fake prince

Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Witnessing several civil servants being dragged away with his own eyes, Wei Xiang couldn't help but change his face.

In fact, Wei Xiang did not participate, but he is the son of Marquis Wu Ding with great military exploits, and he is also a commander. It is impossible to say that he does not know the tricks in it, but one is not worth fighting against the kings for the sake of acting as the Duke, and the other is Of course he was responsible for the shortfall, and it would be natural to let Dai Guogong carry it on his back.

With this change now, most of the original contempt for Duke Dai disappeared. When I looked at this young man again, I didn’t dare to look at it with the attitude of looking at a young man. I took a step forward and lowered my voice: “Grand Duke Dai, please excuse me. talk step by step."

There is a large tent behind him. Wei Xiang meant that he wanted to have a private conversation with Su Ziji.

Su Ziji was also a little curious about what the former commander was going to say to him, so he followed him into the tent.

The curtain is hung, standing inside, you can also have a panoramic view of everything outside the tent, and facing people, you can also see the situation inside the tent.

When Su Ziji came in, he heard Wei Xiang say: "Mr. Dai, I didn't know about the deficit. I must have been deceived by these dirty officials. Look, can we deal with it in secret without alarming the emperor?" ?”

"After all, it's hard to tell what happened so far. For the sake of your innocence and future, we have wiped this matter out in private. What do you think?"

"Privately dealt with, hello, hello, hello everyone, my Marquis Wu Ding will also be grateful for your kindness..."

Marquis Wu Ding?

Hearing this, Su Ziji thought to himself: "Is this Marquis Wu Ding also an insider? No, no, Marquis Wu Ding cannot be involved in this kind of corruption, but Marquis Wu Ding is Wei Xiang's uncle."

The information collected by Ye Daoist also included Wei Xiang, the former commander, but because Wei Xiang was transferred away, there would be no contact as long as the delivery was made today, so Su Ziji only briefly read the information and didn't take it too seriously.

I can remember it now, thanks to Su Ziji's good memory. I just read this kind of thing once, and I have already remembered it.

After thinking about these quickly, Su Ziji smiled: "It's not impossible to deal with this matter privately. There is a total of 3000 taels of shortfall. No matter what method you use today to fill it up, I will naturally see it." Can't see, can't hear."

Originally moving out his own uncle, he felt that Dai Guogong was looking at his uncle's face, at least he would not care about it, but unexpectedly, Wei Xiang's tone became cold: "Dai Guogong, this is none of my business. , how can I fill this gap, don't you give me, Wu Dinghou a face?"

That was threatening.

Ordinary dignitaries naturally dare not offend a grandson who has been named a Duke, but Marquis Wu Ding is not an ordinary dignitary. He is an old man who once joined the Taizu in the army. He is now in his 60s and is still in charge of the army. He is now leading troops to guard the border. He can exchange news with the emperor every month, and can write letters to the emperor directly without going through the cabinet. It can be said that this is a person who is in the heart of the emperor and rarely has military power.

And Wei Xiang, as a descendant of the Wei family's generation who stayed in the capital, although he didn't live with Wu Dinghou in the border like his cousins, he also served as the commander of the Habayashi Guard in his 30s, which shows the emperor's trust.

If it weren't for this, Wei Xiang would not be dissatisfied with being temporarily transferred to make room for the paratroopers. In his opinion, this position is only for him when he wants to move. Even if the person who walks away from him is the emperor's grandson!

Besides, although Dai Guogong is the grandson of the emperor, he is a generation behind the second king. He cannot compare with the second king in terms of seniority and connections. For the Duke of the country, but not the prince after all!

Even if he is crowned king, there is no way to compare with someone like the two kings of Qi and Shu who have been crowned king for many years.

It is impossible for him to get close to the Duke of Dai and make the two kings dissatisfied.

Su Ziji naturally felt Wei Xiang's dissatisfaction, but he still shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't show face, it's just that if I can't make up the shortfall today, after today's delivery, even if the shortfall has nothing to do with me, I can still say I don't know."

Seeing that Wei Xiang didn't speak, Su Ziji continued: "If you really want to have the best of both worlds, I have a way."

"You and I jointly wrote a letter to let the imperial court find out this shortcoming. It can not only make you innocent, but also relieve my worries. Master Wei, what do you think?"

Wei Xiang, who was silent, twitched the corners of his mouth: "Grand Duke Dai, can't you give in again?"

"I can't."

"Then I will resign as an official." Wei Xiang stopped talking to Su Ziji and left with a wave of his sleeves.

Su Ziji poohed: "It seems that I have forced out my true attitude. The so-called private handling is just coaxing me."

"If you don't want to join hands with me to find out the shortfall, you either have a shortfall yourself, or he is also involved in the frame."

Outside, as soon as Wei Xiang got out of the big tent, he yelled coldly: "Peng Lie, Yuan Sizhu, Jiang Zhongping! Come with me!"

These three are all officers of Habayashi Guard, all of them are Qianhu, and one is in command.

All three of them were close friends with Wei Xiang, but when Wei Xiang called them, they actually wanted to leave.


After walking a few steps, Su Ziji's cold voice came from behind him: "Think about it clearly, Mr. Wei can leave because he is no longer a member of Habayashi Guard, but the three of you are still Habayashi guards." Wei's school lieutenant, and the general is at the point, if the three of you want to leave, it is disobedience, I can march immediately!"

Hearing what Su Ziji said, the three people who were going to follow Wei Xiang subconsciously slowed down.

Wei Xiang was furious, turned around and said, "How dare you!"

Su Ziji said coldly, "Why am I afraid?"

The two confronted each other in the big tent, Su Ziji saw that Wei Xiang had subconsciously touched the sword, and said directly, "Come on!"

Ten government soldiers rushed in immediately, all drew out a knife, and stared at the four of them covetously.

The blade gleamed coldly in the sun, and these ten people made Wei Xiang frowned.

This is not an ordinary soldier. I heard that Dai Guogong took in the prince's old soldiers, and used the old soldiers and his descendants as soldiers. Do you think Dai Guogong is too benevolent for a woman?

After all, those people can support a large family and support so many people, even ordinary nobles would feel that it is a burden, let alone a person like Dai Guogong who has only been recognized for more than a year?

How can you support so many people with only the Duke's salary?

But looking at it now, this move by Dai Guogong is not without benefits. At least some of these government soldiers are over 40 years old. Although they are older, they have really killed people. A person who dares to act when ordered.

Su Ziji looked at the three of them coldly, and continued, "You guys can't resist, and you still want to use force, or are you planning to rebel?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the four people immediately changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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