fake prince

Chapter 694 Digging a Pit

Chapter 694 Digging a Pit

These are the second and third sons of honorable nobles. Such people are not afraid of committing some crimes because they do not need to inherit the title, and because they are descendants of the direct line, they are loved by the elders in the family. To poke a hole to prove that you are arrogant?

These more than a dozen people are all like this. Su Ziji took a pen and wrote all these people on a piece of paper. After looking at a few of them, he glanced at one of them secretly, and nodded: "I can meet you later. meet them."

After the people retreated, the wild Taoist walked last. Su Ziji looked up and saw that he was still waiting, so he ordered: "Stop the servants of these ten families."

With a flash of light in Ye Taoist's eyes, he knew what he was going to do, and he responded.

When he also exited, he was thinking about this matter, when he looked up, he saw Ye Buhui walking over with a plate of exquisite snacks in his own hands.

Daoist Ye didn't dare to look any further, he hurriedly lowered his head in respectful salute, the two passed by each other, Daoist Ye took a few steps, turned his head to see Ye Buhui enter the study, then turned and left.

In the study room, Ye Buhui put the plate of snacks on the table, and saw her husband sitting and frowning slightly, looking down at a piece of paper, she didn't deliberately lean over to read the content, but stood there waiting with.

When Su Ziji recovered from his contemplation, he suddenly realized that Ye Buhui had arrived at some time, and was looking at him with a little worry.

"No regrets, why didn't you tell me when you came?" Su Ziji looked at the snacks on the table and saw that Ye Buhui made them himself, his heart was moved.

Even if Buhui is already the wife of Dai Guogong, there is no need to do these things by himself, but every time he is tired, Buhui will not ask more questions, but will quietly make the snacks or bubble tea made by himself. The tea delivered to him, with the help of these to express concern.

"Husband, what's the problem with the imperial decree appointing you as a commander?"

After the initial joy gradually settled down, Ye Buhui also realized that something was wrong, so he came in and asked such a sentence.

Su Ziji smiled wryly, what's the problem?The problem is getting bigger!

But these, he is so easy to say to Buhui, so that Buhui is frightened?

As her husband, Su Ziji concealed his own trepidation, and said with a smile: "I'm just a little tired. It's a little troublesome to appoint me as the commander of the Habayashi Guard, but I can handle everything." Solved, you don't need to worry."

Habayashi Camp

Xu Wei, the second son of Duke Xing's family, was standing in the shade of a tree. Under the shadow of the colorful tree, there was another person whose face was covered by the shadow of the tree.

Xu Wei had guessed the purpose of his visit before he came, and sure enough, he just met him and said in a low voice: "Young Master Xu, I think you already know the purpose of my visit. It has something to do with the new commander Dai Guogong. My master asked you to do me a favor. "

Xu Ergongzi, who only picks the merits of his parents, is less than 20 years old and has a handsome appearance. Among the cousins, he is the one his grandmother likes the most. His father is the eldest son of Xijue, and he is the eldest son. The second son of the concubine's concubine, although he can't inherit the title, is very valuable in terms of status.

The backstage is tyrannical. She was pampered and spoiled since she was a child, so her temper is naturally arrogant.

But since last year, as my older brothers had sons, I began to realize that the resources I could enjoy were related to my father, who was still Duke Xing. The father and the son feel differently.

That is, from then on, Xu Wei began to try to find a way for himself.

Counting this time today, Xu Wei has done at least five things, and Xu Wei doesn't think there is any problem with this time.

Hearing the question, he casually said, "That depends on what's busy."

The other party didn't answer immediately, but laid the groundwork first, and sighed: "Duke Dai didn't make any contribution in leading the army, how long did it take to be a Marquis? He was named Duke again, and now he is the commander of the Habayashi Guard. He has a firm foothold in Habayashiwei."

"He grew up in the countryside, and he came from a poor family. If he really gained power, it might not shake the interests of princes and dukes. The dispute between the poor family and us has become more and more intense in the past few years. I hope the poor family officials have a strong support, right?"

Xu Wei couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

"I'm not a three-year-old child, and you don't have to lie to me with such words."

"I didn't say I wouldn't help you guys. I actually don't like this new commander. He got some praise because of his status. It's like he's really the number one son in the capital. He's just a country bumpkin, so he deserves it?"

Xu Wei couldn't help bringing out his emotions when he thought of hearing the girl he liked praised Dai Guogong.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? I have something to say first. Although I have stayed in Habayashi for several years and made many friends, it is still far from bringing down a commander. What do you want me to do? It can't be beyond my ability."

The person standing under the shadow of the tree said hurriedly: "Don't worry Mr. Xu, as long as you dig a hole in the account book, as long as Dai Guogong doesn't check it immediately, the responsibility for this account will be on Dai Guogong."

"Just to cause some trouble for him, Mr. Xu, can you do this?"

Xu Wei was relieved after hearing this, there was nothing wrong with this matter, and he and several others happened to be corrupted a bit, and now he was ordered to dig a hole.

"Isn't it just to embarrass him? I agreed."

"Then I'll wait to hear your good news." The other party said with satisfaction, "My family will never forget your contribution."

The two separated, Xu Wei didn't leave, but stood where he was, watching them go away.

A man turned out from behind a big tree not far away. He was a man in his thirties. He looked ordinary, but his temples were slightly bulging. .

Xu Wei cherished his life, even if he met someone near Habayashiwei's camp, this person who could be a bodyguard would always follow him.

Hearing the conversation just now, this person was a little worried: "Master, do you really want to help embarrass Duke Dai?"

"Why, you don't think it's okay?" Xu Wei glanced at him. This is an old subordinate of his father.

The man thought for a while, and said: "Duke Dai is the son of the crown prince after all, and he is also in charge of the army by order. What if he finds out about it?"

"There is no turning back when you open the bow, and the matter of seizing the heirloom will not be settled until the end. If you really become the grandson in the end, son..."

Xu Wei walked back with his hands behind his back, and said disapprovingly, "Am I that stupid? Even if he found out, it would be the fault of the previous commander. He took the big head, so what does it have to do with me?"

"As for whether this event will be successful? Even if it is not successful, then find a way to rectify it. There are 6000 people in the Habayashi Guard, and there are hundreds of famous and well-known captains. He can still check one by one who is dissatisfied with him. ?”

"Don't worry, I will definitely make it impossible for him to step down and find out my obvious mistakes."

Seeing his insistence, the general had no choice but to shake his head slightly and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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