fake prince

Chapter 697

Chapter 697

"Stop spitting blood!" Wei Xiang blushed suddenly, and forced the words out of his throat.

As for the three of them, they were stunned by Dai Guogong's hat. This is the crime of beheading and ransacking their homes.

Of course they knew that because of what happened just now, this Dai Guogong must not like them, and there was a problem with Wei Xiang and Dai Guogong's transfer of account books. It's obvious, but even so, they have to go around three times in their living environment since they were young, and they still feel unaccustomed to suddenly encountering such a "reckless" Dai Guogong.

Could it be that the Dai Guogong doesn't know about Master Wei's background?Marquis Wu Ding is the old marquis who is in charge of the army, not to mention that Mr. Wei and his cousins ​​are both military generals. This big family is someone who everyone wants to win over, right?

Even the king of Qi and the king of Shu wanted to show some face, why did he get offended so easily when he came to Duke Dai, without giving him any face at all?

Even though Mr. Wei had offended the Duke of Dai before, but he didn't even have the measure to tolerate people, how could he fight with the kings?

The three of them thought to themselves, but seeing that Wei Xiang was struggling, the three of them didn't dare to stand up at this moment.

Su Ziji's expression was calm, in stark contrast to Wei Xiang who was blushing with anger.

"Spraying people with blood? Don't dare to take it. Master Wei, if you don't want to rebel, don't do things that lead to misunderstanding. You can leave, but if you take the generals of Habayashi Guards, you are not allowed to march. , this is too overbearing."

"Could it be that, Mr. Wei, you have served as the commander of Habayashi Guards, so you really regard Habayashi Guards as your own?"

Su Ziji's last sentence, put it lightly, successfully made Wei Xiang break out in cold sweat.

Wei Xiang didn't dare to listen any further, and he didn't dare to stay here any longer, for fear that Su Ziji would say something frightening if he didn't know what to say. A seed planted in the emperor's heart?

Wei Xiang knew what the emperor was most concerned about now, and it would be a big deal for the emperor to think that the Wei family regarded the Habayashi Guards as their own army!

"You! Good, good, good!" Pointing at Su Ziji, Wei Xiang said good three times, turned and left.

Without Su Ziji's order, the government soldiers did not let him go, and Wei Xiang said without turning his head, "Why, Dai Guogong still wants to detain me?"

"That won't happen." Su Ziji said to the soldiers, "Why don't you let Master Wei go?"

Only then did the soldiers give way to both sides, and Wei Xiang went out without even looking at the three people behind him.

"Master Wei!" Peng Lie's expression changed, and he was about to follow, but was stopped by the soldiers with a knife.

The three of them, including Peng Lie, all turned their heads to look at Dai Guogong standing there coldly, and their hearts sank.

"Take it down!" Following Su Ziji's shout, the government soldiers rushed forward and took down the three of them. Without Wei Xiang, the three of them dared not resist.

"You are the officers of the Habayashi Guard, but you ignore military discipline and ignore the officers. Drag them down and beat them with thirty army sticks each! Hit me hard!"

"Yes!" The government soldiers roared, and they all responded.

The three of them were dragged out, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, their trousers were taken off, they were pressed on the bench, and they were beaten heavily with thirty army sticks.

Although the three of them have been soldiers for several years, they are pampered at home, and they are free and loose in the Habayashi Guard barracks. No one dares to control them. When did they suffer such hardships?

During the first and second blows, the three of them still gritted their teeth hard, wanting to hold back their screams, so as to pretend to be heroes, but waiting for the sticks to fall from behind and hit the red and swollen wounds, it was simply painful. The heart is so unbearable.

One screamed out, and the two couldn't bear it anymore.

Hearing the sound of the stick hitting the body, accompanied by the screams, everyone who heard and saw it fell silent. When they looked at Duke Dai, they were more or less serious.

Su Ziji waited quietly, and these people also waited quietly. After a while, they finally finished beating the thirty army sticks. The three people who were beaten passed out without exception.

"Take it down and let the military doctor look at it." After Liwei had finished standing up, Su Ziji gave another order.

During the beating, he was beating according to the military regulations, and after the beating he was ordered to be seen by the military doctor.

In fact, this crime can be big or small. If you really want to go online, you can kill people, but if Su Ziji really kills because of this, he may completely offend Xungui. The second king should not laugh to death.

The three people whose buttocks were smashed were carried down. Su Ziji saw that the people in front of him were silent, and he didn't dare to make a sound. He was quite satisfied, and continued: "Peng Lie, Yuan Sizhu, Jiang Zhongping, As a member of a thousand households and commanders, but disobeying military discipline and discrediting the Habayashi Guards, from today onwards, you will be demoted!"

"Promote three people to fill the positions, Wan Qiao, Lou Yuanbai, Bi Xin, come out!"

"Wan Qiao and Lou Yuan paid for thousands of households in vain, and Bi Xin made up for commanding affairs."

Not only the three people whose names were called were stunned, but also the others who heard Su Ziji's words were also stunned.

People in the distance couldn't hear what the new commander was saying, that's okay, but those who heard the content nearby couldn't believe it.

This is the commander's job, fifth-rank officer, there are only two commanders in the entire Habayashi Guard, five thousand households, and it's only the first day, this new commander got three down, is this going to heaven?

Is this really good?Really won't be said by the emperor?

And then, something even more shocking happened.

This new command history actually promoted three more people on the spot. These three people were originally seventh-rank military officers, and they jumped two ranks directly to the sixth rank.

You know, in the Habayashi Guard, the fifth rank is a watershed, let alone the fifth rank, it is extremely difficult to climb up to the fifth rank. Generally, there is no strong background and powerful support. To the sixth rank, want to rise to the fifth rank to direct the affairs?It's as difficult as climbing the sky!

In the entire Habayashi Guard, with 6000 people, there are only two commanders. It is conceivable how popular this position is!

"This is really shit luck!" Someone thought secretly.

But there were also people who thought about it: "Is this a coincidence? Three people who were close to the former commander, Qianhu and Commander, were dismissed, and the three promoted are all neutral?"

In the team of 6000 people, there are also various factions, such as a senior commander from the seniority faction, who usually doesn't care much about anyone, just waiting for promotion, even if he leaves Habayashi Guard, The future can only be better, not worse.

And the only remaining commander is Xu Wei of Duke Xing’s mansion. This man is also a fox. He is black when cut open. Among the generals, no one dared to tear their face apart.

(End of this chapter)

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