already started to look at Habayashi Mamoru's list.

Ye Taoist also walked over slowly to have a look, Zhang Sui came back to his senses, and followed him.

The public booklet was placed on the desk case, and the pages were opened. There were various information behind the name on it. Although it was not detailed, just by reading it, one could know who this person was, what his background was, his approximate age and physical characteristics.

"This Peng Lie is the second son of the present Wu Yingbo. The old Wu Yingbo who followed the Taizu in the army is no longer there, but his eldest son has a good relationship with the present. He was in charge of a Beijing battalion in [-], and even his youngest son has gradually grown up in the past few years, so he handed over the military power and lived a wealthy life."

"Although the military power is gone now, it should not be underestimated. After all, he can talk to the present. The second son, Peng Lie, has the same personality as his name. When going to Habayashi Guard, this kid may not be willing to listen to discipline, so he needs to be careful."

"This Yuan Sizhu is the grandson of Lu Guogong, the third son of the eldest son. Despite his elegant name, he has a stubborn temperament. He has been called the devil king since he was ten years old, and he may also make trouble."

"This Xu Wei is the second son of Duke Xing. The old Duke Xing is no longer here. Now Xu Wei's biological father is the Duke of Xing. Although he is the second son, he is also very popular at home. He is a little more fearless, has caused a lot of troubles, and has always been bold, my lord, you must also pay more attention to this person."

Several people gathered around, analyzed it to see who might be causing trouble, and finally listed a dozen names.

(End of this chapter)

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